jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Why no clean urls?
Submitted by RProgrammer on Wednesday, 22 October, 2008 - 02:14
I'm just curious, why doesn't this site use Drupal 'Clean URLs'?
How to clear only invalid entries in Recent Files
Submitted by tvojeho on Wednesday, 22 October, 2008 - 18:26
Hi all,

I was wondering if there was a way for a macro to go through the items in Recent files list and delete invalid entries, leaving the rest. My Java know-how is not very extensive, and after some googling and searching the default macros code, I have put together a few lines of code which luckily do not throw an exception, but unfortunately do not apply the desired changes to Recent Files menu.

I would be grateful for any help.

  Cheers, tvojeho.


BufferHistory.Entry[] recentBuffersArray = BufferHistory.getHistory().toArray(new BufferHistory.Entry[0]); // get history

for(i=0;i {

recentPath = recentBuffersArray[i].path;

if( ! new File(recentPath).exists())


BufferHistory.Entry removeEntry(recentPath);




shortcut: toggle fold
Submitted by homeathouse on Thursday, 23 October, 2008 - 13:20
i am looking for a "toggle fold" shortcut setting--a shortcut to do the same thing as clicking the fold markers in the margin (left of the line numbers).

shortcuts: differentiating between keys: left/right ALT key, left/right CTRL key and the left/right WIN key
Submitted by homeathouse on Friday, 24 October, 2008 - 00:32
jEdit does not distinguish between the two plus signs on a keyboard.

When I set a shortcut from Utilities> Global Options> Shortcuts, jEdit doesn't want to distinguish between the two plus signs on a keyboard. It sees typing plus sign ("+") using the number pad and a plus sign typing shift with the equals sign ("=") as typing the same key.

This also holds true for the left/right ALT key, left/right CTRL key and the left/right WIN key.

jEdit needs to distinguish between the keys so I can set a shortcut using the number pad plus sign while also leaving the plus sign (next to the backspace on the keyboard) not set to a shortcut.

AutoIt (Windows automation language) distinguishes between the following keys when setting a hotkey or sending text (using HotKeySet() and Send(), respectively):

Plus ("+") keys: {+}, {NUMPADADD}
ALT keys: {LALT}, {RALT}
WIN keys: {LWIN}, {RWIN}

Here are the Send Commands and the Resulting Keypress

Example using AutoItScript:

HotKeySet('{+}', 'ShowMessageOne')
HotKeySet('{NUMPADADD}', 'ShowMessageTwo')

Func ShowMessageOne()
MsgBox(4096,'','You pressed the plus sign next using SHIFT + PLUS SIGN!')
Func ShowMessageTwo()
MsgBox(4096,'','You pressed the plus sign next using the number pad!')
While 1

^In the above AutoItScript script, it differentiates between the two plus sign keys.

Help! I've lost the File Open and Save As dialogs
Submitted by Lummo on Sunday, 26 October, 2008 - 14:46
When I try File | Open or Save As operations jEdit apparently writes up the dialog because I hear disk activity and see Input/Output complete in the status bar. The dialog is no where to be seen. Any other menu operations are met with a beep which normally indicates a modal dialog is expecting input. gets rid of it and I can then use other menu options. I'm using jEdit 4.3pre10 with java 1.6.0_03. Things went wrong when I was trying to open a file and got bored waiting for the dialog to appear (network share). I am using Microsoft Virual Desk Manager (MSVDM) and switched to another desktop to start up some music. While I was on the other desktop the File Open dialog appeared and then disappeared. Now I can't get the File Open dialog on any desktop. I've rebooted and reinstalled jEdit but it hasn't made any difference. I'm guessing that some config file in jEdit has got confused and isn't loading the dialog in the right place in the display. Does any one know if this might be so and, if so, how I can reset it? Thanks for any suggestions. with regards, Lummo
PHP Documentation: how to add it in jEdit?
Submitted by Tomas Cerkauskas on Monday, 27 October, 2008 - 10:23
How can I do that?
Favorite custom name
Submitted by nublaii on Monday, 27 October, 2008 - 11:32
I have been looking around and this is the only thing I found, dated back on 2006, about my problem.

In short, favorites can become very ugly: it always shows protocol://username@host+path

If you start saving favorites with long paths and ips the list can become almost illegible really fast.

Is there a way of customizing the name? on the favorites list?
Closing Buffers
Submitted by floomby on Monday, 27 October, 2008 - 19:34
I am new to jEdit but I can't seem to work out how to close Buffers properly in jEdit. (i'm using jedit 4.13pre15 and java 1.6u10)
Ok. I am working on 3 buffers and I close jedit. When i reopen, the last buffer i was working with does not reappear as the current buffer or in the list but one of the other two buffers appears. If i try to close this file using Close or Close (global) it will not close.

If I am working with only one buffer and I close jedit, when i repopen jedit, it has the buffer that I was working with but I cannot close it.

Thanks for the help
disable undo temporary
Submitted by takeshin on Wednesday, 29 October, 2008 - 14:04

I have a macro which updates comments at the beginning of the buffer.
Then, when I edit the file and press Ctrl+Z, cursor goes to the beginning of file,
where macro operated.

How to disable undo temporary, so commands executed in macro were not registered in history?

How To Install Plugin on a Mac
Submitted by cpsmusic on Thursday, 30 October, 2008 - 04:28
I have a couple of questions related to plugins.

