jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
two quick spaces inserts a period. What did I accidentally turn on?
Submitted by MarkTJohnson on Friday, 19 February, 2021 - 18:12
This only started recently like the last couple of weeks and I've used jEdit for years.
Can I have ONE split-screen tab re-open as a separate Jedit window to avoid re-sizing all my split-screen tabs
Submitted by DocDJ on Monday, 15 February, 2021 - 13:23
I frequently have multiple files open in split-screen mode and need to be able to see one (or more) of them in a system window that can be resized separately from the other tabs. I do NOT want to be editing the 2 buffers at the same time. I just need to be able to work on that "new" window as a separate (larger) window, while being able to copy/paste between IT and the OTHER tabbed windows. Something like this: a toggle to hide or lock the tab in the current SYSTEM window and re-open the file or its buffer in a separate Jedit window and later toggle the separate window closed and restore it in my split window. Also, it would be nice to be able to have multiple such "re-opened" tabs.

Is there a way to do any of that?
Applying gofmt when saving .go files
Submitted by tig12 on Tuesday, 6 August, 2019 - 13:48

Is there a way to apply gofmt -x on the current buffer each time it is saved, only for buffers that end with .go extension ?
Thank you, Thierry
Can not set Metal Colours anymore
Submitted by rovf on Tuesday, 22 January, 2019 - 09:58
I have the "Metal" plugin enabled, and no other plugin active, which might influence the user interface.

In the global settings, I have set "Swing look&feel" to "Metal".

Still, my settings in the Metal plugin (for example, Scrollbar color) don't have any effect.

This is jEdit 5.4.0 running on Windows 7.
Highlight Plugin: What does the "Highlight overview" setting do?
Submitted by rovf on Friday, 18 May, 2018 - 10:27
The option settings for the "Highlight Plugin" named "Highlight Overview". What exactly is controlled with these settings?
Write current date/time to a file as it is saved
Submitted by jhaefner on Sunday, 23 April, 2017 - 01:00
I am writing html and would like to write "Updated: ...the date of last modification.." on to the html file in a particular place. So, after testing that the file has been modified, I would like to write the current day and time to the file immediately after I tell Jedit to save the file, but before it is actually saved. Possibly, the solution would be to point my usual "save file" shortcut to a macro that writes the date/time info where I want it and then does the jedit save file command. Has anyone done this? If not, can any one point me in a direction to get me started? I have done simple ".bsh" macros, but nothing more complex. I am aware of Robert Schwenn's 2008 "insert_simple_date.bsh".

Thanks in advance. Jim
jEdit Server on OSX
Submitted by RobertX on Friday, 21 April, 2017 - 00:26
When I run jEdit on Windows, I create a shortcut and put it in the Startup folder that runs the jEdit server in the background. I have zero idea on how to do this on MacOS. Any help?
jEdit Server under OSX
Submitted by RobertX on Friday, 31 March, 2017 - 15:00
At work, on Windows, I create a startup shortcut that starts the jEdit server in the background and keeps it running. Is there a similar process to get that to work on OS X?
Lucene Wildcard Searches
Submitted by weberjn on Tuesday, 21 March, 2017 - 12:16

for me the killer feature of jEdit is LucenePlugin. Lucene searches some 15 years of project notes for me, each year a simple 1MB .txt file.
You could well advertise more for LucenePlugin...

Anyway, looks like you cannot search wildcards or regular expressions (Standard Analyzer).

Of the Term Modifiers from the Lucene docs, only some terms work for me, Wildcard, Regular Expressions and Fuzzy Searches do not get accepted, the plugin simply does nothing.
Actually, I use mostly Proximity Searches, which still help a lot.

What did I do wrong?

And could you list some working search expression examples in the Plugin Help, please?
Submitted by CJreige on Saturday, 11 March, 2017 - 14:45
Has anybody had any luck installing the TextAutocomplete plug-in lately? I cannot get the Plug-in Manager to download it (it gives a download error). When I download it manually and try to install it, it doesn't really work within jEdit. I just wanted to see if anybody has had any luck with this plug-in.

Thank you,
Right to left supprt
Submitted by wkevils on Saturday, 21 January, 2017 - 10:26
Does jEdit support Right to left typing ? I could not find any support for it, and no plugin for this.

Elixir edit mode
Submitted by Llelan D. on Saturday, 24 December, 2016 - 07:03
Is there an Elixir edit mode? I see there is an Erlang mode, which is similar but not this same and is very primitive.
Default encoding for a mode
Submitted by Llelan D. on Saturday, 24 December, 2016 - 07:01
How do I set the default encoding for an edit mode?

For example: I want to create a new document in the current edit mode (CS-n) Erlang. The encoding for Erlang documents should automatically be UTF-8. This should be separate from any global default encoding.

However, I can find no way to set a default encoding for an edit mode separate from the global default encoding. This is so fundamentally obvious that I'm still looking for something I've missed.
FTP plugin opened files
Submitted by mca on Saturday, 19 November, 2016 - 19:07
I've been using this plug-in for remotely editing files and it works fine. The only trouble I have is that after I closed jEdit, I have to reopen each file I was working with.
Does anyone know a way to remember the opened files remotely as it happens with local files? Tks.
Is it possible to remove/hide scroll bars?
Submitted by maurelioc on Friday, 5 August, 2016 - 01:01
Hi folks,
I want to know if it is possible to remove or hide the scroll bars as it is possible with gutter bars.
I could not find any command for this.
on font aliasing (again) under Linux
Submitted by xenthar on Sunday, 29 May, 2016 - 09:54
There is *not* a lot of activity here.

