jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
jEdit 5.7.0 is out!
Submitted by Vampire on Saturday, 3 August, 2024 - 22:26
Hello everyone,

I proudly present jEdit 5.7.0, the first stable release of the 5.7 series of jEdit.

Detailed changes can as always be found in the Change Log at, but here are some of the major features of this version:

  • Many bugfixes,
    among other things problems with plugin installation
    and startup problems on recent macOS machines
  • Windows launcher now considers PATH environment variable
  • Some new and some updated edit modes (QDoc, Java, Dockerfile)

Volunteers are always welcome to contribute to the future of jEdit:

That being said, here is the download link:

Have fun with the new release.
jEdit 5.6.0 is out!
Submitted by Vampire on Thursday, 3 September, 2020 - 23:45
Hello everyone,

I proudly present jEdit 5.6.0, the first stable release of the 5.6 series of jEdit.

Detailed changes can as always be found in the Change Log at, but here are some of the major features of this version:

  • Many bugfixes
  • A major performance improvement when displaying big files
    (do not ask why, but I needed to edit a 38 MiB one-line text file yesterday,
    with jEdit 5.5.0 it was not at all workable, with 5.6.0 it worked quite fine)
  • UI language changes are now applied without the need to restart
  • Windows launcher now considers JAVA_HOME environment variable
  • The tray icon does not look ugly anymore on Linux with a dark theme
  • Primary and Secondary fonts can now be selected for all Look and Feels
  • Some new and some updated edit modes (SIPp, WKT, RPM Spec, Java, PlantUML, HL7, drawj2d)

Volunteers are always welcome to contribute to the future of jEdit:

That being said, here is the download link:

Have fun with the new release.
jEdit 5.4.0 is out!
Submitted by Vampire on Saturday, 18 March, 2017 - 20:18
Hello everyone,

I proudly present jEdit 5.4.0, the first stable release of the 5.4 series of jEdit.

This is mostly a bugfixing and stabilizing release. Detailed changes can as always be found in the Change Log at, but here are some of the major changes of this version:
  • Use of Java 1.8
  • Use of a new XML format for Plugin Manager, and proper following of redirects, resulting in a much improved plugin install experience
  • New Printing, updated for current versions of Java

Volunteers are always welcome to contribute to the future of jEdit:

That being said, here is the download link:

Have fun with the new release.
jEdit 5.2.0 is out!
Submitted by Vampire on Thursday, 16 April, 2015 - 02:12
Hello everyone,

I proudly present jEdit 5.2.0, the first stable release of the 5.2 series of jEdit.

Detailed changes can as always be found in the Change Log at

Volunteers are always welcome to contribute to the future of jEdit:

That being said, here is the download link:

FYI, merge requests for the 5.2 series (fix done, but waiting for a review) can be found at:

Have fun with the new release.
jEdit 5.2pre1 is out!
Submitted by Vampire on Tuesday, 27 May, 2014 - 17:08
Hello everyone,

I proudly present jEdit 5.2pre1, the first preview development release of the 5.2 series of jEdit.

Detailed changes can as always be found in the Change Log at, but here are some of the major features of this version:

This is a time-based release, scheduled to come out about 1 year after jEdit 5.1, and is a collection of enhancements, bug fixes and patches submitted by the community. Detailed changes can be found in the Detailed Change Log.
There are no major new features in this release. You can think of it mostly as a bugfix release, although there are quite a lot of UI enhancements also.
With continued support from the community, we will keep releasing a newer version each year that can accurately bring together the fruits of everyone's labor. Thank you to each and every one of the contributors who helped make 5.2 the best version of jEdit ever.

Volunteers are always welcome to contribute to the future of jEdit:

That being said, here is the download link:

FYI, merge requests for the 5.2 series (fix done, but waiting for a review) can be found at:

Have fun with the new release.
jEdit 5.1.0 is out!
Submitted by Vampire on Monday, 29 July, 2013 - 22:25
Hello everyone,

I proudly present jEdit 5.1.0, the first stable release of the 5.1 series of jEdit.

Detailed changes can as always be found in the Change Log at, but here are some of the major features of this version:
  • VFS WorkThreads have been rewritten into Tasks, making it possible to completely remove the old "I/O Progress Monitor" and the wasteful space it took up in the Task Monitor. Old deprecated classes related to WorkThread and WorkThreadPool have been removed.
  • New Plugin Manager option to check for and disable obsolete plugins. Enabled by default, this will ensure that old unsupported plugins do not interfere with the running operation of jEdit.
  • Added another language to our list of translated languages: English, French, German, Japanese, Czech, Russian, and now Chinese! We are always looking for volunteers to help translate jEdit into Hindi, Korean, or Spanish, or any other language, really! It is fairly easy to add a new translation to jEdit or the plugins.
  • There is now a new encoding Native2ASCII which collapses unicode escapes in ISO-8859-1 files on read and expands characters that cannot be encoded with ASCII as unicode escapes on write. This encoding is the one Java properties should be in.

Volunteers are always welcome to contribute to the future of jEdit:

That being said, here is the download link:

FYI, merge requests for the 5.1 series (fix done, but waiting for a review) can be found at:

Have fun with the new release.
jEdit 5.1pre1 is out!
Submitted by Vampire on Friday, 24 May, 2013 - 00:42
Hello everyone,

I proudly present jEdit 5.1pre1, the first preview development release of the 5.1 series of jEdit.

Detailed changes can as always be found in the Change Log at, but here are some of the major features of this version:
  • WorkThreads have been rewritten into Tasks, making it possible to completely remove the old "I/O Progress Monitor" and the wasteful space it took up in the Task Monitor. Old deprecated classes related to WorkThread and WorkThreadPool have been removed.
  • New Plugin Manager option to check for and disable obsolete plugins. Enabled by default, this will ensure that old unsupported plugins do not interfere with the running operation of jEdit.

