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PHP function tree
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 25 December, 2003 - 19:15
Today I spend some time finding a new PHP editor, because the ones I currently use (Quanta and TSwebeditor) are far from perfect. From all the ones I tried Jedit came out best. It has almost all I need and it's great that I can use it on both operating systems I use (Linux and W2K).

There's only one thing I miss in Jedit, and on the net I found more people complaining about Jedit lacking this option. The thing I miss is a PHP function tree. If I have a long PHP file with lots of functions, it's very usefull to have a list of all those funtions somewhere on your screen, so you can switch to a particular function by clicking on it. This saves a lot of scrolling. Here is a screenshot of a TSwebeditor with a function list:

If this becomes available in Jedit it will certainly become one of the best PHP editors around. (Well, ok... it already is one of the best PHP editors of course...).
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You can try PHPParser plugin
by kpouer on Thu, 10/03/2005 - 11:03
You can try PHPParser plugin and open the Sidekick structure view
Hi, folks! You may find us
by pachanga on Wed, 13/10/2004 - 06:03
Hi, folks!

You may find useful my ctags.cnf file i use for php editing:

--regex-php=/^[ \t]*const[ \t]*([a-zA-Z]+[^=]*=.*);/\1/Class constants/i
--regex-php=/^[ \t]*((var|protected|private|public|static).*);/\1/All Class properties/i
--regex-php=/^([_a-zA-Z \t]*)function (.*)/\2/All Functions/i
--regex-php=/^([_a-zA-Z \t]*)protected.+function (.*)/\2/Protected Methods/i
--regex-php=/^([_a-zA-Z \t]*)private.+function (.*)/\2/Private Methods/i
--regex-php=/^([_a-zA-Z \t]*)public.+function (.*)/\2/Public Methods/i
PHP Function Tree
by icspl on Mon, 05/07/2004 - 21:13
I do a lot of work with cicode, a C look alike supplied with Citect, a SCADA package.

and a function tree for this would be really useful.

The functionality does apparently exit in ctags, but ctags is an application outside of the ease of use of jedit. Each language has differing tree requirements.

What about specifying in the mode file a structure of tree tags, and produce the list on request for each buffer. Perhaps this could be included in existing general plaugins such as sidekick, code browser.
Found it...
by Anonymous on Thu, 25/12/2003 - 19:49
Well, what I asked for is already there... I installed the 'code browser' plugin and the ctags program (, and after some configuration I now have a nice code browser! It's a pity the code browser only shows the function names, and not the arguments. But I think that can be changed in the ctags program.
So I use Ctags, but how?
by splitfeed on Thu, 18/03/2004 - 15:42
I realize I might not get any reply from the poster himself, but if someone could enlighten me on how to setup ctags to do this I would be very grateful. My futile attempts so far hasn't brought anything into the codebrowser plugin.
Working with ctags and CodeBrowser
by takahe on Thu, 18/03/2004 - 16:37
I hadn't tried this before, but yesterday I got ctags working with Jump, so I thought I'd see if I could work this out for CodeBrowser.

Anyway, I'm using 4.2pre9 on windows xp pro, and what I did was this:

Download ctags from

I extracted the contents of the zip file into my jedit installation directory, so my file system contains:

C:\Program Files\jEdit 4.2pre9\ctags553

I installed CodeBrowser 1.3.1
and in the plugin options for CodeBrowser entered the following:
ctags path: Program Files\jEdit 4.2pre9\ctags553\ctags.exe
#Parse caches: 10 (the default)

I then opened up a .java source file (I presume this would work for any supported file type)

I opened up CodeBrowser from Plugins menu, made sure the 'auto' checkbox was ticked and hey presto! CodeBrowser is populated with details of my class. If auto isn't ticked, I think it populates when you save the class. It didn't load up first time, but I think a combo of checking/unchecking the 'auto' box, and saving my source file kick-started it into action.

So I guess your prob might be in the ctags path config, or just being unlucky as basically I have done nothing else to make it work.

ctags on windows
by anand_gupta on Thu, 07/10/2004 - 04:32
I had my jEdit installed on D: drive and untaring exuberant ctags under d:\Program Files\jEdit did not work for me. But when I added the the directory path containing ctags.exe to the PATH environment variable for the user, it worked fine. I also specified only relative path in the plugin options for CodeBrowser (just ctags.exe).

How about folding?
by Anonymous on Sun, 20/02/2005 - 07:17
First of all, thanks for those instructions - they worked great in terms of enabling my STRUCTURE BROWSER.

But FOLDS don't seem to work for php. Obviously I can use "indent" mode for folding, but I'm dealing with some poorly formatted code and would real and proper folding. When I select the "sidekick" method, it doesn't seem to create any folds for me even though the structure browser has detected a whole bunch of functions.

Am I missing something? Thanks.
"The ConfigurableFoldHandler
by Anonymous on Sun, 20/03/2005 - 10:42
"The ConfigurableFoldHandler plugin adds a new fold handler to jEdit that allows the user to specify the strings that define the start and end of a fold."

I've specified myself {}, () and /**/ as foldable pairs - sometimes I've got very long conditionals over multiple lines, and it's very nice to be able to fold them - and folding long comments is a joy too.
I agree this is a very good p
by delete me please on Tue, 18/10/2005 - 14:49
I agree this is a very good plugin.

More power is added when you use the regular expressions feature to specify fold start and fold end strings/characters.
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