jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Searching a temporary buffer
Submitted by dcox on Wednesday, 30 July, 2008 - 13:21
Is a search of a temporary buffer without actually physically opening the buffer onto the user's screen possible?
resizing and relocating Dockable Window
Submitted by md9119 on Friday, 18 July, 2008 - 07:51

I am writing my first plugin. I need to resize and relocate my plugin window. How do I do this? Neither of these two below do what I want:
view.setLocation(x,y); // relocates main editor
view.getDockableWindowManager().getDockableWindow(SideViewPlugin.NAME).setLocation(x, y); // this moves the JPanel to x,y _within_ the Dockable Window.

What I want to do is to move and resize the whole plugin window. How do I accomplish that?

Thank you,
Swing dialog - RAD tool available?
Submitted by PaulCollingwood on Friday, 27 June, 2008 - 08:34
I have been experimenting with writing macros that invoke dialogs for user interaction with some success.
I have found the process of contriving the UI components within a BSH script a bit cumbersome.

Does anyone know of a (Java) RAD tool that permits the 'wysiwyg' development of dialogs, which then produces java swing directives which can then be injected into a macro script?

Alternatively, does anyone know of a Java source that encapsulates a suite of useful dialog templates as classes, so that they can be invoked from a macro, in the same way as some basic dialog types are supplied within jEdit?
Making a plugin aware of a user saving
Submitted by ewiener on Monday, 23 June, 2008 - 22:00
Is it possible to let my plugin know when a user saves a file? My plugin is used to pull text files off a remote server, and then store them on the local machine for the user to edit them. In the end, I'd like for the user to just be able to hit save, and then the plugin would take care of updating the file on the server. Is there some sort of event that is triggered when a user saves that I could use to signal the plugin to upload the modified file? Any help will be appreciated immensely.
Opening a file into jEdit in the current view
Submitted by ewiener on Monday, 23 June, 2008 - 21:34
I am new to writing plugins (and java in general). I have made a program that pulls some text files off the web and saves them on my computer. I know the paths of the files, but I can't figure out how to open them. I know this must be incredibly simple, but I haven't been able to find a simple explanation of how to do this online, nor do I have a good enough grasp of plugin development to understand the source code to plugins on this site. If anyone can explain this to me, I would be extremely grateful.
Plugin compilation
Submitted by PaulCollingwood on Thursday, 19 June, 2008 - 09:21
I have the source to the ProjectViewer plugin within which I have made a trivial modification.
Could someone advice me on the tools and command directives I need to use to create a new version of the plugin .jar file?
If the existing jar file is over-written with a the newly build version, is it just a case of restarting jEdit to utilize the modified plugin?

many thanks,
WebDAV Plugin?
Submitted by dmac on Thursday, 5 June, 2008 - 23:08
When I first started using jEdit, there was a WebDAV plugin available...but I don't see much about it any more. I don't know much about its history. Is it in need of a developer to maintain it? If so, I might be interested. It would really be useful for me.

VFS.copy() ?
Submitted by Langman on Tuesday, 3 June, 2008 - 20:14
I am having problems using the VFS.copy() API to copy a file from the FTP-VFS to the local-VFS. I get a NPE before anything is copied. Is this API designed to allow coping from one VFS to another?
Should I build a Python/Django plugin?
Submitted by Ristretto on Monday, 26 May, 2008 - 00:15
I'm moving from Java to Python, and Seam to Django. I'm also ditching Eclipse. I used to use Jedit for Java dev. I'm back. I would like to have a few features available that would make learning and using Python and Django a bit easier. I'm guessing the features are already there, and I just need find them or download plugins.

I've read in the forums that using 'spaces' for tabs, and setting 'deep indent' is wise, so I've done that.
I notice that there is a django edit mode, and then I set the django type in SideKick to parsed by 'xml', so now the XML plugin show the structure of the template, and the edit mode bolds the django template language keywords. This is so totally cool as a start. Big thank yous!! to the people who put this support together.

