Context Free Art (*.cfdg) (cfdg.xml v0.31 by monkstone)
Submitted by Tuesday, 28 July, 2009 - 10:45
Syntax Highlight Mode for editing a *.cfdg file (Context Free Art), last revision/update 10 July 2012, including support for Version 3.0 syntax. The names of rule/path/shape are now highlighted as FUNCTION. Curly '{' and '(' brackets are now treated similarly, apart from the possible indent on '}', like C C++ java etc. Other aspects of new syntax in need of refining, but I hope develop that in time. Includes new CF namespace highlighting eg CF::Background and CF::Continuous CF::Impure, most recently added Symmetry directives.
You may also be interested in the commando file that I've added in that section allows you to run cfdg from jedit (mainly of interest to linux users, now updated to support quicktime movie output)
Updated on 07/10/2012 - 06:07
Downloads: 46063