File list is not sorted alphabetically.
Submitted by Tuesday, 13 January, 2009 - 00:19
After upgrading JEdit to 4.3pre_16 I've noticed that the file list drop-down is no longer sorted alpbetically.
When Jedit starts, any files being reopened are sorted, but additionally opened files are placed at the end of the list.
This means that there is a mixture of sorted and unsorted files which is really bizarre and makes it hard to find files.
I'm pretty sure that files were immediately sorted alphabetically before.
I this a bug or has the behavious been changed deliberately?
When Jedit starts, any files being reopened are sorted, but additionally opened files are placed at the end of the list.
This means that there is a mixture of sorted and unsorted files which is really bizarre and makes it hard to find files.
I'm pretty sure that files were immediately sorted alphabetically before.
I this a bug or has the behavious been changed deliberately?