For Python, I would love these three things. Is this available somehow? Perhaps an existing plugin can be configured do it?
- code completion for imports and methods.
- method param lookups which typing
- documentation lookups (doc strings)

If nothing exists to do this, perhaps that for good reason: It isn't needed. I've heard that Python is so well designed that a programmer can keep most of the key bits of knowledge in his/her head. I'm not there yet, and I really do like handy look ups to get info and save time.

If nothing like this exists, and you think it would be valuable, would anyone want to give me tips and pointers to writing a plugin or set of macros, or ??. I would be happy to implement a solution and commit back to the project. (At this point, I know more Java than Python.)

XPath tool is confused with namespaces
Submitted by eiku on Tuesday, 20 May, 2008 - 07:04

Is there a trivial solution for the XPath tool to recoginze and operate correctly with namespaces? For example, I have a XML document(WSDL file, I omit all the namespace declarations for better reading):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <wsdl:definitions ... >
      <xsd:schema ... > ... </xsd:schema>
If I try to execute XPath expression //types or //wsdl:types then an empty resutl is returned? As much as I know of XPath (and also experience from othe XML editors) there should be a single node as result. Is it just the the plugin is not usable or am I missing some other plugins or some knowhow (how to use jEdit).

Thanks for input,

Usage of GUIUtilities.loadIcon
Submitted by Hamza on Saturday, 17 May, 2008 - 14:13
Hi folks,

I am trying to modify the QuickNotepad sources to add an extra button to the tool panel ( but whatever I do I can't seem to load a PNG file as the button icon.

I've added the following bit to to add the actual button:

add(makeCustomButton("", new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {;

..and I have specified the icon files in the props file as:

the icon foo.png resides in the same folder as the java sources and the code compiles just fine but the icon is not loaded when I load the plugin and the button is just the size of a tiny dot.

If I specify an absolute path the code compiles but jEdit chokes on startup and I have to kill it.

Do I need to somehow specify the icon location in the build.xml file? Can I manually add the files to the jar itself?

Quite an easy question I guess but it has been driving me crazy so any comments/help much appreciated.

Need Tag List as found in UltraEdit
Submitted by tj_sony on Thursday, 15 May, 2008 - 11:55
Could anyone please tell me if I can use the option "Tag List" as found in "UltraEdit".
File to open automatically in buffertab mode
Submitted by tj_sony on Wednesday, 9 April, 2008 - 05:52
I have a file opened in buffertab mode - C:\temp\

Through some internal processing, when I click on C:\temp\, an empty file - C:\temp\123.bbb gets created in the folder C:\temp\.

But what I need is, the empty file 123.bbb which gets created in the folder C:\temp\ should open automatically in buffertab mode instead of me doing it manually.

Could someone please help me with this.
HOWTO: Integrate RSpec on Rails with Jedit
Submitted by dpdnolan on Sunday, 30 March, 2008 - 11:20
Hi, I've hacked together a setup to load an RSpec backtrace into jEdit (in
other words, you'll be able to click the relevant failed behaviour or error
to go straight the relevant file and line).

More info here:


Dave Nolan
When i try to use the jcompiler plugin i get this error
Submitted by fractal00 on Tuesday, 25 March, 2008 - 13:32
When i try to use the jjcompiler plugin i get this error:
Cannot start jcompiler.JCompilerPlyugin$ToolsJarNotFoundException: Could not find library tools.jar!
Make XML plugin play better with Beauty plugin
Submitted by xhq on Friday, 29 February, 2008 - 14:25

I installed XML plugin and it automatically installed Beauty plugin. I tried to use beauty to use XML:XMLIntender to format an XML file but just found they can not work well together. Here is the mail I sent the other day. I post it here in hope some one can notice it.

The problem:

When invoked from Beauty plugin, incorrect IndentAmount could be used. For example, in the buffer optios, I set "Tab width" to 8 and "Indent width" to 8 and uncheck "Soft (emulated with spaces) tabs", the result IndentAmount would be 8 tabs!

