jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Allow setting directory for scratch file
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 31 March, 2004 - 17:46
When I start working on a file, jedit creates a file called #Untitled-1# and puts it in whatever current directory I happen to be in. This sometimes causes me to have these little files scattered about on the myriad of different drives and file shares I work on. The auto save feature lets you set a 'backup' directory, and it would be great if I could also configure a 'scratch file' directory.
XML Folding
Submitted by bz3p19 on Wednesday, 31 March, 2004 - 13:03

I'm not sure if this is new or not, but how about XML folding... If it can be done already (and I've searched), please let me know how...

It would be really decent to be able to fold the tags. I'm convincing the people at work to start using jEdit, and this feature will really start the ball rolling.

Console Plugin window layout
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 24 March, 2004 - 15:01
I use the console plugin a lot for Ant and (on windows machines at work) for the System shell.

Sadly, it seems there's no way to move the shell selection widget and edit box (for typing commands) to the bottom of the window where it belongs IMO. This means your eyes are constantly hopping from the top of the screen to see what you're typing, to the bottom to see the output and it's quite uncomfortable. With the toolbar at the bottom, it would also be more in line with true console / terminal input and the style of most IRC / chat clients.

Any chance of moving it by default, or being given the option of where to place it?

All the best!
C++/C# completion support in CodeAid (or some other plugin)
Submitted by davidljung on Tuesday, 23 March, 2004 - 19:03
I use jEdit primarily for C++/C# development. I'd like to see CodeAid work for C++ and
C# rather than just Java. C++ would need at least a basic understanding of
templates (which is soon to be true for Java/C# too).

As an incentive/motivation, I'll give US$50 to anyone who implements one
or the other (or both!), either in CodeAid or some other
plugin, via PayPal (or I'll donate to if prefered).


PS: If this gets implemented anyway, I'll donate $50 to

email: t7 'at' pobox 'dot' com
Half page scroll
Submitted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 23 March, 2004 - 01:36
I need a feature.
It is better that i can select option of page-up and page-down for a page or a half page.

If i want to scan through the file and find something by eyes, it is very easy to miss something on the top and the bottom of the pages, so if i can page-down a half, the bottom become the center ........i think it is better!
Subversion plugin
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 18 March, 2004 - 08:24

Are there any plans, interest in, or plugins underway already, to provide support for Subversion version control (

I'm about to have a toy around with making an interface using the existing SourceControl plugin (yet to see if this will be feasible). But since I'm going to need to relearn java (then the relevant jedit plugin api's), I thought I'd ask first. Eye-wink

JEdit is wonderful. I remember people making jokes about emacs users never leaving their editors, and now I'm becoming the butt of the same ones because of jedit. Thanks for the efforts so far.
Sorted plugins menu, docking context menu
Submitted by qube on Friday, 12 March, 2004 - 07:54
Would it be difficult to organize the Plugins menu by categories, using same categories we find in the plugin manager 'update' and 'install' screens? Or at least have the possibility (some global option) to have the full plugin names in this menu.. I'm sure many of us have had to re-read all the plugin names to find the one we're looking for.

Also, would it be hard to popup a plugin's submenu (as seen in the Plugins menu) when right-clicking over the docked plugins (thus adding the menu rubrics to the usual 'float', 'dock', etc. rubrics)? That would be grrrreat!
Distinguish between PC numeric keypad and other keys...
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 12 March, 2004 - 04:49

One thing I miss from other editors is the ability to map
functions to PC numeric keypad keys. In those editors the
keypad "enter" key is different from the main "enter" key
and likewise for "/", "*", "+", "-" keys etc.

In jEdit 4.2pre9 most of the keypad keys can't be
distinguished from their main keypad counterparts.

Maybe this is a PC/JDK issue?
Open HistoryTextField with a shortcut
Submitted by spj on Wednesday, 10 March, 2004 - 15:20
I think it's useful if you can open the history in a HistoryTextField with
a shortcut. Here my Code suggestion:
protected void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent evt) {
if(evt.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) {
if(evt.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) {
else if(evt.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN && evt.isAltDown()) { // Added Line
showPopupMenu("",0,getHeight()); // Added Line
evt.consume(); // Added Line
} // Added Line
SpellCheck plugin should highlight the word it thinks is mispelled
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 5 March, 2004 - 19:48
In most interactive spellcheckers, when the spell checking dialog indicates a word is supposedly misspelled and prompts to ignore it, replace it, etc., the word in question is highlighted in the text buffer being spellchecked, so that one can see the context of the word. However, with the SpellCheck plugin, *all* the text in the buffer is highlighted as part of a selection, and there seems to be no way to see the context of the word. Because of this, a Console window with Aspell or Ispell would arguably be more useful than the SpellCheck plugin as it stands.

