jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
More old-style text encodings in a plug-in
Submitted by Silversleeves on Friday, 8 May, 2009 - 02:54
I like what I see so far with jEdit, even though I've only had it on my system for less than 72 hrs.
I thought the TextTools plug-in would include such things as ROT13, Reverse, Flip, Shuffle Characters, etc, which are the little "toys" I remember fondly from BBEdit in my Mac days (incidentally those stretched from June of last year to the spring of 1993), and are also part of the Format menu in a similar product to this in Windows called EDXOR. I suppose these encryptions are old-hat, but from time to time I find one or two of them useful, and would like to see them added to jEdit.

file/buffer persistence independent from session or project
Submitted by mabra on Friday, 24 April, 2009 - 02:47
Hi All!

Just - so far I think - a useful feature request;Make SOME [selectable] buffers/file always opened at start. This should be independent from session and project [were in the latter, I can just currently have only one open at a time]. May be tell it "always open" and open the files/buffers with one click [I have too many "favorites" to deal with Eye-wink ]. The better option would be to change "project" to have many open at a time.

Best regards,
fast find next
Submitted by tissatussa on Sunday, 5 April, 2009 - 00:43
hi all, does anybody know a way to achieve this funtionality ? :: selecting a string and then pressing "find next" (mine is F3) could directly be done without the popup search window. This handy fast functionality is found in the TextPad editor (only Windows).
persist search settings by buffer
Submitted by greghk on Saturday, 28 March, 2009 - 03:37
I search some files backward by default. It would be nice to have the equivalent to the :folding command that you can insert into a buffer to persist folding options. Something like :search=backward to default the search direction in this buffer to backward. Perhaps other users have other search options that they are constantly setting for certain files that a mechanism like this could persist as well.
Select From Gutter With Right-Click
Submitted by ehtyar on Thursday, 19 March, 2009 - 00:43
Hi all.

I'm a recent jEdit convert from Notepad++. My primary motivation for converting was for a consistent experience across platforms (namely Linux vs. Windows), but I'm very impressed with jEdit all-round.

The only feature I'm missing is being able to select text blocks from the Gutter. I understand that this cannot be implemented with left-click because it would interfere with code-folding which I totally understand. After some experimentation I found that selecting from the gutter works with right-click. Unfortunately, it also triggers the standard context menu.

My request is, would it be possibly to have right-click on the gutter not display the context menu to make it possible to select text blocks from the gutter. I would very much appreciate consideration of this new feature.

Thank you, Ehtyar.
transparent background & configuring ALL colors
Submitted by MrBark on Thursday, 12 February, 2009 - 02:30
Hi !
Firstly I would like to thank you for your contribution of the open source world ! Eye-wink

So, I think that a transparent background should be really welcomed !
i.e. if you use a transparent cube in compiz, it's really comfortable to see a bit the windows of the others workspaces behind your code, you can see if you have mail in your browser, if someone is speaking to you on pidgin or if your compilation in another terminal is finished... and you code in the same time.
Actually, I'm using... vim ! (in a transparent terminal) just because of that reason !

And another thing/problem :
You can configure the colors of the text, background, selected line, etc.
But if you choose a black (or dark) bg color, and sure a white text color, there's a problem in perl language :
some characters still black !
i.e. the { } of a if... so it's black on black...
is there a solution ?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help !
A code reformatter/beautifier for ActionScript
Submitted by oxk4r on Wednesday, 28 January, 2009 - 18:21
If there are plugins for beautify Java, C or Xml, why not for ActionScript? Its a widely used language.
Remote access to the JEdit server
Submitted by Pekarna on Tuesday, 27 January, 2009 - 18:52

I am looking for some editor which would allow simultaneous access from several computers, ie. others would see what one does in his client.

I've noticed that JEdit has client/server architecture and communicates over TCP/IP, so, is it capable of connecting remotely?

Thanks, Ondra
Add Marker to Modified Lines
Submitted by jrchilds on Tuesday, 20 January, 2009 - 19:09
It would be handy to have a plugin that adds a non-numbered marker to any modified line.

The editor we previously used marked modified lines, and we would jump through the modifications using a keystroke. The jumping and removing of the markers on save I can handle in a macro. But the part I cant figure out is adding the marker automatically.
SVN plugin feature for externals
Submitted by Spatialdrift on Monday, 15 December, 2008 - 19:21
I tried to use the jEdit SVN plugin for a repository that references several external repositories. Seems that this feature is not supported, as the external directories are not populated in the repository browser. I would love to see the jEdit plugin support this type of SVN use in the future.
SideKick Code Completion
Submitted by kog on Thursday, 11 December, 2008 - 20:54
I downloaded the SideKick plugins for Java, and one of the features it has is a code-completion box for when you type in the name of a class or variable followed by a period. It's handy, and it shows all the method names for that object, but is there a way to get it to also show what parameters those methods need? It would be nice to not have to open up a separate page to look up how many parameters and of what type a certain method needs.
PHP Constant Hightlighting
Submitted by ialsoagree on Friday, 21 November, 2008 - 23:59
I'm really confused. I downloaded jEdit on my laptop and on my desktop. As far as I can tell they are exactly the same.

However, my laptop styles variable type declarations (for example, putting (int) before a variable, the "(int)" would be in bold) and user-defined PHP constants in bold (that is, any text that appears on it's own would be bold if it were inside PHP tags) and my desktop does not.

I've searched the forums and the internet for hours trying to come up with a solution, and there doesn't seem to be anything that discusses these differences at all. I don't have access to my laptop right now and thus can't copy over the xml file to my desktop.

