jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Setting the caret position to lineNumber
Submitted by Manil on Tuesday, 18 July, 2006 - 22:10
I am trying to make CodeBrowser better, i have found a way to highlight the current function(Tag) in CodeBrowser i would like to submit it, but i am highlighting the tag where the caret is. I want to be able to highlight the current tag even when you scrolldown or up so the visible text will be the current tag, i want to move the caret to the top position of the viewed text if it's a scrolldown and bottom position if it's a scrollup so that way CodeBrowser will highlight the tag where the caret is.

I tried JEditeTextArea.setCaretPosition(position), JEditeTextArea.setCaretMagicPosition(position) with no success, is there another function to move the caret to a line that we want??????

Thx a lot
download plugin
Submitted by joyceintlinc on Sunday, 16 July, 2006 - 03:32
i use jedit for 2 years, and everytime i download the jedit, installing the ftp plugin is always a problem. why it that. i try a few minor already. i think i try everything that north america minor offer. i do not understand why it is so hard to install the ftp plugin after jedit is installed.

can anyone help. i try 10 times already. everytime i download the jedit, this is always the problem?????
sftp plugin : The key format is not a supported format
Submitted by matevad on Wednesday, 12 July, 2006 - 14:07

Anyone gets the same message as I do?
I have been using the keys with putty for years without any problem. I dont understand why the key is not supported.

The key is generated using PUTTY parameters : SSH-2 RSA 1024 bits

Otherwise the sftp plugin works fine if I use password authentication
Plugin htmlsidekick and *.php files
Submitted by slux on Tuesday, 27 June, 2006 - 19:20

How I can use this plugin in the .php or an other type of file ?
Currently this good plugin work fine when i'm editing a file that have the *.html extension...

Help releasing plugin update
Submitted by nick.durcholz on Friday, 23 June, 2006 - 18:47
Hi I recently made some small fixes and enhancements to Lee Turner's Recursive Open plugin. This is now compatible with 4.3pre3 and 4.3pre4. I don't have CVS access and I was wondering if somebody could help me with getting this update into Plugin Central.

thanks in advance,
would love to use the console plugin...
Submitted by dusa.adrian on Thursday, 8 June, 2006 - 08:03
Dear list members,

I'm a newcomer on jEdit plugins, though I've been using jEdit for a couple of years now and I think it's just awesome.
I use a statistical software called R and I write the code in jEdit.
R runs fine in a console (I use a Linux box), and I'd very much like to use the Console plugin to run R commands from within jEdit.

Only... I just don't know how to do this.
Any hint would be highly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,
PHPParser : abstract class parsed in structure browser, but not interface?
Submitted by Baldurien on Friday, 2 June, 2006 - 20:49

I would like to know if it was normal (or planned) that the structure browser does not show the structure of file containing interface ?

if I have this :

class X {
function f() {}

It works. But I have an interface just after :

interface Y {
function f();

It fails ("not parsed")

Since it seems to be bound to the folding model, I suppose the interface does not create a structure? Also, the folding behave in a strange way : (+ denote a fold)

+ class X {
|+ function foo() {
|| }
|| function poo() {
|| }

Note : I also had this exception :

[debug] WorkThread: Running in work thread: [id=870,run=sidekick.SideKick$ParseRequest@6a60d5]
[error] WorkThread: Exception in work thread:
[error] WorkThread: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: -1
[error] WorkThread: at org.gjt.sp.jedit.buffer.JEditBuffer.getLineStartOffset(
[error] WorkThread: at gatchan.phpparser.sidekick.PHPSideKickParser.buildNode(Unknown Source)
[error] WorkThread: at gatchan.phpparser.sidekick.PHPSideKickParser.buildChildNodes(Unknown Source)
[error] WorkThread: at gatchan.phpparser.sidekick.PHPSideKickParser.buildNode(Unknown Source)
[error] WorkThread: at gatchan.phpparser.sidekick.PHPSideKickParser.buildChildNodes(Unknown Source)
[error] WorkThread: at gatchan.phpparser.sidekick.PHPSideKickParser.parse(Unknown Source)
[error] WorkThread: at sidekick.SideKick$
[error] WorkThread: at org.gjt.sp.util.WorkThread.doRequest(
[error] WorkThread: at org.gjt.sp.util.WorkThread.doRequests(
[error] WorkThread: at

(anyway I can't reproduce the error)
--AutoIt v3-- support request
Submitted by Haloloooya on Tuesday, 23 May, 2006 - 02:31
Is anyone interested in providing AutoIt support for editing files with JEdit?

