jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
RegExp - Replace special characters in a string
Submitted by jrchilds on Thursday, 15 January, 2009 - 20:00
I am writing a macro that will take highlighted text, convert any non alpha numeric characters to underscores, and then open a .chm file to the topic named by the resulting string. I can make everything except the regular expression part of that work. I only yesterday started playing with regular expressions, and I'm not sure how to do this, and google was not much help. Here is what I need.... I have, SomeVariable= "?This!String@1#2&3." I need to make SomeVariable= "_this_string_1_2_3_" Here is the set I want to replace [!@#$%^&*()<>{}[]?~`|\/] Is this an easy thing to achieve? Thanks for the help.
Forum Search Results are Dificult to understand
Submitted by jrchilds on Friday, 16 January, 2009 - 19:08
When doing a search in the forums, the title of the thread would be very helpful, even if the post that returns the result is not the main article in the thread.
Mark Modified Lines
Submitted by jrchilds on Friday, 16 January, 2009 - 21:38
Is is possible to automatically add a marker to any modified line?
Minimap plugin: Initial version (Minimap.jar v0.1 by Shlomy Reinstein)
Submitted by shlomy on Saturday, 17 January, 2009 - 06:06
This is the first version of the minimap plugin, hopefully to be released soon. Developed by me, with help from Matthieu Casanova. By default, you won't see any minimaps, you will need to add minimaps using the plugin menu, or use the option to automatically add minimaps in the plugin options.
List of recent files
Submitted by ADelm on Sunday, 18 January, 2009 - 08:51

I have jEdit 4.3 pre 16 using Java 1.6.0_11

The list of recent files is working computer has not been shut down.
If I stop the computer, the list is empty.

Any help, thanks!

Errors when startin jEdit
Submitted by ADelm on Sunday, 18 January, 2009 - 08:55

Using jEdit 4.3 pre 16. on Windows XP SP3.
When starting jEdit, the status bar shows in red on the right 2 error(s).
Double-cliquing this an error window opens showing: Invalid byte 2 of 3-byte UTF-8 sequence.
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at org.gjt.sp.util.XMLUtilities.parseXML(
at org.gjt.sp.jedit.SettingsXML.load(
at org.gjt.sp.jedit.BufferHistory.load(
at org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit.main(

Any solution?


JavaScript support for Sidekick on Windows
Submitted by neerolyte on Tuesday, 20 January, 2009 - 03:19
I just thought I would post this because I've been struggling with this for a while.

If you install CTagsSideKick and drop the ctags windows binary available from straight into your jEdit install directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\jEdit\) the whole thing actually works really well.
jspwiki plugin?
Submitted by Skeeve on Tuesday, 20 January, 2009 - 13:19

Does anyone know of a JSPWiki plugin? I saw a plugin (MwJed) for mediawiki but this does not seem to be compatible to jspwiki.
Add Marker to Modified Lines
Submitted by jrchilds on Tuesday, 20 January, 2009 - 19:09
It would be handy to have a plugin that adds a non-numbered marker to any modified line.

The editor we previously used marked modified lines, and we would jump through the modifications using a keystroke. The jumping and removing of the markers on save I can handle in a macro. But the part I cant figure out is adding the marker automatically.
search shortcut
Submitted by sebo on Wednesday, 21 January, 2009 - 13:03

After using UltraEdit, I now use jEdit under Linux. In Ultraedit, I have a shortcut (F3) which look for the selected word in the file.
I was wondering how I can do the same thing in jEdit.
Note that I ask this question because I find annoying to use C+f then "enter" and then "find next"...

Thanks for your help.

FTP plugin issues
Submitted by neerolyte on Thursday, 22 January, 2009 - 23:32
Firstly I think this plugin is great, but I do have a few issues with it.

I only use the SFTP component of the plugin so all my issues relate to that. I did start pulling apart the code to see if I could fix some of these myself but I'm not that familiar with java or ant so I didn't get to far (yet).

60 second session timeout - I regularly work with servers that take 10-15 seconds to reauthenticate each time so this setting is a huge pain, can an option be put in to let people change the timeout value (I've altered the hard coded value in mine to be 1 day).

SFTPConnection::showMessage() function - This only seems to run for me when I reconnect to a server, it will simply display the MOTD file. Would it be possible to have a tick box to say "don't display these messages in the future" that stored either the whole message or a hash and avoided redisplaying them if they matched? (I currently just have the contents of that function commented out).

Authentication fail - if I type my password wrong I have to shutdown jEdit to be able to enter a new password. This is annoying enough on it's own, but in our environment a few password failures locks out our accounts, meaning if I don't remember to shutdown jEdit as soon as I receive the auth fail dialog I'm very likely to lock out my account on at least one server.

