Macro for searching an identifier within the current SideKick asset (updated) (Search Asset Exact.bsh v0.2 by Shlomy Reinstein)
Submitted by Monday, 11 April, 2011 - 12:39
This macro searches for a selected string (or the identifier under the caret) within the scope of the current SideKick asset. This macro can be useful for locating all occurrences of a variable inside a function - if the function is a SideKick asset. When using CtagsSideKick with C/C++/Java code, for example, putting the caret on a local variable (in a function) and invoking this macro will search the variable (whole word) inside the current function.
This is a small update from the previous macro that I submitted, which also takes care of selecting the result that belongs to the current caret line in the hypersearch results.
Updated on 04/11/2011 - 14:15
Downloads: 1175