jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Why no clean urls?
Submitted by RProgrammer on Wednesday, 22 October, 2008 - 02:14
I'm just curious, why doesn't this site use Drupal 'Clean URLs'?
jedit pre10 stopped wotking?
Submitted by brendanjeffrey on Thursday, 9 October, 2008 - 18:36
I have been using jeditpre10 for about a year now, within last 2 days it has stopped working all together. Using a Mac, OSX intel. Upon trying to open document the icon bounces once in mac dock then disapears, failing to open application. I tried repairing my permissions in disk utility for Mac, this is the extent of my knowledge however. Has anyone experienced this problem? Please help.

Errors in jEdit Community site
Submitted by powery on Friday, 15 August, 2008 - 08:59
There are errors on jEdit Community site.

For example:

user error: Can't open file: 'cache.MYI' (errno: 145)
query: SELECT data, created FROM cache WHERE cid = 'archive:calendar:1217574000' in /home/groups/j/je/jedit-community/htdocs/includes/ on line 90.
Plugin or Macro?
Submitted by tj.rothwell on Wednesday, 9 July, 2008 - 18:22
I was wondering if there is a way to change the behavior when editing a file that was updated/modified outside the editor.

Instead of a notification to reload or ignore the change, could there be one that would allow the user to merge the two?

In order to do this, could it be done as a macro tying in jdiff? Or would you need a plugin to override the event on how to handle changed files?
Move this forum to Google Groups?
Submitted by drefty on Tuesday, 22 April, 2008 - 00:01
Anyone else experience poor performance and sluggishness with the jedit community site? Is there much community support out there still? Would anyone support moving this forum to Google?
Hanging problem
Submitted by srikrishnan on Tuesday, 18 March, 2008 - 08:10

I am using JEdit mainly for the purpose of Writing and Editing XML and Perl Scripts in my Windows 2000 Professional Operating System.

I am encountering JEdit gets Hanged problem very often mainly with the use of plugin "console".

Particularly when i writing a perl script, if, for the testing purpose when I run the script using JEdit plugin console. I am not able to terminate the script by any shortcuts as like in Command prompt with "ctrl+C".

Also in one occasion, I have written a perl script to run infinitely for the purpose of Watch folder concept. At that time for testing purpose I have run that script in "Console". Even after closing the JEdit also script runs in background. At last I have restart my system. But this is not the case in "Command Prompt".

May I know whats the reason for the above behaviors, may be it could be the problem of JEdit with my type of OS.

Please check.

email address shown to public
Submitted by aabbaabb on Tuesday, 15 January, 2008 - 07:54
I tried to search my email address with google and it gave me one hit:

In that page I can see my email address, everybody can see it.

I have now changed my email address here in but how can I change it in wiki? Wiki seems to be broken anyway.
I want my email address off from that public page.

Who can delete chinese message ?
Submitted by ecor6633 on Thursday, 10 January, 2008 - 09:21
I admit that i don't understand chinese but there are a lot of message in the forum that look like spam messages ?
Is there anybody who can delete them ?
Retire this forum and link the SourceForge equivalent...
Submitted by Denyer on Wednesday, 3 October, 2007 - 12:29
...there's an active jEdit community, but this forum gives the impression discussion is slow/dead. It's also somewhat unfriendly to newcomers as a fair number of threads never get a response.
redirect feature requests to tracker
Submitted by Redoute on Sunday, 23 September, 2007 - 08:39
In the feature requests forum it was said that feature requests are better posted to the tracker on

So I think the forum should close and be replaced with a link to the tracker. Respectively the advice "Please do not submit bug reports to the forums ..." should be expanded for feature requests.
deafault settings suggestion
Submitted by thebugslayer on Sunday, 16 September, 2007 - 22:01
Hi jedit dev team,
Can we deault the following during new install?
* set max num backup to zero.
* check show line number

I haven't found one good use case for default installed QuickNotePad
plugin... replacing it with Console is much more useful.

site feedback
Submitted by tonyhnz on Monday, 20 August, 2007 - 17:29
Firstly - the product itself is great, have worked with it using ruby and erlang now and found great plugins/tips that help productivity.
The site is another matter.., i apologize if these have been covered elsewhere.
The stylesheet is very bland and could do with revamp. I have messed with drupal in the past and know that it can look much better then this without too much effort. Maybe some sort of competition to choose a new theme ?
It is very difficult to search the forums to try to see if a particular question has already been asked. I am not sure what search method is used (maybe drupal built in) but i have found better results using google search. Maybe google search could be integrated into site.
Lastly the wiki seems to be completely hosed up apart from the home page ( i am using firefox ). I get all sorts of garbage displayed and cannot see any wiki content. I would suggest mediawiki be used instead and to have integrated logins from the drupal site.
I would like to see the website reflect the strength of the product as it may turn off some potential users in it's current state.
I am willing to help with this.
Enhance JEdit speed
Submitted by mabra on Tuesday, 14 August, 2007 - 17:34
Hi All !

