jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
ctags and jedit
Submitted by tajb on Monday, 26 January, 2009 - 13:40
Is there a way to use ctags and jedit across different computers? In other words, I want to open a file from a remote machine on my machine via SFTP, and jump to tags in other files on that remote machine. Maybe I can somehow load a tags file created on that remote machine to my machine? I have a few of the ctags plugins, including the CtagsInterface one. So far none have really explained if this is even possible, let alone how to do it. Thanks.

Memory usage in Vista
Submitted by oxk4r on Tuesday, 27 January, 2009 - 16:28
Hi, I'm new using Jedit, the best editor I've have found till now, but I have a little problem with the memory usage. Jedit (the javaw.exe process) reaches peaks of more than 175 mb of memory usage with just only one blank document opened. I first tryed it in a virtual machine with Windows Xp 32 bit and there the memory usage was more moderated (about 50 mb). Why this difference? Can I do something in Vista to reduce this ram usage? By other hand, the performance in Vista is much worst (for example when I scroll the contents in a document) than in Xp, how is this possible if it using much more resources in Vista?
Thanks a lot for your help.

Remote access to the JEdit server
Submitted by Pekarna on Tuesday, 27 January, 2009 - 18:52

I am looking for some editor which would allow simultaneous access from several computers, ie. others would see what one does in his client.

I've noticed that JEdit has client/server architecture and communicates over TCP/IP, so, is it capable of connecting remotely?

Thanks, Ondra
A code reformatter/beautifier for ActionScript
Submitted by oxk4r on Wednesday, 28 January, 2009 - 18:21
If there are plugins for beautify Java, C or Xml, why not for ActionScript? Its a widely used language.
JEdit 4.3pre-16.1 possible to MINIMIZE/CLOSE to TRAY ????
Submitted by yvonne on Wednesday, 28 January, 2009 - 22:20
Hi...great to be here.... I've realized that JEdit does everything I need...!!! fantasic..

So, enjoying the plugins and gettig a bit more skilled...

I WOULD REALLY like to be able to close or minimize and have JE STAY in the tray...

running linux...


Exceedingly slow to start
Submitted by Eric Inazaki on Thursday, 29 January, 2009 - 17:50
I'm trying out jedit 4.2final on OpenSUSE 10.3 and jedit takes forever to start (maybe tens of minutes). It looks like I've tried it with the java 1.5 and 1.6 runtimes
(1.5 initially, 1.6 currently based on running "java -version").

Also the one time I actually did anything with jedit I noticed the help was very unresponsive.

It seems to do okay on XP and OS X so I'm not quite ready to pitch it. But I think jedit is going to be a mostly linux app, for me.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what's going wrong (and how to fix it) or what I should do next to try to figure out this problem?

Also, is there a way to search these forums?


PS I just started jedit ten minutes ago and I still haven't got past the splash screen. I think this is typical behavior (usually, I'll give it a (one) minute to start then kill it if it hasn't. I've done a lot of killing with jedit).
icon-packs: Howto install, create new, etc..
Submitted by jdlx on Saturday, 31 January, 2009 - 14:38

i was searching the web and this forum about any usefull info on installation and creation of icon-packs and/or whole themes.. with little success.
The wiki article on icons[1] seems to be dead/empty, and other resources, like turdheads icon-pack[2] and installation guide[3] plain don't work for me.

So could anyone help me on these questions:

1. How/where do ypu install icon-packs?
2. Is there a tutorial or guidelines on how to create a icon.pack?
3. I suppose the themes (Metal,CDE/Motif,Mac OS) are not a part of jEdit, but of Java's Swing, ist that correct? If so, is there a simple way to change the window color (not text-area!) of a given theme (in my case MacOS)?

Bottom line is: i'd like to tweak jEdits appearance to be more mac-like.. spending hours per day in front of an editor which you love by it's functionality, yet almost hate for it's visual appearance has been nagging me for a long time.. Eye-wink

thx, for any hint..

Making Key Words stand out
Submitted by Ciwan on Monday, 2 February, 2009 - 21:22
Hi guys

Can someone please tell me why the JEdit I have downloaded and installed doesn't change the colour of words such as import - if - else - private - int - boolean - public ...etc

Can someone help me with this ... PLEASE

I'd greatly appreciate any help given.