Dockable window problem.
Submitted by inami on Monday, 22 May, 2006 - 17:23
How to create a new dockable window and make it docked into the view(at any of the 4 positions TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT except FLOATING) defaultly?
Is there a new version of the JCompiler in development?
Submitted by iNetRunner on Friday, 19 May, 2006 - 08:40

Is there perchance a new version of the JCompiler in development? 1.7 can't seem to work with 4.2.xx versions of the Console. (Gives the java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: console.Console.setShell(Lconsole/Shell;... error. Also seems to work with only some success in Console 4.1.2.)
notification when dockable is displayed?
Submitted by achim on Friday, 12 May, 2006 - 09:27

I'd like to build a plugin, which is _only_ displayed as a dockable when
in the editor are special kinds of files open. For example files with
the extension '.xml'.

For the first call of my plugin I managed the discribed behavior by the
following code in my 'dockables.xml':

if (buffer.isUntitled() || (! (buffer.getName().endsWith("xml")))) {
Macros.message(view, "JaserReports-Plugin is only supporting files
with the extension '.xml'");
else {
return new de.infokomGT.jjr.JasperReportsView(view, position);

But for all following calls to open the plugin, this code has no effect.

So I tried to be informed by the MessageBus, but it seams there is no
message send, when the DockableWindowManager opens or closes a window.

Any help is welcome.

Plugin to work with uneditable and editable regions in the code
Submitted by canelita on Sunday, 7 May, 2006 - 21:14
Do we have a plugin that allows me to have uneditable and editable regions in the code?
I need to lock some region in the code, so users cannot touch some code I have already generated.
Bug in JARClassLoader when loading directories as Resources
Submitted by ssaBrec on Wednesday, 3 May, 2006 - 18:46
Trying to retrieve a directory using:

URL url = class.getResource("org/foo/bar/definitions");
JarURLConnection connection = url.openConnection();

causes an IOException thrown by PluginResURLConnection.connect()

Perhaps the openConnection call shouldn't try to get getResourceAsStream ? Just let the caller validate the Connection's contents. Basically, right now, it seems that retrieving a directory and then iterating through its entries is impossible?
DotComplete cannot parse Java 5.0 source
Submitted by TTAnimal on Tuesday, 2 May, 2006 - 12:19
Title says it all really. I get no DotComplete popups when editing code with @nnotations, or generics.

Will this be fixed????
How can I use a single buffer to load file content from several files(more than one)
Submitted by zhang_tx on Friday, 28 April, 2006 - 02:17
I'm trying to write a plug in for file content analyse, and I need to show contents of several files(more than one) in a single buffer, I tried a lot, but I can not do this job successfully, because the file to open is very big, so I want to use jEdit's Buffer object to do job, can some one give me any advice?
I tried to do in this way:
1. open each file I want to use by:
Buffer buffer = jEdit.getBuffer(aPath);
if (buffer == null) {
Hashtable props = new Hashtable();
buffer = jEdit.openFile(null, null, aPath, false, props);
} else {
// close if this buffer is currently
// visible in the view.
//if (buffer != null){
EditPane[] editPanes = panel.getEditPanes();
for (int j = 0; j < editPanes.length; j++) {
if (editPanes[j].getBuffer() == buffer) {
LogPump.textArea.append("Comming close buffer \n");
jEdit.closeBuffer(panel, buffer);
LogPump.textArea.append("Buffer closed for 1 time \n");
2. than use Buffer newBuffer = jEdit.newFile(view) to get a untitled buffer,
3. than use Buffer temp = jEdit.getBuffer(path) to get every file's buffer I need
4. than use String test = temp.getText(0, temp.getLength()) to get the file content
5. than use newBuffer.insert(0, test) to insert the file content to the untitled buffer

