jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Programmatically change editor settings?
Submitted by brainbug on Friday, 2 February, 2007 - 17:36
I find it tedious to set up my syntax highligting options and key bindings. Is there a way to do this programmatically?

Dual folding mode
Submitted by brianpeiris on Friday, 5 January, 2007 - 13:51
I'd like to request a dual folding mode where the editor creates folds on indentation *and* explicit folds. This would allow hiding of sections of code within methods etc. where indentation wouldn't make sense. It would act much like Microsoft Visual Studio's "region" folding. So you could have something like:
  public class HelloWorld
v {
    public static void Main()
v   {
      System.out.println("Hello World!");
v     //{{{ Some code that can be folded.
      // Many lines of code here
      // Many lines of code here
      // Many lines of code here
      // Many lines of code here
      // Many lines of code here
L     //}}}
L   }

    public static void AnotherMethod()
v   {
      // Many lines of code here
      // Many lines of code here
      // Many lines of code here
      // Many lines of code here
      // Many lines of code here
L   }
L }
Which would fold into:
  public class HelloWorld
v {
    public static void Main()
v   {
      System.out.println("Hello World!");
>     //{{{ Some code that can be folded.
L   }

    public static void AnotherMethod()
>   {
L }
I hope that made sense. Thanks, Brian Peiris
docking another applications
Submitted by poleta33 on Tuesday, 2 January, 2007 - 14:15

for sure my question is non-sense but I try : is it possible to dock another application (such xcalc or xclock or putty, etc..) inside jedit ?

Puntuation Highlights.
Submitted by vapourmle on Monday, 1 January, 2007 - 23:28
Hi there,

I am Very picky about syntax highlighting... I love a good aesthetic, and, the more descriptive the highlighitng scheme the better in my opinion. What I would like - and I may be able to do this myself if I knew how! - IS to highlight punctuation marks when they are in the reserved context (by this I mean, outside of string literals). This highlights the fact that in code fragment that include lines like:


The period, open and close parentheses and semicolon are an original part of the Java language. Right now the first colout that springs to mind, in context of the normal jEdit scheme, is dark blue. Possible?

jEdit has proven to be an environment that has grown on me. Since being off put slightly by the looks at first, I have kept returning for its rapid-rise response curve. I mean, after just a few tries, my edit sessions have gathered enourmous pace, which I can't say for any other editor. Please keep up the good work.
Make CodeBrowser work with VFS
Submitted by philemon_siclone on Tuesday, 26 December, 2006 - 07:35
When I open a ".c" file over a SFTP connection (using the FTP plug-in) CodeBrowser is unable to display the functions/variables.

If I open the same file on my local hard drive, it works.

Best regards,

running buffer on other servers than the PC where jedit is installed
Submitted by poleta33 on Friday, 22 December, 2006 - 09:23
How can I run a buffer on the server where the buffer is recorded ?...
Request For "Grep" Feature or Plugin
Submitted by Sledged on Monday, 18 December, 2006 - 22:24
I'd love to be able to search files using a "grep" command. Sometimes I work on a Windows machine, and MS's "find" command many times simply isn't flexible enough. Also, there's something to be said about not leaving the window in which you're working.
BufferTabs: Split screen shouldn't duplicate all tabs
Submitted by turtlecove on Wednesday, 6 December, 2006 - 20:20
The title says it all. When using BufferTabs if you split the screen BufferTabs happily duplicates ALL of the tabs in each split screen. If I have a lot of buffers open this can waste 1/3 of my screen real estate!
Of course, the tabs should be shown ONCE across the bottom and not duplicated when the view is split.
diff between folders
Submitted by bambule on Tuesday, 28 November, 2006 - 21:37
Hi all,

the jEdit has the nice JDiff Plugin. But sometimes I need to diff two folders. I would be nice to have a Plugin to select two folders and the different files will be shown in JDiff. So the most difficult things are done and there is just an interface needed between JDiff and "FolderDiff".
Favorites / FTP-Plugin: label for connections?
Submitted by pepl on Thursday, 23 November, 2006 - 10:51

I'm using jEdit to edit files (almost Perl) which resides on Unix servers who are placed in strong secured areas in our company.