Thank You
i/o popups
Submitted by Frankly33 on Tuesday, 3 February, 2009 - 00:22
I am new to jEdit, and it keeps popping up I/O errors that aren't affecting me. How do I stop these from popping up?
Jedit launch hotkey ctrl+alt+j (c+a+j)
Submitted by KimBastin on Tuesday, 3 February, 2009 - 08:49
On WinXP, jEdit 4.3pre16 has hijacked the key combination ctrl+alt+j (c+a+j) as a keyboard shortcut to launch itself. I need this combination for something else, but it seems to be undocumented as a jEdit hotkey and I can't find any way to change or disable it.

I found a couple of similar queries on this forum, and the answer given was to open the jEdit shortcuts (.lnk's) and edit the properties (the field 'Shortcut key' under the Shortcut tab, presumably). I have three jEdit shortcuts — on the desktop, the quicklaunch bar and the Start menu, and on all of them the shortcut key is set to 'None'.

So my question is, where is the c+a+j hotkey combination that launches jEdit stored, and how can I change or disable it?

Run macro in a specific EditPane split screen
Submitted by kircheis on Friday, 6 February, 2009 - 10:16
Someone asked something like this but got no answer.

I'm working with some old Cobol code full of "go to" instructions, so I wrote a macro that would take me to the corresponding place in code so I don't have to look for it manually.

I have jEdit screen split vertically in two, working on the same file. I tried adapting my macro to go to the next pane and search from there instead of the first one and then set the focus back again to the first pane.

I tried using view.nextTextArea(), but only the cursor go to the next pane, the macro still runs on the first pane. Then I tried using EditPane setBuffer, but it also runs on the same side of the split screen. Is there some other class with the methods I need or am I doing something really wrong?
Mode woes
Submitted by haama on Friday, 6 February, 2009 - 17:09
Hi all, I've gotten a new Mode to work for the most part, but am still having trouble with Auto-Indent and RegExp tags. By the way, I'm using jEdit v4.3pre16, java 1.6u11, and Windows (XP). Auto-Indent: I'm going for begin/if stuff else/elseif more stuff endif/end So I tried It indents properly, but it doesn't unindent. Narrowing it down, the UnindentThisLine tag is working exactly like the IndentNextLines tag. For example, will indent the lines following "else" or "end". I thought it was a bug, but UnindentThisLine works prefectly with java mode. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, though. The props and main rule set is %% %g [\d.+-]+[ef] RegExp tags: As you can see in the rules above, I have a digits RegExp tag and a SEQ - neither one of them works. For digits, I'm trying to display decimals and negatives with the same highlight as numbers, using DIGIT_RE="[^%][.-](?=[0-9])". The decimal and negative display as Operators (which I have them defined as later) in every case I can think of ".4", "4.4", "-4", "423.543-45". Tried it as [.-](?=[0-9]) and that didn't work either. The SEQ_REGEXP tag is supposed to display anything like "%.3f" as a solitary operator. Instead, it displays the "%." as operators, the number(s) as digit, and when I type in the last letter the number and letter become null. I've tried this with and without the hash character to no avail. I know I'm looking over something, but I can't tell what and have exhausted my possibilities. Any help is much appreciated, thanks.
how to print?
Submitted by Eric Inazaki on Monday, 9 February, 2009 - 16:45
What needs to be done in order to get jedit to print?

When I try to print jedit says "no print service found"
however, I can print from everywhere else on my system
(lpr, firefox, etc). I'm using open suse 10.3 and jedit
4.2 and 4.3, same problem both ways.

On an unrelated subject, is there a way to search the

OS X: Gets stuck on 'run startup scripts' and is generally screwed!
Submitted by altonator on Monday, 9 February, 2009 - 20:49
I'm using 4.3pre16 on OS X Tiger and it's been fine for ages, but now it's done all screwed up! When I start jEdit the startup pane gets stuck on 'run startup scripts'. jEdit pretty much loads, but only some of my views open (I had about 5 views open before). And if I try to create a new view I get an error (will paste the errors below).

It was doing this for a few days, and now it's got even worse... if I open the file system browser it just gets stuck trying to list the directories. And now jEdit wont even open files, it just fails to load them.

I haven't updated Java or jEdit, it just started going a bit nuts all by itself!

I know nothing about Java, so I'm hoping that someone else will be able to make more sense of these error messages than I can!..