Firstly, I'd like to install the latest version of JDiffPlugin (2.1.0) on a Mac (OS 10.4). Why doesn't this version of JDiffPlugin appear in the plugin repository? All I can see is 1.4.2.

Secondly, I've downloaded the binary version of the JDiffPlugin. However I can't find the .jar file. All I can see is a whole lot of .class files and some other bits and pieces. I thought I needed a .jar file.

How do I install this plugin?


Create a new windows that receive external information
Submitted by LeGerfo on Thursday, 30 October, 2008 - 12:13

I would like to join all JEDIT to my program.
I would like to add a special window which receive information from my class, in fact I need this:

1/ My Program lauch JEDIT
2/ I write in JEDIT in a normal text window (code)
3/ I read this code from JEDIT (even I don't save file)
4/ I send information in text to JEDIT in a special window

For each case (1,2,3,4) in which class I need to modify for realize that I want ?


Class interface for user
Submitted by LeGerfo on Thursday, 30 October, 2008 - 12:48

I would like to use source files JEDIT and use buffertext and another things, why you don't add a class user interface empty for user who want to add sources for him ?


Run Jedit
Submitted by LeGerfo on Friday, 31 October, 2008 - 17:49

I would like to launch JEDIT in a frame. Is it possible to use JEDIT Je = new JEDIT(); ???

or how can I do for this ? please help me ? Is there anybody ???

Current project directory
Submitted by takeshin on Saturday, 1 November, 2008 - 12:11

How to get current project directory? (stored in ProjectViewer's xml)
I'd like to have action "add new file to this project".

Options for Ruby plugin! (especially for auto-complete)
Submitted by alanomaly on Saturday, 1 November, 2008 - 18:02
The Ruby plugin is great, but it contains a lot of features that change how normal data entry into a jEdit buffer works, and not all of these can be turned off.

In particular, I really, really want to turn off the auto-complete for ", (, /, etc. I know a lot of people like this feature, so I understand why it's turned on as default, but why is there no option to disable it? (other than uninstalling RubyPlugin, which I have now done)

Personally, the main reason I like jEdit is because it DOESN'T try to be helpful like this unless I tell it to - if I wanted TextMate or Aptana, I'd get it, thanks. I love the RubyPlugin API browser and error detection, and I'd really like to be able to use these features without the plug-in changing my favourite thing about jEdit.

Please, keep the feature, maybe even keep it as activated by default, but please let me disable it if I want to. It seems like exactly the sort of thing that should have a toggle-on, toggle-off feature.


(p.s. if anyone knows any hacks I could use now to cut it out myself I'd be really grateful, thanks)
All tasks in a project (Project_Task_List.bsh v1.0 by Dale Anson)
Submitted by daleanson on Tuesday, 4 November, 2008 - 05:16
I like the TaskList plugin, it shows the "TODO" messages in a file so it's easy to see them. A feature I've always wanted for this plugin is to be able to show a list of all such messages in a ProjectViewer project, so I don't have to do a search. This macro provides that ability. This macro requires both TaskList and ProjectViewer to be installed.
Accessibility & JEdit - A field of improvement!
Submitted by FMarrenbach on Tuesday, 4 November, 2008 - 09:41

Screen Reader´s like VoiceOver on a Mac does not interact with JEdit! Users can not listen to their text while typing. (May be it is possible to bridge the gap with a macor or apple script?)

the toolbox icon will be found by VoiceOver (Screen Reaser of Mac OS X) There are tool tip tests too, but VoiceOver can not read it.

the web site of cmmunity has also problems with accessibility!

Frank Marrenbach
Accessibility & JEdit - A field of improvement!
Submitted by FMarrenbach on Tuesday, 4 November, 2008 - 09:52
Hello All!

JEdit is a powerful tool to support the development of source code and applications. the rise the usability is it possible to increase the accessibility for handicaped developer. Screen Reader like VoiceOver (Mac OS X) or JAWS (Windows) transform screen content into speech or brailie.

User of JEdit e.g. can not listen to their text while tipping or moving the cursor through the text.

Frank Marrenbach
Somewhat Advanced SuperAbbrevs
Submitted by takeshin on Tuesday, 4 November, 2008 - 22:10
Hello, Is there any chance of getting SupperAbrrevs to process variable twice? I'm trying to do something like that, but it doesn’t work: ${1:public} <# if ("$1" == "private") { #> <#= "_" #> <# } #> If user enters "private" it should write underscore. Another problem is processing entered variables like this: /** * Setter for property '${1:property}' * * @access ${2:public} * @name set<# fu = "$1"; fu = fu.toUpperCase(); #><#= fu #> * @param ${3:string} \$$1 $4 * @return ${5:null} */ $2 function set${1=firstUp(s)}(\$$1) { \$this->${6:_}$1 = \$$1; } $end It returns setter in PHP like this: /** * Setter for property 'property' * * @access public * @name setproperty * @param string $property * @return null */ public function setProperty($property) { $this->_property = $property; } But I want to have camelCase setProperty after @name How to achieve that? -- regards, takeshin
TextAutocomplete download 0.9.8b do not work.
Submitted by Berthold58 on Wednesday, 5 November, 2008 - 06:23

the download of the plugin TextAutocomplete 0.9.8b do not work.
Does anybody know why ?
How can I solve the problem.
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« October 2008 »
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Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   95567
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46061
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18600
JBuilder scheme   .001   18501
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18030
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17479
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16212
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16074
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15235
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14299