jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Line between brachet in PHP
Submitted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 29 June, 2004 - 17:04
Yes, what the title says, i can't get this working. Can somone please tell me how i do this. You can see an example of what i mean in this screenshot:
duplex printing in pre14 ?
Submitted by gthorburn on Friday, 25 June, 2004 - 19:56
Just upgraded from 4.2pre6 to 4.2pre14, just to stay current. Duplex (2-sided) printing,
which worked fine under 4.2pre6 just gives me single-sided printing in pre14. System is
Solaris 9 on Sparc. Any ideas??

-- Gary
Ruby mode
Submitted by mewshie on Wednesday, 23 June, 2004 - 18:47
Has anyone gotten indenting to work properly in ruby mode? For example, when inside of a method (inside of a def statement), jedit automatically defaults to the _same line_ that the def is on -- no indenting happens. Also, it doesn't recognize the "end" statement, or push it back an indenting level. Thanks for any help

Bold fonts don't appear bold on Mac
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 18 June, 2004 - 23:41
Hi all

I'm running jEdit 4.1 final on Mac OS X.3.4 with Java 1.4.1. The problem is the following : keywords I set to appear in bold style are actually in normal style. That's a bit annoying, since bold style is really handy for code readability.

I read once (in the old forum i think) that changing the JVMVersion property in the Info.plist from 1.4 to 1.3 solve the problem. Actually it solves it, but in the same time it raises others : no mouse wheel support, no "panther" look and feel, plugins needing 1.4 disabled, etc.

Can anyone help me ? Do I have to upgrade to a newer version of jEdit (4.2.preXX) ? Or to upgrade to a newer Java version ?
Thanks a lot (and sorry for my "frenglish", I hope you understand me Smiling.

JEdit & Spanish keyboard on Powerbook
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 17 June, 2004 - 06:59
I really love JEdit, and it runs pretty much OK on my powerbook, expect that there are 2 keys on the keyboard that don't seem to be generating any input. I've read lots of problems here regarding tildes and other type of accents. Some of these missing keys characters are in fact accents, but they also are used to open brackets (and I don't have to tell you how difficult this omission makes programming). These are the keys (and associated characters) that generate no input: key: "`" (straight) "^" (with shift) "[" (with alt) key "´" (straight) "¨" (with shift) "{" (with alt) <----DANGER!
jedit does not get focus an launch under fedora core 2
Submitted by vldmr on Monday, 14 June, 2004 - 16:26
I believe the problem only appeared after installing fc2 with kde3.2. Launching jedit or opening file with jedit launch script does bring jedit window forward, but keyboard focus is still in whatever window was active and used to open file (be it shell or konqueror). So what do I miss here? jedit version is 4.1final. Here is launch script:
export java="$JAVA_HOME/bin/java"
exec $java -mx${JAVA_HEAP_SIZE}m -jar /usr/share/jedit/4.1/jedit.jar "$@"

Thanks for any hints

jEdit 4.2PRE14 problems on Mac OSX
Submitted by tdegrunt on Friday, 4 June, 2004 - 15:11
jEdit 4.2PRE14 does not work correctly under Mac OSX. I've downloaded the installer (jedit42pre14install.jar) file. Once the install is done and I start jEdit.jar from Applications.
jEdit will open, but it indicates problems with MacOS.jar (plugin): Cannot start: java.lang.noClassDefFoundError: com/apple/cocoa/application/NSMenu. Try updating to a newer version of the plugin (currently I have 3.0b).
Therefor the menu is in the window, instead of in the status bar.

I tried to update to a newer version of the plugin, but it is not available?

Please let me know how to resolve.

One extra thing: Why is the behaviour of command key and alt key so much different than in other applications, fe BBEdit.
JDiff 1.4.1?? Does it really exist??
Submitted by ojl96 on Friday, 4 June, 2004 - 11:07

I'm trying to get hold of JDiffPlugin version 1.4.1 for version 4.2.14 of jEdit, plugin manager in jEdit will only download version 1.2 and site only goes to version 1.3 as well...

Could someone let me know the url where I can download this?

character encoding - german umlaute ä,ö,ß,..
Submitted by Anonymous on Sunday, 30 May, 2004 - 08:56

I have a problem to get those properly shown - I tried UTF-8 for loading and saving: it will not load load it properly, and it will make a mess when it saves the file (the char wont be shown properly with other editors which work fine..)

If I use ISO8859_1 it does properly load and save those characters, but i will not be able to enter them using my german keyboard - it will produce this: ���� which will be shown in my external editor as: ���� ..

I tried other encodings but none would work.

I am running Debian Sarge and KDE 3.2. I am using SUN Java:
java version "1.4.2_04"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_04-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_04-b05, mixed mode)

Thank you for any help!

