jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Scroll position: A text editor vs a text viewer
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 21 January, 2004 - 00:25
I dont know if it's possible or not but I find that when I am cracking out a function or doing a bit of writing at the end of a file I prefer to not be editing at the bottom of the screen.

A text editor in my opinion should allow the user to position the bottom of the file in the middle of the viewing window as opposed to a text viewer which simply needs to display the text.

I am really impressed with jedit so far anyway, thanks a lot.
Cursor Beyond Line End?
Submitted by Anonymous on Monday, 19 January, 2004 - 17:55
Hello. I am new to Jedit so if this is already implemented somewhere, I'd appreciate a pointer...

As far as I can tell, there is no way to permit the cursor to move beyond a line's end into "virtual" space. Is there any way to permit this? Once in "virtual" space, any character entered will be placed at that location and the characters between the current line end and the new character are "filled" with white spaces. This would also permit the cursor to NOT have to follow line ends while moving up and down in a file.

If there is any way to implement this using a plugin, I am willing to give it a shot. I just have no idea where/how to begin.
Rectangular/Column Selections Using The Keyboard?
Submitted by Anonymous on Monday, 19 January, 2004 - 16:59
Hello. I am new to Jedit so if this is already implemented somewhere, I'd appreciate a pointer...

From what I can see in the docs, the only way to perform column selections is to use the mouse. Is there any way to accomplish this with the keyboard alone?

If there is any way to implement this using a plugin, I am willing to give it a shot. I just have no idea where/how to begin.


Rectangular/Column Selections Using The Keyboard?
Submitted by Anonymous on Monday, 19 January, 2004 - 16:59
Hello. I am new to Jedit so if this is already implemented somewhere, I'd appreciate a pointer...

From what I can see in the docs, the only way to perform column selections is to use the mouse. Is there any way to accomplish this with the keyboard alone?

If there is any way to implement this using a plugin, I am willing to give it a shot. I just have no idea where/how to begin.


"Persistent" Blocks
Submitted by Anonymous on Monday, 19 January, 2004 - 16:57
Hello. I am new to Jedit so if this is already implemented somewhere, I'd appreciate a pointer...

I am moving from an editor which allows one to start and end a block of selected text and then to move the cursor to the location where the selected text should be moved/copied WITHOUT having the selection disappear. In this manner, you do not have to (a) select, (b) copy/cut, (c) move to target location, and (d) paste. Instead you (a) select, (b) move to target, and (c) copy/move.

If there is any way to implement this using a plugin, I am willing to give it a shot. I just have no idea where/how to begin.
selection start
Submitted by Anonymous on Saturday, 17 January, 2004 - 21:41
The only feature/behavior that I find missing or am unable to write a macro to do is to begin a selection with a keystoke and have that selection continue to grow and shrink as I move around in the file -- usually with remapped cursor keys (e.g., ctl-j, ctl-k, etc). The selection would 'end' when I operate on it -- copy, cut, write, etc. I have used CodeWright in the past, and it works this way -- and I have grown very accustomed to it. The only real difference between this behavior and the normal mode, is that it is not necessary to continue to hold down the SHIFT' key to expand or modify the selection. If there is a way to make this happen via a macro or other mechanism, please, please let me know. I hope this explanation clear enough.
Bitmap font support
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 16 January, 2004 - 16:18
Not sure if this is a java issue or not, but it seems jEdit has no support for bitmap based fonts. It would be nice to have the .FON (under windows) bitmap type fonts supported since there are so many excellent programming fonts of this flavor.
Print Selection
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 15 January, 2004 - 19:27
It would be nice if a option were available in the print
dialog to print only the currently selected block of text.
Jabber Client
Submitted by eargh on Monday, 12 January, 2004 - 07:56
I juz wonder if there are any plans to include a client for Jabber.. maybe a plugin that can be docked on the side panels...

maybe can display contacts on the side panel, then open new windows for message???
Submitted by Anonymous on Saturday, 10 January, 2004 - 14:51
Antialiasing is in the texte area is great, but the rest of the interface is not. Could this be implemented or is there a way to turn it on ?
Smart home behaviour change
Submitted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 6 January, 2004 - 15:47
When using smart home, I need to press home twice to get to the beginning of line even if I am already at the beginning of the first word. For example, in the line:


If I press home once the cursor does not move, I have to press home again to go to the begining of line. I would like an option so that when I am already at the smart home position, pressing the Home key takes me directly to the beginning of line.

