ctags and jedit
Submitted by Monday, 26 January, 2009 - 13:40
Is there a way to use ctags and jedit across different computers? In other words, I want to open a file from a remote machine on my machine via SFTP, and jump to tags in other files on that remote machine. Maybe I can somehow load a tags file created on that remote machine to my machine? I have a few of the ctags plugins, including the CtagsInterface one. So far none have really explained if this is even possible, let alone how to do it. Thanks.
Is there a way to use ctags and jedit across different computers? In other words, I want to open a file from a remote machine on my machine via SFTP, and jump to tags in other files on that remote machine. Maybe I can somehow load a tags file created on that remote machine to my machine? I have a few of the ctags plugins, including the CtagsInterface one. So far none have really explained if this is even possible, let alone how to do it. Thanks.