But in the 4th step, I found that I can not get the Text because the Buffer temp is not load, so my question is how can I load a buffer for disk mannually, I've tried the buffer.load() method, but it doesn't work, how can I do ?
How can I load a Buffer
Submitted by zhang_tx on Thursday, 27 April, 2006 - 13:40
I'm writing a plugin for jEdit. In the plugin, I need to get File content by path, My code like this:

Buffer _buffer = jEdit.getBuffer(path);
String content = _buffer.getText(0, _buffer.getLength());

but this code caught NullPointException.
Then I found that the _buffer is unload:

_buffer.isLoad() = false;

so my question is how can I get a Buffer by path and load it,
or how can I get File content with the file path.

I'm the beginner in JEdit plugin develop, I hope if some kind man can help me with this problem, SOS, whoever you are, thank you very much!Smiling
Developing New Project Management Plug-in
Submitted by philmaker on Monday, 24 April, 2006 - 05:28
This week I am creating a plug-in which will be a fresh approach to managing a projects files. It will have some of the functionality of ProjectViewer but with a radically different GUI. Most of these new GUI elements I had created in a past personal project. I have used ProjectViewer for at least three years and I find it extremely useful but I am now finding its limits because I have so many small related projects. I will also integrate some aspects of AntFarm somehow but without making the new plug-in relevant for Java projects only. I hope to have something demoable by the end of this week. I'll be looking for developers to help me enhance and complete the plug-in and I'll likely need some testers as well. I'll have more details online once I post the demo and commit to CVS. Please contact me if you're interested in helping.

Philip Weaver
sftp plugin and defunct sftp-server processes
Submitted by edoceo on Tuesday, 18 April, 2006 - 23:38
I use and love the sftp plugin but I notice that on some of my servers (gentoo) I get many defunct sshd/sftp-server processes. Anyone else seeing this issue?

My SSH servers are:
# ssh -V
OpenSSH_4.2p1, OpenSSL 0.9.7i 14 Oct 2005

In the sshd_config file I had these values:
# grep Client /etc/ssh/sshd_config
ClientAliveInterval 0
ClientAliveCountMax 3

Meaning no keep alive is sent on the SSH channel (different from TCP keep alive).
I'm tweaking/studying those affects as I type, any other hints?
LookAndFeel 1.1 with jEdit 4.2final -- "Cannot start...Unsupported major.minor" -- "Try updating..."
Submitted by Phrawm48 on Wednesday, 29 March, 2006 - 22:18
jEdit 4.2final, LookAndFeel plugin version 1.1, JRE 1.5.0_06.

Both the jEdit Plugin Manager and the the LookAndFeel plugin page ( tell me:

- Version 1.1 of LookAndFeel is the latest, greatest version

- Version 1.1 is intended for use with jEdit 4.2final

Despite this, if I install LookAndFeel 1.1 I receive the following "Plugin Error" message box when I start jEdit 4.2:

C:\Program Files\jEdit\jars\LookAndFeel.jar:
"Cannot start: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: lookandfeel/LookAndFeelPlugin (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)
Try updating to a newer version of the plugin.

But as best I can tell there is no newer version of the plugin.

Any ideas?

Cheers & thanks,
Console : where are the error patterns ?
Submitted by Baldurien on Friday, 24 March, 2006 - 18:19

I just installed the last version of the Console plugin, and *pouf* : no more pattern for the error list! So when I run my make command, I don't have the error in the error list (which is practic when with C++ ...)

I don't want to rewrite them all, so I decided to desinstall Console, and reinstall it, but since it seems that the pattern are not even in the release :/

What could I do?
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