Issue running jEdit on Mac OS X 10.5.8 (Using OpenJDK7 bsd-port compiled against platform)
Submitted by Sunday, 22 April, 2012 - 09:11
I love jEdit and use it all the time on my standard Linux desktop however I've recently purchased a PowerMac G4 and have managed to compile OpenJDK7 against the platform. Great... now I can upgrade to the latest version of jEdit!! I downloaded the source and compiled against my platform but due to complications I have to explicitly set Djava.awt.false=false as an option when running jEdit.
Everything loads correctly and I can browse through the menu items, install plugins etc however the one thing which doesn't work is keyboard input into buffers. When I try to type into a buffer no text appears and instead the output is directed to the console.
Could somebody please help me understand what is happening and perhaps suggest any way of avoiding this issue? I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty in the code if it comes to that but I'd appreciate a starting point!
Kind Regards,
I love jEdit and use it all the time on my standard Linux desktop however I've recently purchased a PowerMac G4 and have managed to compile OpenJDK7 against the platform. Great... now I can upgrade to the latest version of jEdit!! I downloaded the source and compiled against my platform but due to complications I have to explicitly set Djava.awt.false=false as an option when running jEdit.
Everything loads correctly and I can browse through the menu items, install plugins etc however the one thing which doesn't work is keyboard input into buffers. When I try to type into a buffer no text appears and instead the output is directed to the console.
Could somebody please help me understand what is happening and perhaps suggest any way of avoiding this issue? I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty in the code if it comes to that but I'd appreciate a starting point!
Kind Regards,