The only way to access these files is to use a special server over which i have to establish SSL tunnels to the servers.

This means that i'm always connecting over one server on different ports.

I save these connections as favorites and unfortunately they all, for example, look like this:

This could be connections to four different servers - ports 55010,...,55040 (e.g. production, test, etc.).

Until now i have 12 connections defined who all look like the example above.

As you can see this ist very confusing, very unclear.

If there where the possibility to enter labels for favorites or for ftp-connections it would be much easier for me.

In Ultra-Edit there's a possibility to name (to label) connections (i used Ultra-Edit before).

Do you think it's possible to create a feature like labeling or naming favorites or ftp-connections?

exam prep sites ?
Submitted by jakannan on Monday, 13 November, 2006 - 23:14
iam going to study for mcse , ccna and ocp in my next couple of month and i was looking for sites with package deals .... i came across . anyone knows how good is their $85 all exams package and is it worth it ???? . looking for ur responses
Remove blank lines
Submitted by maxie_ro on Tuesday, 31 October, 2006 - 09:21
There is something I would like to see implemented in jEdit, if it's possible:

A customizable feature to remove blank lines, similar to Alt+R in Notepad2.

For example, the user can opt to remove all blank lines, or where the number of consecutive blank lines is higher than a certain number (for example, remove a blank line where there are >= 2 blank lines).

Project(s)-wide SideKick
Submitted by shlomy on Monday, 23 October, 2006 - 13:46
The SideKick plugin currently provides a tree for the current buffer, which can be updated each time the buffer is modified or another buffer becomes the current buffer.

How about a project-wide SideKick? I normally work on an entire project, not a single buffer. I have many buffers open at the same time and I frequently switch between them (or open new ones). Nearly every single feature/bug fix I write involves several files. A project-wide SideKick could help navigate an entire project - for example, I don't need to know where a function is defined (or even type its name) in order to go to it. I can simply click it in the project-wide SideKick.

To be generally useful, a project-wide SideKick would probably need some filtering, but this in itself is an issue for another discussion. What do you think about a project-wide SideKick? The CtagsSideKick plugin, for example, could use existing (project-wide) tag files to generate much more information than it currently does.
Regular Expressions backreference feature
Submitted by sjoaquim on Thursday, 19 October, 2006 - 18:39
Hi, I've tried to use the standard backreference for regular expressions (\1) in the "Replace with:" field of jEdit's Search and Replace with no success. I also tried to use variations of the common sintax for most regex-oriented languages like Perl or Ruby, which is something like this:
s/<span id=\"([^\"]*)\">/Value is equal to \1/g
But had no success.

Do you know if jEdit implement a different kind of backreference or if it really doesn't implement it at all? If so, wouldn't it be nice to have it?

Default edit mode for specific file extensions
Submitted by shlomy on Sunday, 15 October, 2006 - 22:23
Today, edit modes declare the file extensions they handle. The same file extension may be specified for several edit modes, and it's okay. For example, '.h' files can be both C, C++, or Objective-C files. So far, this is natural and good.

When the user opens a buffer, jEdit selects the first edit mode that can handle the extension of the buffer and uses it. Sometimes, this is not the mode that the user wanted to use. For example, I opened a file "a.h", and it was opened in Objective-C mode, but I never program in Objective-C, only C++. So I have two options:
1. Use the "buffer options" to change the mode for the current file ("a.h"). This means that if I then open "b.h", it will again open in Objective-C mode and I will have to change it as well.
2. Use the "global options" to remove the association between Objective-C and ".h" files (and I might need to do this for other modes handling ".h" files as well except C++). This means that all ".h" files that I open from now on will be opened in C++ mode, but: a) I had to do some work (remove the associations from all other modes), and b) if at some point I'm going to use Objective-C, I will need to add the association again.

