jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Improve InfoView plugin to have External browser as Internal mini browser inside infoView tab + add server mappings
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 18 June, 2004 - 21:29
It would be great to make External Browser instance (IE) working instead of Internal (inside InfoView tab). Just that mini browser works really poor with complex pages and it would be really helpful to have IE instead of it - just like Homsite have (Browse tab or F12 key). Also would be cool to have server mappings.

Best Regards!

Vertical toolbar, rather than horizontal.
Submitted by kelly leahy on Friday, 11 June, 2004 - 21:49
I've modified the code on my local version of jEdit to put the toolbar on the LHS of the screen, rather than on the top of the screen. This saves me a lot of space since I use a laptop with a 14" monitor. It would be nice if we could get this as a normal feature of jEdit (so I don't have to keep modifying the code to support it). I'd be happy to provide my code, though it is really just a hack, and I don't recommend using it as is.

It seems to me that a method could be added to the class for a toolbar that identifies whether the toolbar supports vertical orientation or not. Then, when toolbars are loaded, they could be put on the left or on the top by a global option. Alternatively, it might be nice for each toolbar to choose on its own (via the "Global Options" pages) where it should appear.

Anyway, that's my request...

Filesystem browser slow over network -- need alternate plugin, "SlowOpen"
Submitted by tazk on Friday, 11 June, 2004 - 11:10
(I'm using jEdit 4.2 pre14 on the Windows platform)

I can see that a lot of thought and work has been put in to improve the Filesystem browser in jEdit 4.2. I like the new interface. In 4.1, I used to often get an error popup when I typed a directory name in the filename field. I don't get run into that problem with 4.2. However...

One thing I liked about the Filesystem browser in 4.1 is that it worked well over slow networks. Because it did not have filename completion, I was able to type ahead in the filename field and open a file without waiting for a DIR I/O operation to complete. This is important since I often work from home accessing my files through a "NET USE" over a VPN. It can take, literally, seconds for jEdit to populate the File System Browser windows of my remote directories. I want to be able to enter "source/abc/def/ghi/", for instance, or "../tests/" and quickly open a file when I know the exact filename. Even when I'm at work on an enterprise-quality LAN, identifying remote files to open can be overly slow with jEdit 4.2. The jEdit 4.2 File System Browser works well for local files but it can be a stumbling block for remote. I've even gotten to the point where sometimes I open a Command Prompt and type jedit on the command line with the full pathname, rather than go through the File System Browser.

When I save a file, jEdit 4.2 also goes through a cycle with an awkward wait time. When I hit Control-S to save a file, jEdit goes into a mode where it beeps if I try to make new edits to files, it then enters its save, prints a message on the screen (like "1 I/O in progress"), begins to save the file and lets me type. Perhaps jEdit is doing something with its "~" file during the beep period. Over slow networks, the beep period can take several seconds.

Searching for text within a large file on a remote drive can also be slow. It appears that sometimes jEdit goes to disk during a Search->File operation on the current buffer.

So I wish that jEdit would work better on slow networks. I see that there's a plugin called "FastOpen". Perhaps we also need a plug-in called "SlowOpen". And I think improvements could be made in other areas to support remote-file work.

Convert EOL to Wrap and Wrap to EOL
Submitted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 8 June, 2004 - 10:51

With user control over EOL chars, and display.
Option to lock file for write when editing
Submitted by happy on Friday, 4 June, 2004 - 15:29
If this optional setting is enabled, jedit should lock the file opened for write, so others can not modify that file.
This is a useful setting in editors, and missing from jedit Sad
Editing XML tag values validated by XML Schema
Submitted by lastguru on Thursday, 3 June, 2004 - 21:00
It would be good if Jedit could use the enumerated values (eg., boolean type or string enumeration) in XML tag editor. The same is working for DTD with dropdown lists.
-settings flag re-definition
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 28 May, 2004 - 04:24

I use jEdit everyday for school homework (.txt files), and also school programming assignments (.java, .c, .h, .html, .sh ...the list goes on...) as I am a CSC major.

I solely use jEdit off of my Creative Muvo flash drive under Linux and MS boxes at school and at home. While under MS boxes I run jEdit from a custom batch file I have written that sets up Doskeys to various Java applications stored on the flash stick and sets up drive paths and parameters for say the command "jedit" to be invoked as follows from any computer with my custom (windows) enviroment variable "MPATH" giving the path of the device (eg "g:"):

I invoke jedit typically with the following doskey (or command in shell):
set MPATH=g:
set JDIR=%MPATH%\files\japps
rem set the plastic l&f in the Java VM boot path.
set PLF=-Xbootclasspath/a:%JDIR%\jedit\jars\plastic-1.2.1.jar
set CNFG=-settings=%JDIR%\jedit\settings
set NSS=-nostartupscripts
set SOPTS=-Xms8m -Xmx16m
set LOPTS=-Xms8m -Xmx64m
doskey jedit = java %PLF% %LOPTS% -jar %JDIR%\jedit\jedit.jar %CNFG%

...I have alot of Java applications configured the way I want them to look, and with various runtime parameters enabled to suit my liking...

I hope that the command line option for specifying a different settings directory for jEdit could be modified as it is (I believe) incompatible with MS Win9x (and WinME). "-settings=" is not allowed in a batch file (pretty sure) or command line parameter under win9x because of the "=". A specific example is I cannot legally put the line: set CNFG=-settings=%JDIR%\jedit\settings, into a win9x batch file due to the double usage of "=".