I love jEdit Smiling

Mac OS X 10.3.3/.4 and No Japanese Input
Submitted by wwvuillemot on Thursday, 27 May, 2004 - 01:17
I have noticed that while jEdit displays Japanese correctly, it does not allow for input. I have tried to setting text area to Japanese fonts, et cetera. I have tried to also changing encoding. Nothing seems to permit Japanese input even when Kotoeri is set to hiragana entry. Any help would be appreciated.
file permissions in personal settings directory
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 26 May, 2004 - 05:44
Hi all,

jedit 4.1 final
JSE 1.4.2
WinXP Home - yeah, I know, it sux, no choice right now.

I'm noticing that all files and dirs in the settings dir have NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:F permission only. The user does not appear in the ACL of any file or directory under %USERPROFILE%\.jedit . jedit seems to work ok until any change to those files are made. Neither global nor buffer options are saved between sessions, and any new plugins won't work until permissions are explicitly set to include the user. The user has admin privileges. No properties file is saved. If options are set, the user is manually added to the ACL of #properties#save# with full access, the file is copied to properties, jedit is run, then the options set in the previous session will appear. Any change to the options wipes out the properties file though, and all settings are again lost for subsequent sessions. The properties file is now gone.

Any ideas folks?

Tags: no tags shown ('tags' not read?)
Submitted by malyvelky on Saturday, 22 May, 2004 - 20:07
PROBLEM: Tags Plugin behaves like there were no tags file:

The command (clicked in the menu) "Tag Stack" shows only an empty window, though I:
- did run ctags on my .php file which did produce 'tags' with approrpiate content
- did set in the plugin option Tag Index File Paths to "tags" and "C:\myphpproject\tags"

Why is that? It seems it completely ignores the file. The activity log says:

[debug] TagFiles: added tag file: TagFile path=C:\myphpproject\tags, enabled=true, currentDirIndexFile=false
[debug] TagFiles: added tag file: TagFile path=tags, enabled=true, currentDirIndexFile=true
[debug] TagsOptionsPanel: [x] C:\myphpproject\tags
[debug] TagsOptionsPanel: [x] tags

What's wrong/how to find it out? Thank's for any advice! Kuba

Info: jEdit4.2pre7, Win 2000, java version "1.4.2_01"
PS: Code Browser works well.
XSLT and Java 1.4
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 20 May, 2004 - 21:56
I tried following the directions to enable the XSLT plugin to work with Java 1.4
I moved xalan.jar, xercesImpl.jar and xmlParserAPIs.jar to
C:\Program Files\jEdit\jars\endorsed and added the directory to the jedit startup as follows

"C:\j2sdk1.4.2_03\bin\javaw.exe" -mx96m -Djava.endorsed.dirs="C:\Program Files\jEdit\jars\endorsed" -jar "C:\Program Files\jEdit\jedit.jar"

The problem is that I get failures for XML.jar and XMLIndenter.jar due to dependencies.

Activity Log output:

[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: C:\Program Files\jEdit\jars\XML.jar:
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: Requires JAR file C:\Program Files\jEdit\jars\xercesImpl.jar.
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: This JAR file is part of this plugin, but it cannot be found.
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: Try reinstalling this plugin.
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: C:\Program Files\jEdit\jars\XML.jar:
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: Requires JAR file C:\Program Files\jEdit\jars\xmlParserAPIs.jar.
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: This JAR file is part of this plugin, but it cannot be found.
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: Try reinstalling this plugin.
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: C:\Program Files\jEdit\jars\XmlIndenter.jar:
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: Requires xml.XmlPlugin, but xml.XmlPlugin
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: could not be loaded.
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: C:\Program Files\jEdit\jars\XSLT.jar:
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: Requires xml.XmlPlugin, but xml.XmlPlugin
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: could not be loaded.
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: C:\Program Files\jEdit\jars\XSLT.jar:
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: Requires JAR file C:\Program Files\jEdit\jars\xalan.jar.
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: This JAR file is part of this plugin, but it cannot be found.
[error] ErrorListDialog$ErrorEntry: Try reinstalling this plugin.

Do I need multiple copies of the jars? Can I fix the dependencies?

I'm using jedit 4.2pre13

[message] Log: java.version=1.4.2_03
[message] Log: java.vm.version=1.4.2_03-b02
[message] Log: java.runtime.version=1.4.2_03-b02
[message] Log: java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
[message] Log: java.compiler=null
[message] Log: XP
[message] Log: os.version=5.1
[message] Log: os.arch=x86
[message] Log: java.home=C:\j2sdk1.4.2_03\jre
[message] Log: java.class.path=C:\Program Files\jEdit\jedit.jar
[notice] jEdit: jEdit version 4.2pre13
[message] jEdit: jEdit home directory is C:\Program Files\jEdit
Copying SQL Result Set SQL Plugin
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 19 May, 2004 - 08:54
The copy function tab or csv on the sql plugin seems not to work.

