jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Tasklist does not work with .css files ?
Submitted by didjeko on Friday, 12 October, 2012 - 10:52
I use Jedit 4.5.2 and I cannot figure how to use the Tasklist plugin in css files. It works well with html and php files, but with css the tags TODO:,... etc are not recognized and does not appear in the Tasklist window. Does anyone know hot to make it work i this case or confirm that it is a bug ?
Thank you
How do I find usage information on plugins
Submitted by mlefevre on Thursday, 20 September, 2012 - 20:48
I have tried looking up help or usage information on jEdit plugins and can't find hardly anything. For instance Lucene, CodeHelper, and the console plugin. Specifically, I want to find out how the regexp processor for the error processor feature in the console plugin works. Does it apply all of the regexp definitions one at a time from top to bottom on every line of the output? Or, just it just apply the regexp definition at the top of the list and none of the others? Also, I don't understand how the "extra lines" regular expression can be used. The reason why I ask is that my build system does not output the full path to the file when an error occurs (only the file name itself). So, the error list window can't locate the file since it only knows file names relative to the top of the project tree.

Also, I'd like to find out whether the Lucene plugin can tie into the project viewer and process all files in the project as opposed to just the current or open buffers.

Finally, I'd like to troubleshoot the CodeHelper plugin's call tree feature as I can't seem to make it do anything at all.

Thanks in advance for any help,
I can't add new toolbar icons for Navigator "forward" and "back"
Submitted by mlefevre on Monday, 10 September, 2012 - 19:25
I'm using jEdit 4.5.1 on Linux (Centos 6.3) and I have loaded the Navigator plugin (version 2.4). When I try to edit the toolbar and add buttons (icons) for The Navigator "forward" and "back" actions, they show up in the Global Options dialog as I create them, but when I "apply" or "exit", they don't show up on the tool bar. I can create toolbar buttons for other Navigator actions and for actions from other plugins. I just can't add the forward and back actions.

Does anyone know of a problem that leads to this behavior? I'm coming back to jEdit after a year with slickEdit and I'm trying to restore a configuration I know I had before.

How to correct syntax highlighting for comment: @throws in php edit mode
Submitted by Denouncer on Sunday, 19 August, 2012 - 12:08
Hi all,

I'm hoping someone can help. I've noticed that in the latest version of jEdit that if I use "@throws" in a function comment (PHPDoc style) the syntax highlighting seems to go out of whack. Basically, if it sees @throws... inside a comment block, it highlights the line correctly, but then all proceeding lines seem to be highlighted as comments as well. For example:

* Test
* @throws Exception
public function test() {


Basically, instead of it seeing "*/" as the end of the comments, it continues to highlight "public function" as a comment as well. This didn't happen in earlier versions, from what I can tell, only newer versions.

Anyone know how I can fix this?

Matching characters other than brackets
Submitted by Kevin Moore on Friday, 10 August, 2012 - 22:05
I am a new user and I am wondering if JEDIT supports matching on characters other than brackets? I've searched previous posts, and I have found requests for this type of operation, but no mention of it's support.

I would like to be able to jump between the beginning/end of old style c comments:

lots of lines of comments....
lots of lines of comments....

Thanks, Kevin Moore
Can't use Alt key in jEdit 5 under Mac OS X
Submitted by avamk on Sunday, 29 July, 2012 - 23:35

I am trying to get my Alt key to work in Mac OS X. Whenever I try to use it as part of a shortcut, it instead writes a symbol (which symbol depends on what character I hit on the keyboard) into my buffer.

I searched for previous posts, and one suggested modifying my startup.bsh. I tried but still couldn't get my Alt key to function. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? Below is the section in my startup.bsh:

/*{{{ Remapping modifier keys part I */

/* The below is the default, swap the items around to
* change meaning of C+, A+, M+, S+.
// InputEvent.ALT_MASK, InputEvent.META_MASK,
// InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK);

/* ... and this the MacOS default: */
KeyEventTranslator.setModifierMapping(InputEvent.META_MASK, /* == C+ */
InputEvent.CTRL_MASK, /* == A+ */
InputEvent.ALT_MASK, /* == M+ */
InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK /* == S+ */);