Since a longer time, I am a big fan of JEdit. This is the one side. On the other hand, I must prevent me regularly from writing "JEdit is the world slowest editor" [So I don't put this into the subject Eye-wink ].
The usual problem - on windows so far - is that the process is outswapped and re-loading all parts needs a long time. I do not know why. This is true on all of my machines and between the slowest [450MHz] and the fastest [2.4GHz] is not much difference while working. The problem mostly appears, if JEdit is re-called from the taskbar [re-aktivated, made the top-level window now].

The Eclipse community has the same problem, see:

description [] and
solution []

I found this solution today, while I was looking for something like that - due to the last big hung of JEdit. I'll just recommend to implement this solution for JEdit too.

Any comments are welcome!

Best regards,
mabra last
Submitted by JimT on Tuesday, 7 August, 2007 - 15:31
I'm an industrial robot code monkey, and have been using a commercial editor for some years now, the problem is that editors are rarely writtem with robots in mind, and the one I was using has slowly become more difficult to use with each upgrade.
I did look at Java a few years ago, but was put off by what I took to be bloat.
Then I found jEdit. Sweeeet. Thanks guys, you've done a superb job of it.
So as of last Friday I've been converted. I read the "writing edit modes" manpage and within 20 mins had a working install.
I look forward to being able to upload modes for a couple of robots in the near future, as soon as I have time to figure out how to do it properly.
Well done guys.
JimT last
Submitted by JimT on Tuesday, 7 August, 2007 - 15:30
I'm an industrial robot code monkey, and have been using a commercial editor for some years now, the problem is that editors are rarely writtem with robots in mind, and the one I was using has slowly become more difficult to use with each upgrade.
I did look at Java a few years ago, but was put off by what I took to be bloat.
Then I found jEdit. Sweeeet. Thanks guys, you've done a superb job of it.
So as of last Friday I've been converted. I read the "writing edit modes" manpage and within 20 mins had a working install.
I look forward to being able to upload modes for a couple of robots in the near future, as soon as I have time to figure out how to do it properly.
Well done guys.
Size limitation for uploaded files ?
Submitted by jfm on Monday, 14 May, 2007 - 13:39
I couln't upload a macro bundle (zip-file) to the jEdit Community site. This bundle contains several images, so, it is a little more than 2 MB. I assume that this problem comes from a upload size limitation.

Is it possible to confirm and let me know what is the limit.


Problem with drop down boxes on website
Submitted by ZortTheMighty on Saturday, 10 February, 2007 - 00:05
I'm using firefox 2.0 and all the drop down boxes have a width of only one character. I can't see what options there are to select! Is this the same for you other firefox users? If so please can one of the site admins fix this.

On a related note, there doesn't seem to be any way of contacting the site admins from this website, only the forums are available.

A site map would be nice too, if you can add that to the todo list that will be choice.
Submitted by philroche on Friday, 15 December, 2006 - 12:30
Hi Guys,

As part of my Christmas Charity giving this year, I would like to donate a small amount to Jedit to help with hosting or whatever. I cannot find a sourceforge donate or paypal donate link anywhere.

Any clues as to where I might find one?

Cheers and keep up the good work.

The site is broken!!
Submitted by mjetpax on Monday, 23 October, 2006 - 18:30
When I use this URL:

Nothing but a blank screen comes up. But, when I use this URL:

The site comes up just fine. I just thought I should tell someone. I wasn't sure who to contact though.
Go jEdit!
Submitted by xperroni on Tuesday, 18 July, 2006 - 11:36
I use jEdit since 4.1, and in the last three years it has become my #1 tool for work and play. The lack of new releases throughout most of 2005 made me fear for the future of this cherished app, so it's very nice to see it back on a steady routine of updates. Like they used to say in videogames, "Special Thanks" to all the jEdit development team!
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Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   106207
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46063
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18602
JBuilder scheme   .001   18503
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18033
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17482
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16214
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16078
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15237
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14301