Plugin Central updates (6)
Submitted by Tuesday, 21 January, 2003 - 16:08
- AntelopePlugin 2.25: bug fixes; feature enhancements; requires jEdit 4.0pre1, Console 3.3, ErrorList 1.2, CommonControls 0.7, and JDK 1.4
- EBrowse 0.5.3: initial Plugin Central release; requires jEdit 4.1pre1, Console 3.3, and JDK 1.3
- IRC 1.9.1: changed default server to; requires jEdit 4.0final and JDK 1.3
- ProjectViewer 1.0.6: jEdit4.1 look & feel enhancements; bug fixes; small feature enhancments; requires jEdit 4.1pre1 and JDK 1.3
- XML 0.10: includes Xerces 2.2.1; element completion supports namespaces and schemas (schema support is still somewhat experimental and incomplete); completion popups now include entries for inserting comments and
- XSLT 0.4.1: stylesheet settings can now be saved and loaded (the settings are saved to file in an Ant build format which can be run with Ant independently of the XSLT plugin); stylesheet parameters now definable at the GUI; improved DTD handling, now uses same entity resolution mechanism as the XML plugin; fixed bug running XPath on remote files; enforce user definition of source, stylesheet and result settings; fixed bug running XPath on files containing CDATA; fixed bug that happened when running transformation with no stylesheet parameters defined; requires jEdit 4.1pre5, XML 0.10, and JDK 1.3; includes Xalan 2.4.1
Some of you may have expected FTP 0.5 to be in this batch, but it was delayed due to dependency problems with the SSHTools library used by the new SFTP functionality (it depends on the non-redistributable JAXB extension from Sun). Expect FTP 0.5 to be released once this can be resolved.