Feature for the "Search in Directory" command
Submitted by fixedsys on Tuesday, 6 January, 2004 - 06:56
The change log of jEdit 4.2pre7 says:

> The "Search in Directory" command now always selects the most recently
> searched in directory. To search in the current directory with the
> filter based on the current buffer's file name, click the
> "Synchronize" button.

For me this is an unlucky solution because I have to search in the directory of the current buffer in 99% of all cases.

I would suggest something like a small combobox to switch between these options:

- Search in most recently searched directory
- Search in the directory of the current buffer

When opening the dialog or changing this option the directory depending on the setting is inserted.
colored icons
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 1 January, 2004 - 15:42
I allways uncompress the jedit.jar files - replace the icons by the colored ones and compress it again --- It would de good to include the colored icons in future installations

Thanks to the great job of all jedit developers Smiling
Persistence fr Markers
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 31 December, 2003 - 18:23
I would be very intersted in Markers being persisted. The idea is that if I set markers here and there, I would like them to remain set for all time...
Selected Variable High-Lighting
Submitted by spj on Sunday, 28 December, 2003 - 00:31
Put the cursor on a Variable and the Variable is highlighted everywehere in the active View
File/Directory Import and Export
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 26 December, 2003 - 05:32
I think if Filesystem browser has "File/Directory import and export from/to local filesystem" feature, jEdit could be a very nice FTP(or some other VFS's) cilent.
PHP function tree
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 25 December, 2003 - 19:15
Today I spend some time finding a new PHP editor, because the ones I currently use (Quanta and TSwebeditor) are far from perfect. From all the ones I tried Jedit came out best. It has almost all I need and it's great that I can use it on both operating systems I use (Linux and W2K).

There's only one thing I miss in Jedit, and on the net I found more people complaining about Jedit lacking this option. The thing I miss is a PHP function tree. If I have a long PHP file with lots of functions, it's very usefull to have a list of all those funtions somewhere on your screen, so you can switch to a particular function by clicking on it. This saves a lot of scrolling. Here is a screenshot of a TSwebeditor with a function list:
XPath Relative Queries
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 17 December, 2003 - 10:36

The XPath plug-in is a good idea, however it is relatively useless and I hardly ever use it purely because you cannot perform XPath queries relative to a specific node (they are always executed relative to the root node) and therefore you can never test out and optimise your XPath queries. For example:

If I had the some XML representing a page and the current node I was matching (using XSLT for example) was the "body" node, but I wanted to find out the title of the page from this node the best way to do this would be to use the query "ancestor::page/@title". However this is not possible to test in the current XPath plugin.
New beta version of JythonInterpreter available
Submitted by jgellene on Monday, 22 October, 2001 - 04:16
The new version provides a completely new GUI and new functionality for running and importing buffers. It contains new "Path Handler" and "Path Browser" features and adds a navigation button to go to a traceback's source Install first .

Carlos Quiroz, the author of the plugin, recommends that you first install the current release version 0.5 of JythonIntepreter using jEdit's Plugin Manager feature. This will ensure that your installation contains the required version of Jython itself. To install the new beta version of the plugin, simply substitute it for the earlier version
jEdit Community registers its 100th member
Submitted by jgellene on Saturday, 20 October, 2001 - 22:37
Our community now numbers over 100, after less than two weeks online. What are you waiting for? Become a member today!
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