I suggest to add the following feature to jEdit: A "default modes" list, where the user can specify for specific extensions which modes he'd like to use. If an extension is not on the "default modes" list, jEdit will choose the mode just as it does now. However, if the extension is on the list, it will use the mode specified in the list. So if I see that my ".h" file was opened in Objective-C, I will simply add an association from ".h" to "C++" to that list, and all future buffers of ".h" files will use C++ mode.

Furthermode, I suggest a user-friendly GUI to support this list: In the status bar, the text string specifying the current edit mode will be replaced by a combo box. If the mode used for the buffer is not the desired one, the user will be able to select the desired one from the combo box and the mode selected will be set automatically as the default mode for this extension (i.e. automatically add to the "default modes" list or automatically update it).

Feedback will be most welcome...
Plug-In BufferTabs: Copy File Name/Path embedded with quotes when containing space character
Submitted by uhuebner on Wednesday, 11 October, 2006 - 14:56
Hi there,

I would like to see the option (checkbox in plug-in options) for the plug-in BufferTabs to embed the file name/path with quotes when there is a space character in it.

Just to let you know Smiling

nested comments
Submitted by denserMan on Friday, 6 October, 2006 - 18:17
I have a hard time believing this hasn't been requested but I didn't find a request when I searched.

I would love to have nested comments highlighted. In particular, ColdFusion nested comments. I fiddled with the existing highlighting but couldn't make it work and now it looks like jEdit can't do that anyway.

CodeBrowser: Different tree presentations
Submitted by shlomy on Thursday, 28 September, 2006 - 21:47

I'd like to add the following features to the CodeBrowser plugin:

1. An option to show tags with their namespace (i.e. classes, structs, ...) instead of the plain tag names - useful mostly for OO languages (C++, Java, ...). For example, if a file "a.cpp" contains functions "void A:f()" and "void B:f()", you will see "A:f()" and "B:f()" in the tree instead of two undistinguishable "f()" nodes. What do you think?
One of the questions regarding this feature is what to do with the right-click menu operations: Insert, Hypersearch, Copy, ... when the namespace option is used. Should these work on the namespace-qualified tag or continue to work on the plain tag name?

2. An option to have the tags grouped under their namespace, instead of under their tag type ("Function", "Variable", "Class", .. ), and an icon for each tag that specifies its type. Such a presentation of the tree would make it look more or less like the "Outline" view in eclipse. I think such a presentation may be more useful than the current.

At a later stage, the CodeBrowser tree can become completely customizable using an XML configuration file that will map "ctags" information into tree node strings and icons.

Please tell me what you think.

Should we close this foum to new posts?
Submitted by AlanEzust on Tuesday, 26 September, 2006 - 04:48
I'm sure there are valuable discussions in this forum, so I think it should stay here for historical purposes, but all new feature requests should be posted to the feature requests tracker, and further, any important ones that are posted here should also be moved there and given a unique ID, which can be closed when the feature is actually implemented. Don't you agree, vampire?
[SuperAbbrevs] Delete groups
Submitted by kochka on Sunday, 24 September, 2006 - 13:59
Hi Smiling

First, thanks a lot for this great plugin !

The only thing i've not found into the plugin is the ability to remove unwanted groups.

Example :

belongs_to :${1:object}, :class_name => "${2:ClassName}", :foreign_key => "${3:foreign_key}_id"$end

In this template, most of time I need only the first var group. I know I can bind all templates I need but It make a lot of shortcuts to memorize.
It would be great to have the ability to tab on a var and remove the group with a binded key :
belongs_to :${1:object}$[, :class_name => "${2:ClassName}"]$[, :foreign_key => "${3:foreign_key}_id"]$end
When I tab to go on $2, I can remove all the group ', :class_name => "${2:ClassName}"' with a binded key.

It can be usefull also for things like "if then else end", cause I need to make different shorcuts with one for the "else" case, and only one could be done with such a system.

I hope you have understood what I mean Smiling

Thanks a lot !
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