(BTW, don't suggest that I use Jazzy. It highlights supposedly mispelled words like it should, but the only way I can get it to handle capitalized words correctly is to add them to Jazzy's dictionary, and that makes Jazzy either hog memory or choke with an OutOfMemory error. Sad But that's another story.)
Project with FTP upload integrated
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 4 March, 2004 - 00:47
Hi. I'm used working on web projects where the working sources are on local drive and I make tests sending the pages via FTP on remote production server. Is there a way to make the job this way?
Thanks in advance
Slow operations Progress Dialog
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 26 February, 2004 - 08:42
Hi! I would like a Progress Dialog for operations that take more than a few seconds. Recently I ran a regex replace all on a very big file. After pressing the Replace All I had no way of knowing how mush of the operation was left, no way of cancelling the operation, and no way of knowing if the application has crashed. I would like a progress dialog with a progress bar and an cancel button. This should appear for all operations that take more than a few seconds, examples include search/replace and macros.
Also during the replace operation, when switching to another window and then back to JEdit, the JEdit window became grey and behaved strange. Maybe this could be some problem with repaint being blocked or delayed. Better thread handling maybe?
Thanks for the best text editor!
(A tip for Java news:
vim emulation would be so key
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 26 February, 2004 - 02:32
I just started playing around with jedit today, and it looks like a great editor. But having come from vi, as I imagine many jedit users have, the keyboard shortcuts, macros, etc have become well-ingrained in my head, and have made me a much faster programmer for it.
I would absolutely love to see a vim plug-in. It looks like somebody started a project called vimulator, but it doesn't appear to work at all, and doesn't appear to be in active development.
Are there any plans for something like this? Anyone willing to pick it up?

Reload button in Plugin Manager
Submitted by trondgzi on Wednesday, 25 February, 2004 - 07:16
When developing a plugin, it would be great to have the possibility to reload the plugin from the filesystem. I have only been able to remove a plugin and reinstall it from the plugin central.

If this is already possible can someone please tell me how?
'Count' option is 'Search and Replace' dialog
Submitted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 24 February, 2004 - 07:07
I would like a 'count' option in the 'Search and Replace' dialog for counting the number of occurances. Now I have to search and replace the same string. This means the buffer has changed and this is not desirable as there is no 'real' change. Currenlty I'm using jEdit 4.2pre8.
JGoodies L&F
Submitted by ahmetaa on Monday, 23 February, 2004 - 18:05
It would be nice if there is a JGoodies or Alloy look and feel available. it looks slick..
For an example app:
XML plugin: Detect encoding
Submitted by Anonymous on Monday, 23 February, 2004 - 12:33
When loading an XML document the XML plugin should detect, and switch to, the encoding specified in the XML header.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

 My default character-encoding is cp1252. If I were to open the example-document I would risk corrupting the document when saving. Instead I wish that the XML plugin should recognize encoding="utf-8" and automatically switch.
File system browser shortcuts and positioning of items in the toolbar
Submitted by Anonymous on Sunday, 22 February, 2004 - 15:33
Thanks for an excellent browser.
Two requests:

1) I have looked around but I can't find any way to attach a keyboard shortcut to the "Directory of current buffer" option that I use all the time. I can't put an icon on the main toolbar (see 2) either.

2) The way I prefer to position is to the left and have it as narrow as possible to free up editing space. Unfortunately, I then have difficulty seeing the toolbar dropdown items.
It would be nice if it was possible to have the file browser toolbar items in on the main toolbar. On my machine, the latter is almost empty since I know most of the commands by heart.
jEdit Applet?
Submitted by SignificantBit on Saturday, 21 February, 2004 - 02:35
Greetings guys,
I'm looking for a jEdit or like cross plataform editor that work as a java applet. I'm involved on a development project in which we would like to implement a browser-based interface (ide if you like) for coders to work. Sintax highlighting and indentation are the main features we are looking for. Any solutions out there? Any jEdit-based applet?
'Lock Buffer Feature'
Submitted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 17 February, 2004 - 18:16

Many times, I have faced this problem when working on several buffers: am I editing the file I think I am editing ? I could realize it with a quick look on the tabs, but I guess we programmers can be quite distracted sometimes, and if I have two PHP sources open at the same time, I would think I am writing on file A while in fact, I am writing file B which should not be touched.

Of course, I could change the file permissions in order to prevent myself from doing something stupid. But not always.

My request is: I would like JEdit to have some mechanism to allow me to prohibit myself to write to a buffer. I would 'Lock' the buffer I do not want to write, and I could work with the two of them open at the same time. JEdit would still allow to select and copy text, but not write to the buffer.

So, what do you guys say ? Have you ever run into this same distraction ? Would this be useful ?

See ya
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