jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
setting JAVA_HOME
Submitted by matt_wood87 on Wednesday, 10 December, 2008 - 18:52
hi guys

when i run jedit 4.3pre16 on ubuntu 8.10 linux, i get a warning

Warning: $JAVA_HOME environment variable not set! Consider setting it.
Attempting to locate java...
Found a virtual machine at: /usr/bin/java...

and then jedit loads.

how do i set the $JAVA_HOME environment variable, ie. which file do i edit, and what line of code do i add?

many thanks

SideKick Code Completion
Submitted by kog on Thursday, 11 December, 2008 - 20:54
I downloaded the SideKick plugins for Java, and one of the features it has is a code-completion box for when you type in the name of a class or variable followed by a period. It's handy, and it shows all the method names for that object, but is there a way to get it to also show what parameters those methods need? It would be nice to not have to open up a separate page to look up how many parameters and of what type a certain method needs.
Some small bugs in current 4.3pre Versions
Submitted by tobi73de on Thursday, 11 December, 2008 - 21:35
Hi !

jEit is a really cool editor, i like it a lot. I use it for HTML, CSS and PHP editing.

It runs on an Athlon X2, WinXP Pro with 2 Monitors on ATI GFX-Card, newest Java Version.
Plugins: FTP, JDiff, Beauty, ErrorList, SideKick, XercesPlugin, XML.

I encountered some Problems with the last 4.3pre Versions.

1. Small Problem

With activated Option "Show Error Icons in the Gutter" (ErrorList-Plugin"):
Always when i move the mouse over the Gutter, a small black dot (2px x 2px) appears right beside or on the left side on the gutter (at mouse cursor position).

2. Small Problem

If i record a macro in a new untitled buffer, the the macrorecorder uses this untitled buffer as macro-scriptfile.
That results in an funny behaviour. For instance, if you type in 1 letter the macrorecorder writes a second into the macro scriptfile, which is actually the only open buffer.
So it dublicates every letter. I can also not save the file. I have to close jEdit.

3. Medium Problem

Sometimes after saving a buffer, the display of the code gets scrumbled.
Code from other locations in the file is partially displayed between the Code on the Display.
So I have to scroll up and down or switch the buffers to get the correct display back.

4. Bigger Problem

I use the standard bufferswitcher. Sometimes, with some open files, when i try to select an other buffer with the mouse, the buffer is not switched.
In the View is still the same Buffer. I can also not choose an other buffer.
I have to click the "Vertically Split" and "Unsplit All" Icons to get the right display back.

It's really randomly, i can not reproduce it, but sometimes it gets really annoying.

But probably i have tracked down the source of the Problem: Plugin SideKick, Option "Parse on buffer switch".
With disabled, the Bug doesn't appear.

5. Biggest problem of all Eye-wink

In the File Browser i use the Option "Use default icons" to have the original Windows Exlporer Icons. In the FTP-View it doesn't work, there are still the original build-in Icons.
They are not bad, but i'd rather like to have the default icons of Windows Explorer.

mfg Tobi
m4 mode
Submitted by jwoehr on Monday, 15 December, 2008 - 04:13
I have not discovered yet any m4 mode for for JEdit so I wrote a simple one last night. I would be interested in knowing if anyone has one cleverer than this one I can use!! dnl(?=(\s)|($)) $ ` ' ( ) builtin(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) changecom(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) changequote(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) changeword(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) debugfile(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) debugmode(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) decr(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) define(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) defn(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) divert(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) divnum(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) dumpdef(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) errprint(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) esyscmd(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) eval(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) file(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) format(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) ifdef(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) ifelse(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) include(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) incr(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) index(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) indir(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) len(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) line(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) m4exit(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) m4wrap(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) maketemp(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) patsubst(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) popdef(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) pushdef(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) regexp(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) shift(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) sinclude(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) substr(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) syscmd(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) sysval(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) traceoff(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) traceon(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) translit(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) undefine(?=(($)|((\()|(\s)))) undivert(?=(($)|((\()|(\s))))
Close Button
Submitted by thaude on Monday, 15 December, 2008 - 14:35
I had a few glimpses before, but want to start using jEdit for good now. However, I got kind of lost in the configuration dialogs, so I'm still missing a basic feature:

Where can I activate a button to close the current buffer? I already see the button in the task bar, but I'm looking for the one on the top right of the buffer window.

Thanks in advance!
SVN plugin feature for externals
Submitted by Spatialdrift on Monday, 15 December, 2008 - 19:21
I tried to use the jEdit SVN plugin for a repository that references several external repositories. Seems that this feature is not supported, as the external directories are not populated in the repository browser. I would love to see the jEdit plugin support this type of SVN use in the future.
Minor Bug and it's fix.
Submitted by drabrun on Friday, 19 December, 2008 - 01:51
I've used Jedit in several classes at the university i'm current attending.