/*{{{ Remapping modifier keys part II */

/* Note if you chose to make use of the M+ (option key) prefix on MacOS, you
* will need to disable a little piece of code: */
/* Otherwise M+ will be ignored for the purposes of keyboard shortcuts. */

/* But if you enable this, you might find that Option+8 for example invokes your
* macro but also inserts a bulletpoint, as per standard Macintosh keyboard
* behavior. To disable the Option key for inserting special high ASCII
* characters, uncomment this. Note that it has wider implications, notably
* DROVAK keyboard shortcuts will be mapped as if the keyboard was QWERTY. */

Sentence recognition is text mode?
Submitted by avamk on Tuesday, 24 July, 2012 - 15:52

I realise that jEdit has shortcut keys for moving to the beginning and end of lines. Is there a similar way to move the caret to the beginning and end of a *sentence* in text mode? Is jEdit, or perhaps a plugin, capable of recognising sentences?

Plugin Column Ruler bugs?
Submitted by linuxerwang on Sunday, 22 July, 2012 - 16:27
Hi, all

I am using Column Ruler and love its functionality but it seems has a few issues (latest version of Column Ruler and jedit 4.5 pre1):

1. Add Marker/Guide through the "Plugins Options" dialog doesn't work most of time. After input the marker the list doesn't have that marker. Sometimes works though.

2. The guide line created through column ruler doesn't show up when jEdit starts. I have to always click on the ruler at the column number and the guide line is shown. It's tedious to do it every time.

Trouble adding Markdown syntax highlighting mode for the jEdit 5.0
Submitted by avamk on Saturday, 21 July, 2012 - 01:25
Hello, I am just starting to explore jEdit 5.0 on Mac OS X 10.6.8, and so far I find it all to be very exciting! Thanks for creating such a great piece of software. I downloaded the markdown.xml Markdown syntax highlighting mode from here: And I tried to add it to jEdit by placing markdown.xml in the same folder as ~/Library/jEdit/modes/catalog Then I added the following to the catalog and saved it: However, even after restarting jEdit, the markdown mode still does not appear when I try to change modes in the Buffer Options dialog. How should I troubleshoot this, did I skip any steps? Thanks!
How to disable the localization in jEdit 5.0?
Submitted by sinarf on Thursday, 19 July, 2012 - 08:50

Just installed the last version of jEdit (5.0pre1) and everything is in French, probably because my professional computer is under a French version of Windows. I can see that it can be seen as a good idea, but it is not.

I won't be a problem if I find a way to disable it forever, but I couldn't find anything on the subject in help.
How can I go back to the real jEdit? Please.

In my humble opinion, translating a developer tool doesn't make any sense.

Thanks in advance.
Syntax highlighting alias
Submitted by John Gallant on Monday, 16 July, 2012 - 17:08
I would like to assign new filename extensions to extensions already supported. Is there a way to do this?
Specifically, I am editing Objective C files with .mm extensions which does not seem to be supported. I would like to assign this extension to .m which is supported.
Another use I find handy is to name files with a .cx extension and alias that extension to .c. This allows me to view highlighted files I do not want searched.
jDiff: any way to invoke by cli (passing args)
Submitted by jdlx on Sunday, 8 July, 2012 - 12:15

i'd like to use jDiff@jEdit as a external Diff tool for my GIT client app.. the question i have:
Can i invoke/start jEdit by passing the two filepathes and some arg that makes jedit diff those right away?
Something along the line:

$ /Applications/ -diff "$1" "$2"

LucenePlugin Broken?
Submitted by cnoevil on Wednesday, 4 July, 2012 - 19:07

I recently updated jEdit to version 5pre1. It looks like a nice upgrade. Kudos.

Unfortunately CtagsInterface is throwing any error telling me that it is unable to load the LucenePlugin...well maybe because I didn't have it. So I went to download it along with the Markers plugin that it uses, but neither of those two plugin will open. I'm on Windows 7 btw. Anyway. I downloaded bot the zip and the tgz archive of each hoping for a solution but I am unable to extract either one. I use 7-zip which has been very dependable in every regard until now... so; anybody have some useful advice?

