jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Alt-Tab problem
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 3 March, 2004 - 16:07
When I Alt-Tab in Windows XP from another application to jEdit, jEdit thinks that I've hit the Alt key and the top menu gets the focus. I have to hit escape (or Alt) to go back to editing. Does anyone else have this problem?
Tilde won't work in Linux
Submitted by Anonymous on Sunday, 29 February, 2004 - 15:34
I had this issue in Linux, with 4.2 pre 8 and in pre 9 as well.

jEdit does not accept the tilde as a single character. For instance, I tried to type a web address as, but the tilde does not show up.

Latin characters, such as ã, ñ, etc. show fine.

If I use another editor to type the tilde alone, and copy-paste it into jEdit, it works fine.

In Windows it works fine.
CLASSPATH Windows XP vs JEdit classpath
Submitted by Anonymous on Saturday, 28 February, 2004 - 16:45
Hi, Im having a hard time setting my CLASSPATH in the Environment Varaiabels. I want to add somw package, jar-files to it but it wont simple work. BUT it works like a charm when I add the value to JEdits JCompiler Plugin's classpath. So my question is dose JEdit's classpath override Windows's CLASSPATH?
Can't type quote characters
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 26 February, 2004 - 16:32
Problem: When typing the ' or the " character, nothing appears on the jEdit input window.

Linux 2.4.21 - basically RedHat 7.2 with updated kernel and libraries
Java2 1.4.0_01-b03

The ' character is a dead-key. Typing it twice gets the character. This works in all other applications I use.

Attempts to fix:
I've tried this in jEdit 4.1, jEdit 4.2pre6, and jEdit 4.2pre9 with the same results.
I've read all the documentation and have read through the message archives. No one else seems to have reported this problem. Thus I suspect it's unique to this machine's configuration.

Using the jEdit->Utilities->Troubleshooting->Keyboard Tester I get the following results:

In jEdit 4.1, pressing the ' key results in

Event java.awt.event.KeyEvent[KEY_RELEASED,keyCode=129,keyChar=' ',keyLocation=KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD] on org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.GrabKeyDialog$InputPane[,0,0,204x25,layout=javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$UpdateHandler,alignmentX=null,alignmentY=null,border=javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource$CompoundBorderUIResource@613b53,flags=296,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=,caretColor=javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource[r=0,g=0,b=0],disabledTextColor=javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource[r=153,g=153,b=153],editable=true,margin=javax.swing.plaf.InsetsUIResource[top=0,left=0,bottom=0,right=0],selectedTextColor=javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource[r=0,g=0,b=0],selectionColor=javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource[r=204,g=204,b=255],columns=0,columnWidth=0,command=,horizontalAlignment=LEADING] passed

Note: in the above, the character between the ' ' was not a space. I replaced it with a space because that's what appeared on the screen. What was there was a 0x3f byte - a question mark. I did a hexdump on the file after I saved the buffer this diagnostic appeared within. Note that the key code is a decimal 129.

In jEdit 4.2pre9 pressing the ' key results in

Event KEY_RELEASED,keyCode=0x81,keyChar=0xffff,modifiers=0x0 passed

I'm not sure what's going on here. Any help?

Roy Kimbrell
FTP doesn't work with TANDEM/Guardian ftp server
Submitted by michael_zee on Tuesday, 24 February, 2004 - 15:53
I try to connect my TANDEM host "myhost" as account "my.account" from my PC running JEdit, and I get an error message :

Cannot list directory : ft.FtpException : 550 XCWD valid $volume.subvolume format required

I searched for a while but didn't find which ftp servers are correctly handled by ftp plugin. I'm afraid TANDEM/Guardian ftp server is not.

Can someone help ?

Thank you
Whacked permissions on a shared drive under Win2K
Submitted by setmajer on Sunday, 22 February, 2004 - 20:33
This is as likely due to my own pathetic admin skills as anything, but here goes:

I'm running jEdit from a 'power user' account on a Win2K laptop. I'm editing a file that resides on a Mac OS X.2.8 desktop. 'Windows File Sharing' is enabled on the Mac, and that's how I'm connecting to it with the PC (I used an theusername/p'word from an admin account on the Mac I connected to it, if that makes a difference).

