jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
jEdit can't see environment variables
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 29 January, 2004 - 18:29
I installed jEdit 4.2pre8 on Windows 2000. It doesn't see my environment varibales, such as JAVA_HOME, CLASSPATH, etc. Is there a place where I can set a variable so that jEdit can detect my environment variables.


JIndex Problem
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 29 January, 2004 - 13:50
I am having no luck in configuring JIndex 1.1.
I am mixing the IBM 1.4.1 JDK and the Sun 1.4.1 SDK documentation. There appear to be no error messages so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

It might be that JIndex will only work with SDK 1.3???

Any suggestions gratefully received.


George Seaton
Codebrowser and ctags: won't parse php files, saved as .inc
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 28 January, 2004 - 23:13
Hi All,

I want to use the code browser for php files. But i've saved all my library files as .inc and not as .php. Therefore the codebrowser won't work. Does anybody knows how i can solve this problem?

Allowing ErrorList to work with custom tags
Submitted by Anonymous on Sunday, 18 January, 2004 - 08:26
I am new to jEdit and am trying to get my head around plugins. I have installed the SideKick and related plugins which look promising for the css and php development that I am doing. But I would like to create Movable Type templates using jEdit, and the ErrorList plugin throws errors with the custom Movable Type tags that are present.

Is there an easy way to let ErrorList ignore custom tags such as the MT content tags, or recognize them as valid?

Thanks in advance.

complier plugin
Submitted by Anonymous on Saturday, 17 January, 2004 - 15:40
I installed jedit, it works fine. I have installed all the plugins but , jcomplier, jswat, jinni,headline,antalope, xptracker and navigator. I get this error message if I try to install any of these.

an I/O error occured("

How can I fix this, I really need the complier.

Problems with jEdit and Swedish chars on Linux
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 16 January, 2004 - 15:40

I have installed jEdit on Debian Linux. But when I write swidish special chars the editor display a square insted of the char. How to fix it?
Decompilation Issues
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 14 January, 2004 - 16:01
I'm not sure if this is a specific plug-in or jar files problem but here is the scenario.

Using jEdit (I used jEdit 4.0.3 and jEdit 4.2pre8) with the Java Insight plug-in... I added a jar added through Java Insight by right clicking on the All Packackes with the Add Archives.. menu item. After adding the class, it shows up properly...then right click and selected "Decompile with Jode"..and after doing so, it seems to lock freeze the program. It looks like it could be a memory or cpu usage issue but I'm not sure on this. It seem to be more apparent in the 4.0.3 and less so on the 4.2pre8.
Uninstalling Lazy 8 Ledger
Submitted by Anonymous on Saturday, 10 January, 2004 - 19:08
I have tried out the Lazy 8 Ledger which came as a package on jEdit.
The Ledger does not suit my needs but I would like to use jEdit.
I have uninstalled Lazy 8 Ledger/jEdit completely and installed jEdit version 4.2pre6
Still jEdit comes up as "jEdit - Lazy 8 Ledger" with "DataEntry" "Report" "Advanved" as first (unactive) menu-items.
I have looked everywhere but cannot find where this setting can be removed.

Can anyone help me?
Some MacOSX (Panther) issues
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 7 January, 2004 - 16:38
Since 4.1 final the key command "Command-," which usually calls the incremental search opens up the preferences.
Also, as someone before stated, some accents like ~ or ^ do not appear with international keyboards.
Any ideas to solve these problems on Panther?
any news on root problem w/ filebrowser?
Submitted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 23 December, 2003 - 21:04

I'm not sure if this the correct place but it hasn't been mentioned on the new drupal topic for pre7, I'm not sure if anybody is still reading the old topics
and the possibly-related bug tracker entries I noticed
show little comment/info/activity.