Can this command line specification be changed to reflect more usual conventions used in Java application arguements? eg. java -classpath , or perhaps even jedit.jar -settings:

Under jEdit "Compatability" page, it should work under windows, but obvisiously this is not necessarily 100% true. I hope my bringing this issue up helps bring jEdit one step closer to be an even better application.......and yes, while also making my life easier.

David Gurba, email:
show ASCII-Value of character at current cursor position
Submitted by uhuebner on Monday, 24 May, 2004 - 11:35
Is it possible to show the ASCII-Value of the character at the current cursor position? I often have special control characters in the files I edit. And I need a quick way to see what characters that are. I'm no programmer but it doesn't sound too complicate to do.

Kind regards
Faster startup
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 14 May, 2004 - 08:10
(I know about the background mode.) If JEdit could be faster at startup it would be great. Maybee something to try could be SwingWT at
Docking windows open to outside
Submitted by uhuebner on Wednesday, 12 May, 2004 - 05:53
I am using jEdit not at full screen and fit it's size to the text. So when I open a docking window it reduces my editing window. It would be great if there would be an option to expand docking windows to the outside leaving the editing window untouched.

Show size of selected text
Submitted by uhuebner on Wednesday, 12 May, 2004 - 05:48
I often have to check the length of a text/variable. In UltraEdit I used to just select the text and it showed the length in the status bar. Can this be implemented?

Submitted by Junkeh on Sunday, 9 May, 2004 - 02:31
I think that If a feature such as encryption was added to jedit, it would make it that much better. Because I have not found an encryption utility for mac os [ any version ].

The kinds of encryption I am thinking of is 128 bit to 256 bit encryption with a password. [ you can't decrypt something without the password used to encrypt it.].
Actually check to code to see what mode to go into
Submitted by imgod2u on Friday, 7 May, 2004 - 21:21
Right now (as far as I know), jEdit checks the file extension (.c or .java for example) to decide what editing mode to go into. However, both C, Objective-C and C++ all use .h files. And the default is to go into Objective-C. Would it be possible to have jEdit actually check the code (for instance, if there's "class" inside a .h file, it's obviously c++) as well as the extension? This way I won't have to manually change the editing mode (which affects the syntax highlighting).
backspace unindent
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 7 May, 2004 - 06:03
SciTE has this feature, which is the reverse of "tab indent". With this, I can press backspace once to clear an indentation, instead of pressing it n times (n = tab width). I know the existances of shift-tab and alt-left, but "backspace unindent" can be more efficient in some cases, plus I already get used to it Eye-wink
Global Plugins & settings folder
Submitted by CyberSkull on Thursday, 6 May, 2004 - 03:34
Is it possible for jEdit to install plugins/macros in '/Library' in OSX? I don't know how to migrate the plugins from one version to the next without just re-installing (slow, even on broadband). Perhaps in '/Library/Application Support/jEdit'? I think that would bed a good path. Anything version specific would either be installed in the application directory or in a folder with the version name.
Big files
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 29 April, 2004 - 08:36
Hi! I've a DB-dump file of 450 MB that I need to edit. When I open the file JEdit complains of insufficient Java heap memory (I know that I can adjust the heap memory size). I would like JEdit to be able to open files of almost any size without the need to change the Java heap memory size. I think some editors open big files by opening a part of the file. This would be my #2 most wanted feature!
code folding
Submitted by Anonymous on Saturday, 24 April, 2004 - 17:12
Code folding is great, please implement it.
egz. --> try this feature...
Something similar to old emacs iso-accents-mode would be great!
Submitted by davidbourguignon on Saturday, 24 April, 2004 - 11:19
Dear all,

I recently switched from emacs to jedit with no regret. However, being French and using a qwerty keyboard (for programming), I really miss one emacs feature: iso-accents-mode. This feature seems straightforward and would help thousands of people struggling to find characters such as ß (German), ø (Dane) and ç (French) on their keyboards...

For people frequently typing in an "accented letters language" this emacs thing is much more convenient than the traditional "insert special character" GUI, such as the CharacterMap plugin.

However, if this feature already exist somewhere in a plugin, I will try again to find it on plugin central... Eye-wink

Thanks in advance for your help,

Logical file grouplings or workspaces
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 22 April, 2004 - 17:47
Often I need a core set of files, often depending on the exact task I am working on. Through the course of the day, I may open many extra files, or perhaps work on two or three seperate tasks. It would be nice of I could group a set of documents to a workspace/group/what-have-you, and open all the files in one shot. That way if I get too many open, I can close all files and start from scratch. I can open my config files, my current tasks, or perhaps a set of XML documents.

Not sure if this would be good for a plug in or for the program itself, then again, perhaps this feature exists and I just missed it.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 21 April, 2004 - 14:24
It would be nice to be able to specify directory locations for modes in the catalog file.

For example I need something like this:

<MODE NAME="interchange" FILE="interchange.xml"

This would instruct JEdit that all files in the directory S:\ and subdirectories thereof should use the interchange format mode.

In this example it would be used for specifying an Interchange shopping cart catalog location. Files used by Interchange can have any number of extensions including .html, .cfg, etc. They are always confined to a specific location so that is where the additional specifier would come in handy.

Thank you for making such a great editor!
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