Marker Drift
Submitted by Thursday, 6 January, 2011 - 13:58
in the new (4.3.2) version of Jedit the markers no longer stick to their line "anchor". When you place a marker and save the file, the position is saved into the .marks file. If you press ENTER above the marked line it scrolls down, after a save the bookmark positions are updated in the .marks file.
But after restarting jedit the .marks file is no longer maintained, and the markers slowly drift away. Is this a known issue?
in the new (4.3.2) version of Jedit the markers no longer stick to their line "anchor". When you place a marker and save the file, the position is saved into the .marks file. If you press ENTER above the marked line it scrolls down, after a save the bookmark positions are updated in the .marks file.
But after restarting jedit the .marks file is no longer maintained, and the markers slowly drift away. Is this a known issue?