Would anybody be willing to tell me how to fix this? I've tried messing around with the xml file myself but can't get remotely close. Every solution I've attempted either affects everything but user-defined constants, or user-defined constants and just about everything else written in a PHP file. I thought throwing a new formatting near the button of an existing rule set (since I seem totally unable to make my own) would make it the last operation performed, but I was wrong. My rule seems to be the first thing to happen no matter where it's placed in the xml file.
Fold comments of different programming languages
Submitted by caracho on Friday, 21 November, 2008 - 22:40

It will help to legibility (clean code) to have a macro or plug in, that folded (or hided) the comments.

It is good to have an inline documentation, but sometimes it grows too much that hides the code.

I've tried to use SearchAndReplace, Fold and other commands but I don't know how to get the line where a comment begins (e.g. # for Python, ' for Visual Basic, // for Java)

Thanks and regards, caracho
more recent version of syntax highlighting
Submitted by ehmdjii on Sunday, 16 November, 2008 - 20:36

i was wondering if there is a more recent version of the syntax highlighting package here:

i'd like to create a texteditor in my java program that highlights some keywords and provides line numbers. does anyone know of a library that can accomplish that? thanks!
Abbreviation improvements
Submitted by zorglub76 on Monday, 10 November, 2008 - 11:11
I wanted to try the abbreviation feature. It seems really useful, but I have some suggestion for improvement:

1) Allow users to chose the sets they want
For instance, I want only HTML set to be enabled, not all of them.
How to implement it:
- The current checkbox ("Space bar expands abbrevs") should enable/disable all abbrev sets
- There should be another checkbox ("Enable this abbrev set") below the "Abbrev set" dropdown list. This one should enable/disable the current abbrev set
- There should also be another checkbox for "select/deselect all" abbrev sets (for resetting everything)

2) Allow users to choose the key for expanding abbrevs
Users should be allowed to choose if the abbrevs should be expanded by space, or some other key combination (e.g. "c-enter")

3) Create a shortcut for toggling abbreviation functionality
For instance, I would like to switch abbreviations on and off without going to main menu

What do you think?
Is this possible?
Accessibility & JEdit - A field of improvement!
Submitted by FMarrenbach on Tuesday, 4 November, 2008 - 09:52
Hello All!

JEdit is a powerful tool to support the development of source code and applications. the rise the usability is it possible to increase the accessibility for handicaped developer. Screen Reader like VoiceOver (Mac OS X) or JAWS (Windows) transform screen content into speech or brailie.

User of JEdit e.g. can not listen to their text while tipping or moving the cursor through the text.

Frank Marrenbach
Options for Ruby plugin! (especially for auto-complete)
Submitted by alanomaly on Saturday, 1 November, 2008 - 18:02
The Ruby plugin is great, but it contains a lot of features that change how normal data entry into a jEdit buffer works, and not all of these can be turned off.

In particular, I really, really want to turn off the auto-complete for ", (, /, etc. I know a lot of people like this feature, so I understand why it's turned on as default, but why is there no option to disable it? (other than uninstalling RubyPlugin, which I have now done)

Personally, the main reason I like jEdit is because it DOESN'T try to be helpful like this unless I tell it to - if I wanted TextMate or Aptana, I'd get it, thanks. I love the RubyPlugin API browser and error detection, and I'd really like to be able to use these features without the plug-in changing my favourite thing about jEdit.

Please, keep the feature, maybe even keep it as activated by default, but please let me disable it if I want to. It seems like exactly the sort of thing that should have a toggle-on, toggle-off feature.


(p.s. if anyone knows any hacks I could use now to cut it out myself I'd be really grateful, thanks)
Class interface for user
Submitted by LeGerfo on Thursday, 30 October, 2008 - 12:48

I would like to use source files JEDIT and use buffertext and another things, why you don't add a class user interface empty for user who want to add sources for him ?


shortcuts: differentiating between keys: left/right ALT key, left/right CTRL key and the left/right WIN key
Submitted by homeathouse on Friday, 24 October, 2008 - 00:32
jEdit does not distinguish between the two plus signs on a keyboard.

When I set a shortcut from Utilities> Global Options> Shortcuts, jEdit doesn't want to distinguish between the two plus signs on a keyboard. It sees typing plus sign ("+") using the number pad and a plus sign typing shift with the equals sign ("=") as typing the same key.

This also holds true for the left/right ALT key, left/right CTRL key and the left/right WIN key.

jEdit needs to distinguish between the keys so I can set a shortcut using the number pad plus sign while also leaving the plus sign (next to the backspace on the keyboard) not set to a shortcut.

AutoIt (Windows automation language) distinguishes between the following keys when setting a hotkey or sending text (using HotKeySet() and Send(), respectively):

Plus ("+") keys: {+}, {NUMPADADD}
ALT keys: {LALT}, {RALT}
WIN keys: {LWIN}, {RWIN}

Here are the Send Commands and the Resulting Keypress

Example using AutoItScript:

HotKeySet('{+}', 'ShowMessageOne')
HotKeySet('{NUMPADADD}', 'ShowMessageTwo')

Func ShowMessageOne()
MsgBox(4096,'','You pressed the plus sign next using SHIFT + PLUS SIGN!')
Func ShowMessageTwo()
MsgBox(4096,'','You pressed the plus sign next using the number pad!')
While 1

^In the above AutoItScript script, it differentiates between the two plus sign keys.

shortcut: toggle fold
Submitted by homeathouse on Thursday, 23 October, 2008 - 13:20
i am looking for a "toggle fold" shortcut setting--a shortcut to do the same thing as clicking the fold markers in the margin (left of the line numbers).

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