I'm just submitting a bug and it's fix. Again I said minor, so no laughing when you realize how small it is. Thanks.

In the file in the gnu.regexp package at line 106.

change br.skip(index-1) to

long actualSkipped = br.skip(index-1);
long total = actualSkipped;
while(total < (index-1)){
actualSkipped = br.skip(index-1 - total);
total = total + actualSkipped;

this ensures the amount needed to be skipped actually gets skipped.
SearchAndReplace Dialog Size
Submitted by tvojeho on Friday, 19 December, 2008 - 15:07
Hi all,
I’d like to ask if anybody knows how to set the Search dialogue size. I use jEdit for two activities - coding and reading e-books. For coding I use Courier font 12, but for reading I switch to Times New Roman 26 for better readibility. But with the font set this big size, the size of the Search dialog reflects it and is unnecessarily big. Is there a way to call the search with a set size, independent of the font used in textArea?

Thanks for any help, tvojeho
ErrorList showing false positives
Submitted by misterdanny on Friday, 19 December, 2008 - 19:20
I'm working on a PHP singleton pattern file. This is the method which am getting a lot of errors from PHPParserPlugin/ErrorList

class MyClass
private static $instance;
private function __construct()
public static function getInstance()
if (!isset(self::$instance))
$class = __CLASS__;
self::$instance = new $class();
return self::$instance;
public function doSomething()
echo 'something';

This is valid code for creating a singleton class. (it compiles and runs fine). However the ErrorList is throwing tons of errors on these lines (because of the self::$instance I am using). I am using the most updated version of both plugins. Is there a way I can at least set to ignore these lines? because The structure browser won't list anything while it is returning the errors.

TextArea is now doublespaced, might be Swing related (4.3.pre16)
Submitted by d4rr3ll on Monday, 22 December, 2008 - 16:41

I wonder if someone could point me in the right direction please, I have been using jEdit for ages but since installing Eclipse (to try out Android SDK) everything in the TextArea now seems to be double spaced, infact everything text related now seems to have extra padding at the bottom. Nothing has changed with regard to my jEdit settings. I suspect it might be something Java related that's got installed along with Eclipse, but don't quite know where to start.

Before and after screenshots...


I need to get it back to how it looked, as the double spacing is freaking me out.

Hopefully somebody can help.

Updated JEdit - 10 errors.. MacOSX
Submitted by jbmoore on Wednesday, 24 December, 2008 - 01:25
I'm on MacOSX 10.5.6 and found the fix for running the latest downloaded release. But... After removing the plugins that would nolonger would load I'm still seeing "10 errors" down in the lower right status bar.. Are these from a plugin that should be removed..??(org.gjt....?) A sampling is as follows: ava.lang.NoSuchFieldError: MODE_CHANGED at de.hunsicker.jalopy.plugin.jedit.JEditPlugin.handleMessage( at org.gjt.sp.jedit.EditBus.send( at org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit.commitTemporary( at org.gjt.sp.jedit.PerspectiveManager$PerspectiveHandler.endElement( ava.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.DockableWindowManager.getTopDockingArea()Lorg/gjt/sp/jedit/gui/PanelWindowContainer; at docker.DockFocusManager.setFocusCycleRoots( at docker.DockFocusManager.handleMessage( at org.gjt.sp.jedit.EditBus.send( at org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit.newView( at org.gjt.sp.jedit.PerspectiveManager$PerspectiveHandler.endElement( java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.JEditTextArea.getBuffer()Lorg/gjt/sp/jedit/Buffer; at ise.plugin.nav.Navigator.( at ise.plugin.nav.NavigatorPlugin.handleMessage( at org.gjt.sp.jedit.EditBus.send( at org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit.newView( at org.gjt.sp.jedit.PerspectiveManager$PerspectiveHandler.endElement(
Problem with Proxy Configuration
Submitted by rovf on Monday, 29 December, 2008 - 10:16
I can't get Proxy Configuration right, with the effect that I can not use the Plugin Manager (connection times out).

I am behind a firewall, so I configured my Proxy settings in the same way as they work, for instance, for my Mozilla Browsers (SeaMonkey etc.). Still, jEdit seems to be unable to get through the firewall.

