Autohide docked views and better "intellisense"
Submitted by Monday, 21 September, 2009 - 21:24
I was wondering if it would be possible to automatically hide docked views when they no longer have focus. I remember there used to be a plugin for that functionality quite a while ago, but it's no longer compatible with the latest version of jEdit. I also think better "intellisense" and code completion would be a major plus. A lot of times I have to keep switching between jEdit and the Java API docs because I can't remember exactly how a certain method is spelled. It would be much easier if I could see a list of methods pop up as soon as I type '.'
I was wondering if it would be possible to automatically hide docked views when they no longer have focus. I remember there used to be a plugin for that functionality quite a while ago, but it's no longer compatible with the latest version of jEdit. I also think better "intellisense" and code completion would be a major plus. A lot of times I have to keep switching between jEdit and the Java API docs because I can't remember exactly how a certain method is spelled. It would be much easier if I could see a list of methods pop up as soon as I type '.'