I mapped the folder containing the file using 'Map Network Drive...' on the Win2K machine, then opened it in jEdit, made a trivial change and saved it. Thereafter, the permissions were set to 740 (they had been 755). I can't set the permissions back via the Windows Explorer, either, so I have to get up and walk over to the Mac to fix the permissions.

Any ideas what I've screwed up?

Some additional observations:

-- When viewed from the Mac, the permissions of the directory are 755. When viewed from the PC, there's no access allowed for anyone other than my own account (the file's owner). I've tried changing the permissions on the directory from Windows to allow everyone to read & execute the folder but it never sticks; the PC just churns for 5 min. or so, then closes the Properties dialog; when I reopen it, the permissions are unchanged.

-- jEdit changes the permissions on the files if I access it directly from the network location (//hostname/directory/file.ext) as well.

-- HomeSite doesn't ever change the permissions on the file, but HTML-Kit misbehaves just as jEdit does.

-- jEdit behaves itself if I open the file via FTP, but I'd rather not type a URL + username + password every time I want to open a file.
word wrap woes
Submitted by jeidsness on Thursday, 19 February, 2004 - 01:39
hello, all. I have upgraded from 4.1 to 4.2pre9 and cannot figure out how to get word wrap working properly.

I'd like it to do a softwrap to whatever size the text pane happens to be. if i set it to soft wrap, with a margin of 0, it doensn't wrap at all. i can put in a specific margin size (50 or whatever) and it wraps, but sometimes i have 2 files open side by side, sometimes only one (not to mention sometimes i make the jedit window smaller/bigger). i'd like it all to wrap automagically.

am i looking in the wrong place?

thanks in advance
Plugin download stalls
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 18 February, 2004 - 22:13
I'm trying to install a plugin...

My jEdit Plugin Manager opens, and downloads the latest list of plugins OK, but when I select one or more to install, the Installing Plugins progress bar appears, but does not download anything.

My modem monitor shows that no data is being downloaded. It doesn't matter which pluing I try or where I try to save it.

Please help. Thanks, Tom

System info:
J2SE SDJ 1.4.1 on Win98
dial-up modem
jEdit 4.1final
Submitted by baloo on Wednesday, 11 February, 2004 - 15:20
Hi, i had installed the DotComplete plugin, and now when i save and/or compile my java code jEdit that 99% of my cpu for a long time... is it something i could do?
Long text lines under linux
Submitted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 10 February, 2004 - 14:38
It appears that JEdit has problems when opening a file containing long lines - for example a file containing 5 lines each of 100000-500000 characters in length. Under
Windows this seems to work OK (if slowly) under Linux it seems to consume a large percentage of CPU then stop responding to user input (even after some time [>10 mins] has elapsed).

Any thoughts as to what could be causing this? I don't think this is really a bug (as it works OK under windows) but I would like help in narrowing down what could be causing this.
FTP plugin requires reinstallation every session
Submitted by blalock on Tuesday, 10 February, 2004 - 01:50
Hi -- I'm using the FTP plugin to access files on a remote server using SFTP.
If I start Jedit and then install the plugin, it works fine. However, if I quit and then
restart Jedit, the plugin stops working. When I try to browse by SFTP, I get the "loading...."
messages with the arrows in a circle. Nothing ever happens. If I then use the plugin manager
to remove the FTP plugin and reinstall it, it will start working again for that session.

Any ideas on what's going wrong are appreciated.

I have Mac OS 10.3 with JVE 1.4.2. The problem occurs with all recent versions of
Jedit 4.2.7pre to 4.2.9pre.

Jane usage?
Submitted by aabbaabb on Monday, 9 February, 2004 - 07:29
This might be a bug but I will first try to use this forum.

I have tried everything but I can't get Jane working. I have set Jane to generate both errors.

I have added my project as Jane library (project's build folder).
But it can't see everything I want from my project files. Still I can see some classes from my project.