[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: java.lang.NullPointerException
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at sql.ResultSetWindowPopup$CopyActionHandler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at javax.swing.AbstractButton$ForwardActionEvents.actionPerformed(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$MouseInputHandler.mouseReleased(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at java.awt.Component.processEvent(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at java.awt.Container.processEvent(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
[error] AWT-EventQueue-0: at
Save error
Submitted by Anonymous on Monday, 17 May, 2004 - 21:02
Often when I try to save my file (normal txt file at least) I get the response:
Cannot save: Rename failed: C:\blabla
So when this happens I have to do Save as and then give it a new name. Very disturbing.
Why is this happening, please help me...
java.lang.ClassCastException at org.gjt.sp.jedit.buffer.KillRing.propertiesChanged(
Submitted by Skylark on Wednesday, 12 May, 2004 - 21:11

I don't think this is an FAQ, I've looked around and can't seem to find anything like this either on the forums or on the site...

When starting jEdit, the progress bar on the splash screen stops at about 45% and jEdit never starts up. When I try to run it from the command line, I get the following:

D:\Program Files\jEdit 4.2pre12>java -jar jedit.jar
Exception in thread "main" [error] main: java.lang.ClassCastException
[error] main: at org.gjt.sp.jedit.buffer.KillRing.propertiesChanged(
[error] main: at org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit.propertiesChanged(
[error] main: at org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit.main(

Is this anything I can fix (a problem in my profile or something like that)? This is on one of the machines at school. At home I never had this problem. It started happening after starting jEdit once (the first time it started up correctly, but I haven't been able to get it to start up since).

Any suggestions welcome.
Windows context menu not working
Submitted by abunai on Sunday, 2 May, 2004 - 19:45
Hello -
I am having trouble using the context menu in windows xp to open a selected file. When I highlight a file, right click it, I can see the option "Open with jEdit". When I select this, jEdit opens, but not the selected file. The last open file seems to be the one that is displayed. I also found that jedit is unable to open files from the command line ex. "jedit textfile.txt". The only way I can open a file is the open dialog with in jedit. Any ideas?
XML hangs while parsing when schema specified
Submitted by bkc on Thursday, 29 April, 2004 - 15:10
Not sure if this should be a bug or maybe I just messed up.

I'm using jEdit 4.2 Pre 11 with XML 0.13

I created an xsd file (or started to) that's very simple.
-- woodschema.xsd --
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
<xsd:element name="root" type="xsd:string" />

When I edit this, Error List says "cannot find the declaration of 'xsd:schema'. I get the same kind of error when editing .xslt files. The XML plugin has never asked me to download schema definitions, though the plugin options says it should.

I created an OASIS catalog, like this:

-- system catalog
system "adkwood.xsd" "file:///o:/Holmes/Wood/woodschema.xsd"
public "" "adkwood.xsd"

Then added the catalog file to the XML plugin catalog list.

Then, I created (or started to) a simple .xml file, like this:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""


When I open this file, sidekick shows "Parsing" and jEdit uses 100% cpu time.

I also tried changing the simple .xml file to this:

<root xmlns:xsi=""

But it still hangs when I open it.

- questions -

1. why doesn't the XML plugin download schemas for validating xsd or xslt?

2. If the XML plugin did download the schemas or DTDs, where would it store them? I can't find them anywhere

3. What's the correct way to setup a local .xsd file and work on both the xsd and a test xml file at the same time?

SQL Troubles
Submitted by ebresie on Tuesday, 27 April, 2004 - 15:40
I am trying to use the SQL plugin (.98) on a Windows 2000 based system using MySQL 4.0.18 with JEdit 4.2pre11 .

I'm not sure if this is something I don't currently have configured properly but whenever I try to access the SQL in the Plugin Options, it basically becomes unresponsive.

I tried getting the JDBC Connector for MySQL but I'm not sure if I have this configured correctly or if I am missing something.

My eventual hope is to use XP Tracker which requires MySQL to work, but first things first..

Anyone have any ideas of how to work on this one?
Submitted by JerJer on Monday, 26 April, 2004 - 13:26
I don't know if this is the right forum, but I'm currently coding some asp.NET. If I code in asp, my keywords gets colors and well it's easier to view your code. In asp.NET I just get black text. I know I can go in the "Buffer Option... - edit mode" and specify that I'm currently coding asp. Is there a setting somewhere that I could change so I wouldn't have to change the setting every time for every file.

Thanks a lot in advance !!

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