You can see here a screenshot of my Proxy settings:

I'm using jEit 4.3pre13 running on Windows 2000.
Submitted by Blitzcoder on Monday, 29 December, 2008 - 23:14
Hey guys, I'm writing a small IDE ( for a basic-like language (BlitzMax) using the latest jedit textarea (pre16 I think). Multiline-comments are set using "Rem" and "EndRem" (case-insensetive). Now the end of a multiline comment can be "EndRem" or "End Rem". I'm using a SPAN_REGEXP-Tag in the mode file, but since I can just use regex in and not in . So I don't know how to highlight these comments. At the moment my definition looks like this: ^\W*Rem\W*$ EndRem Perfect would be a definition like this: ^\W*Rem\W*$ ^\W*End\s*Rem\W*$ Do you have any ideas how to highlight these comments? Do you have any reason for disallow regex in ? If not, I could write a patch to make this possible. Thanks for your answers.. Johannes Wotzka
Little boxes instead of thai characters
Submitted by jfmxl on Wednesday, 31 December, 2008 - 12:08
I am unable to enter Thai characters into jEdit, and jEdit no longer displays Thai characters, but little square boxes instead. The files I'm looking at are loaded as utf-8.

I show below various parameters of my system. I had to set the locale by hand. No matter what I tried I could not get the system to do it.

I have a java based dictionary program as well, LEXiTRON, which will display Thai characters but will not allow me to enter them. OpenOffice, Text Editor, command line, Firefox, Thunderbird... no problems.

So I think it's java.

Anyone have any insight?

Thanks in advance.

jfl@ws0:~$ uname -a
Linux ws0 2.6.27-9-generic #1 SMP Thu Nov 20 21:57:00 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux

jfl@ws0:~$ jedit -version
Warning: $JAVA_HOME environment variable not set! Consider setting it.
Attempting to locate java...
Found a virtual machine at: /usr/bin/java...
jfl@ws0:~$ jEdit 4.3pre16

jfl@ws0:~$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_10"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_10-b33)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.0-b15, mixed mode, sharing)

jfl@ws0:~$ locale

jfl@ws0:~$ locale -a

jfl@ws0:~$ cat /etc/environment
Modifying the file position format
Submitted by CornedBee on Thursday, 1 January, 2009 - 19:21
Somewhere before my last upgrade (to rc16), the status bar file position has changed to include the (byte? character?) offset of the cursor in the first place of the status bar file position. I don't know what motivated this change - I find this information to be largely useless - but whatever.
I just want to know if I can configure this anywhere. I want to turn it off. I want the current line to be first and most prominent item of information there. The Status Bar options only let me configure the widgets on the right side.
MAc jedit as2 as3
Submitted by Aresti on Wednesday, 7 January, 2009 - 02:48
Hi , how do i create as2 or as3, I have mac vesion. I want to load things to get started, also when i downloaded jedit, does it come with flash as compiler?
vertical connecting lines
Submitted by carolus on Thursday, 8 January, 2009 - 12:34
I noticed in some of the screen shots, on the page, that vertical lines connecting program code lines, i.e. in HTML and similiar, when the lines are indented. I could not find this options. In the forum I found a discussion about this feature but no solution. Can anybody help? carolus
Backup files when using remote filesystems
Submitted by cyrusking on Friday, 9 January, 2009 - 10:25
is it possible to automatically backup a file which is stored on a remote filesystem? Although the options are checked to store a backup in a specific folder on saving, it doesn't save the backup when my file is stored on a ftp-server.

Thank you for any hints.
Indent problem
Submitted by Edijs on Friday, 9 January, 2009 - 11:25
Hello! Just recently I had to change form developing on a Mac to Windows. Well, on Mac I had this cool editor, called TextWrangler. I searched the web and found Jedit to be the most look-and-fell-alike to TextWrangler out there and that's awesome. Even the shortcuts are similar Smiling ; anyways, I managed to do all the setup and even my own syntax highlighting, but my only problem now is - I need to get rid of that automatic indentation. The language I program in has so many built in functions and procedures, that there are some files, that contain logical blocks of code consisting only of outer functions, thus the automatic indentation is working in the wrong place and throws my lines of code all over the place.

The only thing that I have not been able to shut down is the indentation when I type. I could shut off the auto indent when I press TAB or ENTER, but where can I shut the auto indend upon typing?

BIG thanks! Smiling
jEdit Search history
Submitted by joe131 on Friday, 9 January, 2009 - 18:38
Hi All, I've used jEdit for years and think it's excellent! But one thing has bugged me since Day one. Besides the lol Smiling If you add the Search Toolbar, and type in a word to search for, it doesn't get added to "Previously entered strings". The only way strings seem to get added is if you use the Search->Find Dialog. So I'm looking at the code now to try to find a way to get it to save strings entered into the Search Bar. I think this would be HUGE. If there is already a way to "enable" this, let me know, otherwise I'm hoping to track down the code involved and modify it. Keep up the good work! Smiling Joe Siebenmann
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« December 2008 »
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Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   95102
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46060
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18599
JBuilder scheme   .001   18500
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18029
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17478
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16211
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16073
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15234
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14298