Keep up the good work.
If I can find some more time to play with this again I may try and implement these myself and send patches back, but I thought for now I'd just post and see if anyone else might fix them for me Smiling
Mark all forum message as read
Submitted by neerolyte on Thursday, 22 January, 2009 - 23:45
Is there anyway to mark all the messages in the forum as read, without having to read them all?

Most other forums have this and it's really useful if you just want to browse a forum as apposed to looking for something specific.
XML completion broken
Submitted by DavidVerdin on Friday, 23 January, 2009 - 13:30
Hi With the XML plugin installed, I can't have autocompletion while editing an XSLT file. I typed this: When I type "<" on the empty line, the menu appearing allows me to select a comment, CDATA block or a closing xsl:stylesheet tag. I supposed that XSLT autocompletion was built in the XML plugin. How comes I can't choose between the full set of first level elements allowed in this language? The worst part is that I used it a few years ago and it worked out of the box. Do I have a manipulation to do to allows the full autocompletion be performed?
Starting a java jar from a Beanshell and vice versa
Submitted by bigmoun10 on Friday, 23 January, 2009 - 15:29

First, I'm new to all this java and beanshell stuff. Please be patient with me.

In general
* all beanshell files are stored on "C:\Program Files\jEdit\macros\xyMacros" and
* all jar files are stored on "C:\Program Files\jEdit\jars".

First problem:
I want to extend jEdit with a beanshell macro, which calls xy.class in xy.jar file. The class in the class file is defined as "public class xy extends JDialog" and the main method is defined the following way:

public static void main(String args[]) {
java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() ...

The jar file also contains other source files like icons and additional class files.

Now, the question is: how can I call the java code from the beanshell macro and what is needed to make it work (e.g. classpath, imports, ...)?

Second problem:
Once the java code is executed and the dialog pops up I would like to execute a beanshell script, let's say myScript.bsh, when a certain button is pushed. The beanshell script then manipulates the textarea of the actual view in jEdit.
Questions here: How can I call beanshell scripts from the java code? Is there anything I need to do regarding the actual view, e.g. storing it in the java class and then give it to the beanshell script as an argument, or is this working right away?

If somebody could answer and give code examples, this would be great!
Thanks in advance!
How Do I Set a Default Edit Mode for a Specific File Extension?
Submitted by Sledged on Sunday, 25 January, 2009 - 04:09
Title says it all. Example: How do I get files with the extension *.foo to automatically have the contents highlighted as though it were a FORTRAN source file?


Help Text Size
Submitted by stretch6555 on Sunday, 25 January, 2009 - 04:20

Is there any way of increasing the size of the text in the JEdit Help?
It's kind of small.
ctags and jedit
Submitted by tajb on Monday, 26 January, 2009 - 13:40
Is there a way to use ctags and jedit across different computers? In other words, I want to open a file from a remote machine on my machine via SFTP, and jump to tags in other files on that remote machine. Maybe I can somehow load a tags file created on that remote machine to my machine? I have a few of the ctags plugins, including the CtagsInterface one. So far none have really explained if this is even possible, let alone how to do it. Thanks.

Memory usage in Vista
Submitted by oxk4r on Tuesday, 27 January, 2009 - 16:28
Hi, I'm new using Jedit, the best editor I've have found till now, but I have a little problem with the memory usage. Jedit (the javaw.exe process) reaches peaks of more than 175 mb of memory usage with just only one blank document opened. I first tryed it in a virtual machine with Windows Xp 32 bit and there the memory usage was more moderated (about 50 mb). Why this difference? Can I do something in Vista to reduce this ram usage? By other hand, the performance in Vista is much worst (for example when I scroll the contents in a document) than in Xp, how is this possible if it using much more resources in Vista?
Thanks a lot for your help.

Remote access to the JEdit server
Submitted by Pekarna on Tuesday, 27 January, 2009 - 18:52

I am looking for some editor which would allow simultaneous access from several computers, ie. others would see what one does in his client.

I've noticed that JEdit has client/server architecture and communicates over TCP/IP, so, is it capable of connecting remotely?

Thanks, Ondra
A code reformatter/beautifier for ActionScript
Submitted by oxk4r on Wednesday, 28 January, 2009 - 18:21
If there are plugins for beautify Java, C or Xml, why not for ActionScript? Its a widely used language.
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« January 2009 »
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Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   107140
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46064
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18603
JBuilder scheme   .001   18504
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18034
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17483
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16215
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16079
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15238
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14302