When I search for font aliasing support under Linux, I find very diverse topics and messages everywhere and most of them are really old.

I will just say now that on my Ubuntu (Kubuntu) 16.04 system, in KDE, the actual configuration dialog looks good. But the actual text, as well as the interface.... even when using identical files (fonts) as other (KDE) programs, looks readily different and very ugly.

In general such things happen more in Linux (KDE) particularly when using some old GTK app (I think). Moreoever, some Linux distributions appear to have no good fonts at all; it seems and is sometimes said that only Ubuntu has good font support; my latest adventure into OpenSUSE was abysmal in that regard and full of problems.

For me a very complicated topic and I cannot see the forest for the trees.

Fonts that look AMAZING in e.g. "Kate" look abysmal in jEdit, and have very different font width, font spacing, etc.

I will post a screenshot later when I get down to it.

The difference is just outstanding and the minute anti-aliasing that I can detect in jEdit screenshots just doesn't cut it.

It is so bad that I even refuse to use jEdit even though it has been my favourite java editor since like forever. I now edit in console-mode Vim and only use jEdit for copy & paste operations, in general.

It is just horrid. This has been going on for such a long time in Linux, and when I see the instructions for jEdit of the past, I get sick in the stomach to begin with.

So I wonder if anyone can tell me in advance, before going through all that, if any of those instructions are still current?

I have attempted "" but none of it did anything.

Meaning, this line:

exec java -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true -jar /usr/share/jedit/jedit.jar org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit -reuseview "$@"

doesn't change anything.

So I don't know what to do. I haven't tested anything else like NetBeans.
Validating XHTML5: how do I add the custom datatypes from the Nu Html Checker (v.Nu)?
Submitted by Graham Hannington on Monday, 22 February, 2016 - 05:10
I would like to use the jEdit XML plugin to validate XHTML5 using the RELAX NG schema from the Nu Html Checker (v.Nu):

I have downloaded the RELAX NG schema files from the v.Nu GitHub repo, and set the schema (Plugins > XML > Set Schema) for a sample XHTML5 document to refer to the XHTML5 RELAX NG schema.

As I expected, jEdit reports the following error:

> datatype library "" not recognized

due to the following line in the schema files:

datatypes w = ""

I know that I need to make available to jEdit - in its class path - a .jar that contains the datatype library, as described in:

but so far, I've been unsuccessful. I'm a newbie Java developer, so I am very likely missing something obvious, but I thought this would be relatively straightforward, because both jEdit and v.Nu use Jing, so I thought it would simply be a matter of copying the relevant files from v.Nu to jEdit.

I've taken the latest-release vnu.jar and stripped everything out of it except:


that contains the lines:




but I don't know how to add that .jar to the jEdit class path (I'm using jEdit 5.2.0 with XML plugin 2.8.7 - I know, not quite the latest - on Windows 7). I don't know how to tell jedit.exe to add the location of this .jar to its class path. Whatever I try - adding a classpath option to the jEdit.l4j.ini file, or defining a CLASSPATH environment variable - the jEdit activity.log reports:

Log: java.class.path=C:\Program Files\jEdit\jedit.jar

I even tried copying the contents of my "cut down" vnu.jar into jedit.jar, to no effect.

I'm stumped. How do I add the custom datatypes from v.Nu to jEdit?
Two problems with non-alphanumerics
Submitted by jhaefner on Friday, 25 September, 2015 - 22:08
I'm using ver 5.1 on Ubuntu 14.10 using MATE ver 1.8.2 on a Dell Latitude 3450 laptop. I've noticed two problems that were not in Jedit 4.* but may be due to my setup.

1. A short-cut defined for CTRL+. (ie, control plus period) does not work. Other shortcuts with alphanumeric works. (Just noticed that "ALT+." works, so it must be me...???
2. An abbreviation with containing a non-alphanumeric does not work. The match algorithm stops at the non-alphanumeric. So, an abbreviation like "\bf" (w/o the quotes) does not work, but "bf" does get expanded.

If this is an issue with Jedit, I'd like to know how/if the above can be fixed. Obviously a work around is possible. If it is a problem with my laptop, any help from a guru would be appreciated.

Vertical indent lines
Submitted by Bannakaffalatta on Saturday, 22 August, 2015 - 14:43
Hi. How do I get rid of the vertical lines a that appear to mark a block of indented code? Thanks.

Console hangs, OS X 10.10.4
Submitted by SpiceWare on Monday, 10 August, 2015 - 14:22
Haven't used jEdit in a couple months. This weekend I went to work on a project and whenever I'd try to use the console plugin, jEdit would hang.

I suspect it's due to something that changed with OS X 10.10.4. Any ideas?
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Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   83284
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46057
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18596
JBuilder scheme   .001   18497
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18026
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17475
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16207
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16070
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15231
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14295