Volunteers are always welcome to contribute to the future of jEdit:

That being said, here is the download link:

FYI, merge requests for the 5.1 series (fix done, but waiting for a review) can be found at:

Have fun with the new release.
jEdit 5.0.0 is out!
Submitted by Vampire on Thursday, 22 November, 2012 - 23:13
Hello everyone,

I proudly present jEdit 5.0.0, the first stable release of the 5.0 series of jEdit.

Detailed changes can as always be found in the Change Log at, but here are some of the major features of this version:
  • Localization - jEdit now supports switching between default locale, French, German, Russian, Czech, and Japanese. Some translations for those locales are provided, containing common jEdit labels. It is also now possible to add new or contribute to existing translation property files for jEdit core as well as for plugins.
  • Keymaps - named collections of shortcuts. Example keymaps for Emacs, MacOS, German Keyboard, Intellij and classic jEdit are provided, and users can create or customize them.
  • New Editing options: Disable or simplified automatic indentation, and default response when opening a large file.
  • Updated html/css edit modes with HTML5/CSS3 keywords. Added a dozen new edit modes, updated a dozen more.
  • Scrolling - Many bugs (#2832769, #2998294, #3193168, possibly others), related to soft wrap, multiline delete/cut, undo, and folding, that could cause the text area to be confused about its location, are fixed. This greatly improves the stability of jEdit. Thank you, Thomas Meyer!

Volunteers are always welcome to contribute to the future of jEdit:

That being said, here is the download link:

FYI, merge requests for the 5.0 series (fix done, but waiting for a review) can be found at:

Have fun with the new release.
jEdit 4.5.2 is out!
Submitted by Vampire on Friday, 15 June, 2012 - 22:43
Hi all,

I proudly present jEdit 4.5.2, the latest stable release of the 4.5 series of jEdit.

Detailed changes can as always be found in the Change Log at
This release is a bugfix release.

Volunteers are always welcome to contribute to the future of jEdit:

That being said, here is the download link:

FYI, merge requests for the 4.5 series (fix done, but waiting for a review) can be found at:

Have fun with the new release.
jEdit 5.0pre1 is out!
Submitted by Vampire on Sunday, 10 June, 2012 - 19:25
Hi all,

jEdit development team now presents jEdit 5.0pre1, the first preview
development release of the 5.0.x series of jEdit.

Detailed changes can as always be found in the Change Log at

Here are some convenient links to see the live state of major problems:

- Bugs which are marked as "severe":

- Bugs which are marked as "regressive":

Volunteers are always welcome to fix bugs including the above:

That being said, here is the download link:

FYI, merge requests for the 5.0.x series (fix done, but waiting for a review):

Have fun with the new release.
jEdit 4.5.1 is out!
Submitted by Vampire on Tuesday, 27 March, 2012 - 15:51
Hi all,

I proudly present jEdit 4.5.1, the latest stable release of the 4.5 series of jEdit.

Detailed changes can as always be found in the Change Log at
This release is a bugfix release.

Volunteers are always welcome to contribute to the future of jEdit:

That being said, here is the download link:

FYI, merge requests for the 4.5 series (fix done, but waiting for a review) can be found at:

Have fun with the new release.
jEdit 4.3pre2 now available
Submitted by slava on Saturday, 12 March, 2005 - 20:02
jEdit 4.3pre2 is now available. See the change log for details.
jEdit 4.3pre1 now available
Submitted by slava on Friday, 31 December, 2004 - 21:51
jEdit 4.3pre1 is now available. Check out the change log.
Plugin updates - 5 new, 17 updated
Submitted by slava on Monday, 1 November, 2004 - 00:56
Ollie Rutherfurd and Jeffrey Hoyt have very kindly packaged a new batch of plugins. Detailed list of updates. Thanks to the following people who submitted plugins to this batch: Alexander Klimetschek, Andy Streich, Igor Lesik, Jean-Yves Mengant, Jiger Patel, Matthieu Casanova, Matt Etheridge, Nathan Jones, Paul Russell, Robert McKinnon, Rudi Widmann, Steve Jakob. Sorry to anybody who I missed from that list. Keep those plugin updates coming!
jEdit for writers
Submitted by slava on Monday, 25 October, 2004 - 01:17
jEdit is not just for programmers; Randall Wood is using it to write a book.
jEdit 4.2 now available
Submitted by slava on Sunday, 29 August, 2004 - 03:35
jEdit 4.2final is now available. Major changes since jEdit 4.1. If you're upgrading from jEdit 4.1, remove all plugins, and reinstall them.
jEdit 4.2 release candidate now available
Submitted by slava on Saturday, 17 July, 2004 - 20:27
jEdit 4.2pre15 is now available. This will be the last pre-release before 4.2final. Please report bugs!
Quality Assurance
Submitted by brantgurga on Thursday, 24 June, 2004 - 18:34
I have started an effort to formalize the quality assurance methodology of jEdit. If you'de like to help out, surf your way over to the Quality Assurance Overview.
jEdit 4.2pre14 now available
Submitted by slava on Friday, 4 June, 2004 - 01:36
jEdit 4.2pre14 is now available. This release fixes a number of bugs.
jEdit 4.2pre13 now available
Submitted by slava on Saturday, 15 May, 2004 - 01:15
jEdit 4.2pre13 is now available for download. This release fixes the infamous ClassCastException on startup, as well as a number of other bugs.
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Are you interested in language packs for jEdit?
Yes, and I could help maintain translations
Yes, I'd like to have translations
No, that'd be bad (please comment)
Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   107140
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46064
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18602
JBuilder scheme   .001   18503
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18033
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17482
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16214
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16078
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15238
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14301