Default jEdit keyboard shortcuts conflict with OS X?
Submitted by Wednesday, 18 April, 2012 - 16:28
Sorry, this feels like a stupid question, but can't find an obvious answer anywhere.
I've recently moved from Windows to Mac and brought jEdit with me, and been confused about why the 'go to recent buffer' key wasn't working (command-`). Eventually discovered it was because OS X already uses that binding for 'show-next-application-window'.
Is there any standard set of OS X keybindings for jEdit that avoid these kinds of conflicts, or do I need to roll my own? Seems like something lots of OS X users would run into?
I've recently moved from Windows to Mac and brought jEdit with me, and been confused about why the 'go to recent buffer' key wasn't working (command-`). Eventually discovered it was because OS X already uses that binding for 'show-next-application-window'.
Is there any standard set of OS X keybindings for jEdit that avoid these kinds of conflicts, or do I need to roll my own? Seems like something lots of OS X users would run into?