Is this jEdit? The filesystem browser? The FTP plugin? interactions?
mixed language
Submitted by Anonymous on Monday, 22 December, 2003 - 00:26
I can type mixed english and cyrillic characters in jedit ( 4.2pre7) and it looks fine. When saved and reloaded the cyrillic characters are all displated as question marks.
Any way around this ?
Accented vowels do not appear in MacOSX
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 18 December, 2003 - 10:19
Hi all,

I just love jEdit, but cannot get accented vowels appear when typed. I'm using Spanish MacOSX Panther and 4.2pre7, but it happened in Jaguar and 4.1. I'm sure this has been documented anywhere, but cannot find it... is there any solution?
jedit no longer starts
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 17 December, 2003 - 16:26
I'm running jedit 4.1 final on Windows 2000 and Sun's jdk 1.4.0. I've been using jedit for a year at least. It recently began to hang on startup. The splash screen comes up and then nothing else happens. The splash remains stuck on the screen. The only different thing I can think of doing recently is I started learning about beanshell macros and how to write them. I had a couple of my own macros saved in my config area, but I've since deleted them. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling jedit, but the behavior remains. Could anyone please point me in the direction of something else to try, or some documenation to check?
jEdit 4.2pre4 now available
Submitted by slava on Monday, 4 August, 2003 - 03:30
jEdit 4.2pre4 is now available. This release does not bring much in terms of new features, but it fixes a lot of bugs. In other news, a new plugin batch is coming up soon.
jEdit 4.1 plugin cutoff
Submitted by slava on Thursday, 17 July, 2003 - 18:01
The next plugin batch will be the last one to contain plugins compatible with jEdit 4.1. After the next batch, all new and updated plugins must use the jEdit 4.2 deferred loading API in order to be accepted on Note that jEdit 4.1 compatible plugins will still remain for download regardless.
JavaWorld reviews jEdit
Submitted by slava on Monday, 14 July, 2003 - 02:41
JavaWorld has published a review of jEdit.
Plugin Central updates (12)
Submitted by mdillon on Sunday, 13 July, 2003 - 04:26

  • ColumnRuler 0.7.0: initial Plugin Central release; requires jEdit 4.2pre3 and JDK 1.4

  • ConfigurableFoldHandler 0.4: calculates folds in a slightly different way so that lines that contain a fold end string followed by a fold start string (such as "} else {") will be the start and end of a fold (in previous versions the two strings cancelled each other out and there was no fold on that line); documentation has been updated to include regular expressions to fold on pairs of strings like "function", "end function"; requires jEdit 4.1pre2 and JDK 1.3
Java 2 version 1.4.2 now available
Submitted by slava on Friday, 27 June, 2003 - 18:58
The final release of JDK and JRE 1.4.2 is now available.
IRC plugin 1.6 ready
Submitted by jgellene on Tuesday, 23 October, 2001 - 21:44
Yesterday, Plugin Central has been updated to include version 1.5 of the IRC plugin. Due to quick development and release cycles, version 1.6 is already complete.

For those of you who don't have CVS or do not want to get the current version and compile it yourself, you can grab a pre-compiled version of the IRC plugin at the IQ Computing web site. To install it, just replace your existing IRC.jar in jEdit's "jars" directory with the new Jar file.
Status of chat server
Submitted by jgellene on Friday, 12 October, 2001 - 20:20
The situation differs among the major browsers. Internet Explorer, even as recently as version 6.0, will work with self-signed certificates under Microsoft's JVM. However, Netscape, Mozilla and other browsers using Sun's Java Plugin-In have stricter security requirements. Beginning with JDK 1.3.1, a security certificate will not work without a valid root Certificate Authority. It appears there is no way to circumvent this requirement, even if the user were willing to run an untrusted applet plugin. Since an IRC applet on the jEdit Community site would have to access the Internet to communicate with an IRC server, security limitations are triggered.
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German Localization light   99587
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46062
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18601
JBuilder scheme   .001   18502
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18031
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17480
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16213
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16075
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15236
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14300