Copy (X)HTML code to clipboard as HTML (in Windows: CF_HTML format), rather than text?
Submitted by Graham Hannington on Friday, 22 June, 2012 - 03:44
I can already select content in a web browser, copy it to the clipboard, and then, in jEdit, select "Edit > More Clipboard > Paste Special > html" to paste the HTML source of the content into jEdit. I realize that I could also use various other methods to do this (such as viewing the HTML source in the web browser, and then copying that HTML source view into the clipboard, and then pasting into jEdit without "Paste Special"), but, in many cases, I like selecting the rendered objects in the web browser (although, admittedly, selecting in the HTML source view can offer greater accuracy in terms of exactly how much you are selecting).

Okay: copying (X)HTML source into jEdit is covered.

Suppose that I edit the HTML source, and now want to copy that edited content back into the browser?

I should clarify my use case: I'm copying content from a browser-based rich text editor (specifically, the Atlassian Confluence 4 rich text editor, which is based on TinyMCE), pasting it into jEdit as HTML source, editing the HTML, and then copying'n'pasting that edited content back into the rich text editor.

Currently, copying the edited content back into the browser is a multi-step procedure, to ensure that the HTML is in the appropriate internal clipboard format (in Windows, I think this means CF_HTML), so that the content is rendered appropriately by the rich text editor, rather than appearing as text (the HTML source code):

1. In jEdit, I save the edited HTML to a file (with a file extension such as .htm or .html)
2. I open the file in a web browser (say, Firefox)
3. I select the content, and copy it to the clipboard
4. I paste the content into the Confluence rich text editor

I would rather have a "Copy Special > html" option in jEdit, hence this forum topic.

Does jEdit, or one of its plugins, already have such a feature?

If not (in which case, I guess I'll add a feature request), can anyone suggest a quicker existing non-jEdit method than the "save to .htm, select and copy" method I'm currently using? (I'm using Windows 7. I have no jEdit plugin development experience, but I have some scripting experience, and it's occurred to me to write some script "glue" to copy into CF_HTML format.)
Tabbed windows
Submitted by Bannakaffalatta on Saturday, 2 June, 2012 - 13:09
Hi. Is there a way to have multiple files open in the same window with tabs? The way it is now you have to click the bar at the top that has the name of the current file and you see a drop down list of the other files. I would like them displayed in tabs instead. Thanks in advance.

How can I capitalize first letter of a line and lowercase the rest?
Submitted by speedracer on Thursday, 24 May, 2012 - 05:32
I want to select a line of text and convert all of it to lower case except for the first letter, which I want to be converted to upper case, if it isn't already. Is there a macro to do this? All I've been able to find is the macro that capitalizes the first letter of every word, which is no good for my needs. Any help will be appreciated.
jEdit syntax highligthing
Submitted by Paula17 on Wednesday, 23 May, 2012 - 16:34

I'm using textArea of jEdit in my application but I'm only interested in using assembly and c language. I've seen there are several types of assembly language. I'm interested in assembly language for ARM7TDMI. Which one of these languages would be the correct or the best to this kind of ARM? Could anyone help me?

Thanks in advance!

Autoindent in jEdit help
Submitted by groland on Saturday, 19 May, 2012 - 16:51
I am brand new to jEdit, and I am using it to write code in java. I thought it auto-indented when typing, so that code blocks would be correctly indented. I cannot get it set up properly to do this.

How is this accomplished?



MacBook Pro, Mas OS X 10.6.8
Using java2d.noddraw on Windows
Submitted by exxa on Friday, 11 May, 2012 - 16:29
Using jEdit causes my GPU to leave its idle state. This eventually causes it to heat up, which causes the fan to increase in speed. Really not something that's necessary when doing editing. I saw a way to disable 2d acceleration, which in the past has cured this. However, I notice this version of jEdit no longer launches from the .bat file, but has a "jEdit.exe." How do I pass -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true when jEdit starts?
font size of tags plugin dialog
Submitted by wkevils on Thursday, 10 May, 2012 - 18:04
I used to have and use quite and old release of JEdit (4.2.0)
I am trying now latest 4.5.3.
I am not satisfied with the font size of tags plugin dialog - it is to much large
in my feeling. In the previous JEdit I used (4.2) It was ok.
Is there a way to make this font smaller ?
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Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   82348
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46055
JBuilder scheme   .001   18495
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18116
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18024
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17473
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16206
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16068
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15229
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14293