Plugin Central updates (11)
Submitted by Thursday, 12 June, 2003 - 18:53
- AntHelper 0.8.3: initial Plugin Central release; requires jEdit 4.0pre4, JCompiler 1.5.0, EBrowse 0.5.3, JBrowse 1.4.4, AntFarm 1.2, and JDK 1.3
- Console 3.6: Console now prints a shell-provided "prompt" upon completion of a command; each shell's scrollback is now maintained separately, and is restored when switching shells; you can now switch shells from the keyboard by entering the shell's name prefixd with :, eg :System; Bug fixes; Updated for jEdit 4.2 deferred loading API; requires jEdit 4.2pre2, ErrorList 1.3, and JDK 1.3
- CTPlugin 1.0: initial Plugin Central release; requires jEdit 4.1final and JDK 1.3
- DotComplete 0.6.3: initial Plugin Central release; requires jEdit 4.0pre4, AntHelper 0.8.3, and JDK 1.3
- ErrorList 1.3: added optional "error overview" to the right of the text area (on by default); added buttons to the error list window; bug fixes; performance improvements; updated for jEdit 4.2 deferred loading API; requires jEdit 4.2pre2 and JDK 1.3
- FTP 0.6: updated to SSHTools 0.1.7 beta; permissions are now preserved on SFTP servers; incomplete support for VMS FTP servers; support for AS/400 FTP servers (Nagy Gabor); moved Log4J to JakartaCommons plugin; updated for jEdit 4.2 deferred loading API; requires jEdit 4.2pre2, JakartaCommons 0.3, and JDK 1.3
- JakartaCommons 0.3: added Log4J 1.2.6; requires jEdit 4.0final and JDK 1.3
- JExplorer 0.2.1: besides libraries, "`type`-import-on-demand" imports resolution now includes project sources (this bug caused incorrect graph drawing due to unresolved superclasses); minor updates to documentation; requires jEdit 4.1final, ErrorList 1.2.3, ProjectViewer 2.0.0, and JDK 1.3
- JinniConsole 1.0: initial Plugin Central release; requires jEdit 4.0final, Console 3.3, ErrorList 1.2.3, and JDK 1.4; requires Jinni 8.54 from
- Sessions 1.1.0: fixed bug (#738931): renaming a session does not change the name in the XML file; updated jEdit dependancy to version 4.2pre1, since Sessions requires a recompile due to changes in jEdit's EBMessage class; fixed bug (#536400): selecting "Cancel" when asked to save unsaved files during session switch causes session name on toolbar to change, although the session does not actually change; requires jEdit 4.2pre1 and JDK 1.3
- SourceControl 0.52: allow checkout comment to be specified; requires jEdit 4.0final, JDiff 1.3, and JDK 1.3
- Sessions 1.1.0: fixed bug (#738931): renaming a session does not change the name in the XML file; updated jEdit dependancy to version 4.2pre1, since Sessions requires a recompile due to changes in jEdit's EBMessage class; fixed bug (#536400): selecting "Cancel" when asked to save unsaved files during session switch causes session name on toolbar to change, although the session does not actually change; requires jEdit 4.2pre1 and JDK 1.3