I have private variable clled myVariable. I use this variable e.g. in constructor but Jane gives me a warning: Cannot resolve symbol: myVariable

I have class where is static methods (MyClass). I am using those methods from my class and Janse warns: Cannot resolve symbol: MyClass

I have private method (method()) what I am using (at least in constructor) and Jane warns: Cannot resolve symbol: method

I am using newest Jane, newest jEdit devel (pre9) and J2SE build 1.4.2_01-b06

Can someone help me to get Jane working
Mac OS X w/ latest JRE version 1.4.2_03: MacOS.jar plug-in failure
Submitted by Anonymous on Sunday, 8 February, 2004 - 12:05
Hi, After installing Apple's latest Java update, version 1.4.2_03, upon double-clicking JEdit application, the following error message is shown within the "Plugin Error" dialog at startup:
The following plugin could not be loaded:
/Application/JEdit 4.2pre9/jars/MacOS.jar
Cannot start: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
Try updating to a newer version of the plugin.

When I then go to the plug-in manager, there is no newer version of MacOS.jar to install.
Thanks all.
Euro signs on Windows machines
Submitted by Anonymous on Saturday, 7 February, 2004 - 13:26
I've got problems editing textfiles on a Windows 2000 machine when it comes to Euro signs/characters. I've seen the Jedit FAQ entry on that topic but it doesn't help me I'm afraid.

Basically what I would like to do is to be able to edit ISO-Latin textfiles containing Euro (€) characters, on that Windows machine, but still be able to use the textfiles with different editors (Notepad, Ultraedit, Jedit).

When I type the Euro sign in a Windows texteditor and save the file, and load it via Jedit, the Euro signs are corrupted. The other way round too: if I use Jedit to type the Euro sign it's just OK when I load the file with Jedit again, but with Windows texteditors wrong signs are being shown.

Also if I use Openoffice to load a textfile containing the Euro sign, just the textfiles created with a Windows texteditor are OK...

If I use the clipboard the conversion works, but this doesn't help me.
jlauncher does not open file on windows xp prof.
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 6 February, 2004 - 17:47
If I rightclick a file in windows explorer and select 'open with jedit' in the context menu, jlauncher starts jedit but with an empty document.

I tried with both 4.1 and 4.2pre8. jlauncher options are set to default.

any ideas?
BeanShell 2.0b1 breaks jEdit 4.1
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 5 February, 2004 - 10:34
I'm running on MacOS X 10.2.8 with Java 1.4.1_01

I installed BeanShell 2.0b1 in the JVM standard Extensions folder, and jEdit would no longer launch, giving a class loader error (class changed).

So my question is: can I make jEdit use the BeanShell interpreter in the system classpath rather than its own bundled one?
Mac OS Look And Feel breaks w/ new Java update
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 4 February, 2004 - 15:37
The Mac OS X Look and feel breaks when updating to the 1.4.2 revision of Java.
this is in jEdit 4.1 Final. Running on OS X Panther, Any fix available?
Mouse wheel scrolling under Windows XP not active
Submitted by gorb on Monday, 2 February, 2004 - 10:34
Hi All,

I don't know wether this topic
a) has been handled before, or
b) belongs in this forum,
but here goes: my mouse wheel is dead in jEdit under WinXP.

Does anybody know why this could be happening?
I updated my JRE to version 1.4.2_03, just to be sure, but the behaviour
is the same: the mouse wheel is dead.

Any help would be appreciated!
Mouse wheel scrolling under Windows XP not active
Submitted by gorb on Monday, 2 February, 2004 - 10:33
Hi All,

I don't know wether this topic
a) has been handled before, or
b) belongs in this forum,
but here goes: my mouse wheel is dead in jEdit under WinXP.

Does anybody know why this could be happening?
I updated my JRE to version 1.4.2_03, just to be sure, but the behaviour
is the same: the mouse wheel is dead.

Any help would be appreciated!
jEdit Main window won't appear in OS X Panther
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 30 January, 2004 - 21:09
I recently installed a new ram chip in my computing. Immediately after, jEdit stopped working. it loads into the dock and brings up the loading screen. then, all it shows is a minimized file in the dock of a java file i was working on. clicking on this file closes it, but not jEdit.

As far as I can tell, i think this is a jEdit only thing going on; all the other java programs i tested worked fine.
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