I checked the code of both Beaty and XML. It seems the XML code needs to be improved. Here is the details:

In XML/xml//indent/, the main line reads:

return XmlIndenterPlugin.indent(text, getIndentWidth(), !getUseSoftTabs());

But the same indent() api is used in the following way, in XML/xml/indent/, public static void indentXml( View view ):

String resultString = XmlIndenterPlugin.indent( inputString, indentAmount, indentWithTabs );

where indentAmount is calculated using:

private static int getIndentAmount( boolean indentWithTabs, Buffer buffer ) {
if ( indentWithTabs ) {
return buffer.getIndentSize() / buffer.getTabSize();
else {
return buffer.getIndentSize();

So, I think the same logic used in getIndentAmount() should be applied in XmlBeautifier. It might be worth adding a new static method to XmlIndenterPlugin:

public static int getIndentAmount(int indentSize, int tabSize, boolean indentWithTabs) {
if ( indentWithTabs ) {
return indentSize/ tabSize;
else {
return indentSize;

and refactor the original one as:

private static int getIndentAmount( boolean indentWithTabs, Buffer buffer ) {
return getIndentAmount(buffer.getIndentSize(), buffer.getTabSize(), indentWithTabs);

Then the line in XmlBeautifier will be:

int indentAmount = XmlIndenterPlugin.getIndentAmount(getIndentWidth(), getTabWidth(), !getUseSoftTabs());
return XmlIndenterPlugin.indent(text, indentAmount , !getUseSoftTabs());

I think this will work, but have not test it though.
can jedit do this
Submitted by tsr on Sunday, 17 February, 2008 - 21:33

I'm thinking about adapting an editor to handle the creation of UMC (user made content) for Battle for Wesnoth (BfW) - located at:

BfW uses a mark-up language called WML (wesnoth markup language) that has some similarities with xml (the main differences are: preprocessor directives and [ ] instead of < >). WML is fairly strict in what you are allowed to write where.

I've been looking (really fast and not in-depth) into jEdit, and it seems that it meets my requirements. But before I dive into the specifics of jEdit and java I'd like to know if what I want is possible.

What I want to be able to do is something like:
- hide unwanted features (from the editor) easily (as to not confuse people that are new to the concept of programming)
- indentation and syntax-highlightning
- code snippets
- wizards (that is, some kind of forms/dialogs that when completed insert a modified code snippet), both the ability to create them but also the ability to define where (in the UI) they will be shown.
- create a wml-reference
- plugin in a few wml-tools (that are currently written in python) that can be launched and generate reports back to jedit
- launch the main application (that is BfW), to easily test changes
- when the cursor waits a list of possible strings to write at the current location are displayed.

I think that's it. So is this possible to accomplish with jedit as a foundation and an unspecified amount of hours? (I mean without forking the projekt, 'just' writing a plugin)

New Plugins: Snout and SnoutKick
Submitted by KalothIV on Thursday, 3 January, 2008 - 09:56
Hi all, this is my first contribution to the JEdit community and comes in the form of 2 plugins that I created to make my everyday coding experience and work much easier.

The first plugin is called Snout and provides a GUI for ctags that can index your source files and creates a hashtable of the results for quick and efficient searching (usually less than a second for a 16mb ctags index file).

The second plugin is called SnoutKick and is a sidebar GUI for ctags that provides a sorted symbol list for the current buffer. The symbol nearest to the caret is highlighted so that you can easily work out which function you are editing etc..

Both these plugins style their colours based on the global JEdit style and blend in nicely with the environment. You can find them on my website at

I hope that they prove useful to someone. Remember that you'll need to install ctags for these plugins to work.

Templates with 4.3 pre 12
Submitted by dougis on Thursday, 20 December, 2007 - 01:00
Not sure what has happened, but after I updated to 4.3 pre 12 my templates no longer work.
Is there an update needed to the plug in to work with the latest release? (4.3 pre 11 seems to be fine).
maintaining or merging the xrefactory plugin
Submitted by keeleyt83 on Monday, 26 November, 2007 - 17:39
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone here had used the xrefactory plugin? Its got some features that greatly surpass that of the javasidekick and projectviewer combination. The only problem is that its not currently being maintained.

Now I was thinking that maybe I could get some help attempting to update it to work with the current version of jedit, with the ultimate goal of maybe being merged into the javasidekick. What do you all think? I think that if we let the xrefactory plugin die, it will be a great loss for the community. With this plugin, jedit becomes a truly complete lightweight java environment. We need this. Is anyone interesting in helping me?
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