Actually, I'll save them somewhere and link to them instead of pasting a whole load of crap here...
Ta da!

Any help, ideas or guidance greatly appreciated.
Changing Jedits name in the MacOS menubar
Submitted by tomasio on Monday, 9 February, 2009 - 21:11
Can anyone give me a hint how to change the name of Jedit in the menubar of MacOS 10.5.6? I just installed JEditpre16 and since then it shows "org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit" instead of "Jedit" in the menubar. I consider this real ugly as the name in the menubar should be the app name and no cryptic java class path (or whatever that is).
jedit with windows 7
Submitted by h3pa on Wednesday, 11 February, 2009 - 08:32
Hi, i'm using jedit within windows 7 beta. When i start jedit the whole system freezes. The only thing i can do is to press the power button in this case. jdk-version: java verson "1.6.0_12" Java SE Runtime Environment Java HotSpot Client VM Do you guys think it's the jdk version 1.6.0_12, or does anyone have experience running jedit with it? Or do you think it's the OS? ps.. i installed jedit with the native windows installer. should i try the installation based on JRE?
Portable jEdit
Submitted by Perry Johnson on Wednesday, 11 February, 2009 - 19:34
Having used jEdit for years, I wanted to make it available to my students. We use MacOS X and they all have USB drives. jEdit runs fine from the external drive of course, but it saves its settings by default in the user's home folder. My problem was that the Guest account gets purged on logout. I didn't want to create user accounts for every student or set up roaming accounts. I knew that it was possible to specify a custom settings folder with a command line switch but I needed a path relative to the jEdit app. I began with the MacOS X package downloaded from After poking around in the info.plist (right-click jEdit, select Show Package Contents), I found a key for command-line arguments. I could not successfully feed a relative path. Setting WorkingDirectory to $APP_PACKAGE and adding -Duser.home=../ under VMOptions allows this to work. At this point I could feed an argument for a settings folder that sits alongside the jEdit app. I named my folder jEdit_settings. Here is the relevant section from my Info.plist file WorkingDirectory $APP_PACKAGE VMOptions -Xmx192M -Duser.home=../ Arguments -background -settings=jEdit_settings I've documented this on my website - If there is a better way of doing this, I'd love to hear it. I won't say I've tried every text editor but it seems like I have. jEdit always wins the battle.
MacBook Pro 5,1 Scrolling Broken
Submitted by warhammerkid on Wednesday, 11 February, 2009 - 20:11
I have a new MacBook Pro and if I use the two finger scroll, the horizontal portion of the scrolling causes jedit to page up or page down in the document. This makes it almost impossible to use the trackpad to scroll, because unless it's perfectly vertical, it pages up or down randomly. Is there something I can do to turn off this behavior?
transparent background & configuring ALL colors
Submitted by MrBark on Thursday, 12 February, 2009 - 02:30
Hi !
Firstly I would like to thank you for your contribution of the open source world ! Eye-wink

So, I think that a transparent background should be really welcomed !
i.e. if you use a transparent cube in compiz, it's really comfortable to see a bit the windows of the others workspaces behind your code, you can see if you have mail in your browser, if someone is speaking to you on pidgin or if your compilation in another terminal is finished... and you code in the same time.
Actually, I'm using... vim ! (in a transparent terminal) just because of that reason !

And another thing/problem :
You can configure the colors of the text, background, selected line, etc.
But if you choose a black (or dark) bg color, and sure a white text color, there's a problem in perl language :
some characters still black !
i.e. the { } of a if... so it's black on black...
is there a solution ?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help !
Console Plugin -- focus jumps to text edit?
Submitted by coolcat on Thursday, 12 February, 2009 - 19:26
Hi, I've been searching the forums but so far can't find an answer to this:

1. I initiate a build in the console and it completes.
2. I type cd .. in the console so I can run a build in a different directory.
3. As I'm typing the next build command, I notice the focus has jumped to the text edit section and I'm inadvertently typing text into one of my source files.

This seems pretty trivial, but it happens again and again. Strangely, after I put the focus back into the console, I can do as many cd's as I want and the focus will never jump to the code. Only after a build. Does it have something to do with the error-list plugin? I can think of no reason I'd ever want the focus to jump to the text window, but maybe there's a point to this feature?

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Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   107140
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46064
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18603
JBuilder scheme   .001   18504
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18034
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17483
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16215
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16079
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15238
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14302